Interview - Citizenship Application *humor*

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, May 5, 2011 6 comments
An immigrant from China is applying for citizenship in Canada. He is to be interviewed by a Canadian immigration officer. He does not speak English well and knows nothing about Canada. Therefore, he invited a special translator to help him in his interview.

Officer: Do you know who was the first Prime Minister of Canada?

Translator: ( in Cantonese) The officer asked you, Where do you usually go if you want to eat hamburger?

Man: (answered to the officer) Oh..... McDonald (the first minister of Canada is Sir John MacDonald.)

The officer nodded his head and then asked the second question.

Officer: Could you tell me which province you're living in now?

Translator: (in Cantonese) The officer just asked you, What is the dirtiest thing in your nose?

Man: (replied to the officer in Cantonese) Ah..... Bay See (which means nose dirt in Chinese)

(The man lives in the province of British Columbia, commonly known as B.C.)

The officer added a current affair question, "Who is the prime minister of Canada now?"

The translator speaks in Cantonese, "What's that part of the face below your lips and above your neck?"

Man replied "Har Par". (which means chin in Cantonese) (The current prime minister of Canada is Prime Minister Stephen Harper)

The officer nodded his head again and asked the final question.

Officer: Do you know what your privilege is when you become Canadian?

Translator: (in Cantonese) The officer asked you, How does a dog sounds like when it barks?

Man: (demonstrated the sound to the officer)... Woe, Woe. (Vote, Vote. One of the privileges of a Canadian is the right to vote.)

The officer told the man that all the questions were answered correctly, shook hands with him and congratulated him that he had passed the interview to be a Canadian citizen.

-Author Unknown-

Thanks to Angela who sent me this joke. Have a nice day everyone.

6 comments to Interview - Citizenship Application *humor*

  1. says:

    stephen An englishman was applying to become a citizen of Australia.He was handed a form to fill up.After some time he approached the officer looking perplexed."See here,it says,any criminal record?" "I didn't know its still a requirement".

  1. says:

    Bite Bite oh my, what a way to gain citizenship.... :)

  1. says:

    ahoo Some people are just so creative with words, ya. Well, just heard this joke from a Pastor last night.

    A lady after happily married to the man of her choice asked her husband one day, me dear, am I pretty or ugly ?

    Her husband took a long paused and finally asked her whether she wants only the truth to that question . He tells her she is both, that is pretty ugly !!!

    A joke a day keeps the joker in us alive and jovial for all days !

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Stephen

    :-) Good one there! Thanks for sharing it with us. It is lovely to hear from you again. Take care and have a wonderful day. Do keep in touch!


  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Bite Bite

    Indeed! At least he got to where he wanted to go LOL! A case of by fluke :-. Take care and have a great day. Always a pleasure to hear from you. Keep in touch!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    LOL!! That is a real funny one haha. Thanks for sharing. I am always amazed at how some can be so wittily and humorously creative. Thanks so much for swinging by. Take care and have a blessed day!


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