Make A Guess!

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, May 18, 2011 6 comments
Let’s see if you can identify this guy.

It should be easy.

Once upon a time ... there was a country that had a very well known-leader.

These are some of the facts about this leader: -

- He spent some time in jail due to political reasons.

- He wrote a book about racial issues.

- His party was declared illegal for some time.

- His country was poor until he industrialized it.

- He promoted the creation and manufacturing of the first national car.

- He promoted the development of science in his country.

- He created many large national projects, including highways and large buildings.

- He made sure that his country hosted a world-class sports event.

- Large and impressive stadiums were built for that purpose.

- He had to deal with a severe currency devaluation.

- He insisted that the problems of his country were due to a conspiracy by Jews, foreign powers and obscure elements.

- He criticised the major powers of the world.

- Most of the countries in the world criticised him, but some said he was right.

- He reduced political opposition to an insignificant level, and the press was controlled by him.

- His party ruled the country.

- He had a number two who called for reforms and caused the jealousy of other big shots in the party.

- His number two, who had been with him for around 17 years, was finally removed under accusations of homosexuality and treason.

.... and the rest of the story is very well-known....

Does this sound familiar ?

Do you know who he is ?

Are you sure?

Think twice .... because you may be wrong !!

Go right below to find the answer .............

He was .... ADOLF HITLER

-Author Unknown-

Indeed, you were wrong weren't you?
Simply because you are more than familiar with Malaysia and Malaysian situations, you thought it was somebody else, did you not ??

Who did you think he was? Do leave a comment to share your views. Thanks!

*Thanks to TO who sent me this post.

6 comments to Make A Guess!

  1. says:

    Chrono13 does this imply that dr.m... = hitler? :D

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Chrono13Dancing Mad

    :-) You are blessed with LOTS of neurons.

    Take care and have a wonderful evening!


  1. says:

    Chrono13 Thanks =)

    I enjoyed reading your blog, especially the jokes and comments on politics.

    Have a nice day too!

  1. says:

    Unknown Good morning Chrono13Dancing Mad

    Thanks! I appreciate your support, encouraging comments and readership! Take care and do keep in touch.

    Have a great day!


  1. says:

    ahoo Hahaha, almost got caught there but honestly I don't know the answer too! The different was that the mamaktail didn't spent time in JAIL but was sent/packed off from his party for going against the then PM (TAR).

    He came back much stronger and he'd planned well. Can we ever trust someone who'd no qualms about switching his race for survival sake ? Well, what we sow we shall reap.

  1. says:

    Chester Khuan I didn't know our 4th PM share so many traits with that monster.

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