Frogs In Boiling Water

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, May 11, 2011 3 comments
We are the victims. Frogs in boiling water. That is who we are. Trying to leap out of the cauldron of rising prices, especially that of sugar.

Image taken from HERE.

Today, I went to my usual nyonya kuih seller to buy my favorite purple kuih bengkar. As always, I zero in on the slices that are at the side because they are soft yet crispy and more aromatic. After selecting two pieces, I gave the lady RM1. Then I waited for my change.

I looked at her.


She looked at me.

I continued to wait for her to give me my change.

Nothing happened.

Hmmmmm.... So I asked her, "Ah Ee, how much is the kuih?"

With a smile on her face she replied, "Fifty cents per piece."

In my mind, I screeeeeeeeeeeaaaamed, "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTT?"

Last year, it was 30 cents and then 35 cents after the sugar hike. Then, at the beginning of this year, it was forty cents and today it is 50 cents!!!!

Can you believe it? The government raised the price of sugar by 20 cents per kilo and the kuih seller raised her price by ten cents in tandem with the price increase.

I wanted to do a post on the increase in the price of sugar and when surfing, I came across this excellent article by Queville To of Free Malaysia Today who wrote:

As far as the government is concerned it is a sweet monopoly. The market forces do not dictate the price of sugar, the government does.

On Tuesday the price of sugar in the country has gone up by 20 sen, from RM2.10 to RM2.30 per kilogram .

This is the fourth time sugar prices had increased since Jan 1 last year when it was priced at RM1.65 per kilo.

Prior to that, sugar prices were maintained at RM1.45 for a long period. This marks a 58.6 percent increase in less than one-and-a-half years.

PKR supreme council member Dr Roland Chia feels that the only way to stop periodic price increase in sugar is to take way the monopoly from the government.

“There should be a free competition with the imports of sugar. Let the market eventually stabilize the price of sugar, not the government price control mechanisms, as it just does not work in the long run,” said Chia.

Chia also questioned the sincerity of the government when the sugar monopoly was under Perlis Plantations Berhad, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Kuok Group, and how the government kept a tight reign over price increases.


Ever since it was bought over by Felda Global – a wholly-owned subsidiary of federal government – there has been periodical price hikes.

“It was better when the sugar supply monopoly was held by the Kuok Group through the Perlis Plantations Bhd. There was no increase of sugar prices for 10 -15 years. But, the moment it came under the control of Felda Global, the price of sugar has gone up by RM0.85 cents per kilo in a short period of time,” he said.

The monopoly situation has given rise to questions of profiteering,incompetency as well as the rationale behind allowing Felda Global to enjoy monopoly over the import and export of sugar.

Malaysians relatively high sugar intake is blamed for the increased incidence of diabetes, obesity and other related health issues in the country. CLICK HERE FOR THE REST OF THE ARTICLE.

I guess we will still be jumping around as I expect MORE increases in the prices of many other foodstuffs that have sugar content.

Do leave a comment to share your views. Thanks. Have a great day!

3 comments to Frogs In Boiling Water

  1. says:

    UP41 Dear MWS,

    My friend and I have predicted this when RK family gave up the sugar business here as we have seen the same pattern in the rice prices once it was changed hand to a monopoly controlled by you know who. Malaysian is cursed by lady ga (add in Cantonese ) ga so everyday ga prices loh ....

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear UP 41

    That is such a spot-on comment. Thanks for your sharp observations.Yup - we are at their mercies where the prices of sugar, rice and petrol are concerned.

    I foresee more ga-ga tunes coming!

    Take care and thanks for sharing! Have a nice day.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear UP41

    I surmise we will be going gagagagagaga when they carry on their Lady Ga Ga Ga $$$ moves.


    Thanks so much for your spot on comments. Of late, many economists have also questioned these developments.

    Let's hope something positive will happen soon.

    Take care. Wishing you and yours a lovely weekend.


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