The Man Who Saw the Future

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, May 22, 2011 1 comments
Today, my family visited the Bujang Valley Archaeological Site in Kedah. Everyone MUST visit that site to have a better understanding of Malaysian history. I am uploading the many pics taken at the site and I will write a post about it tomorrow plus a review of the forum I attended last night.

In the mean time, here's a very fascinating article that might interest you:

THE MAN WHO SAW THE FUTURE - How the sci-fi writer Geoffrey Hoyle predicted 2011's technologies in 1972

*Thanks to TO who sent me this link.

Stay tuned for more updates. Thanks! Have a great week ahead!

1 comments to The Man Who Saw the Future

  1. says:

    modernlifeisrubbish Dear MWS,

    A good piece though i wish it elaborates deeper some of the points.

    Mr Hoyle's feeling of our attitudes not keeping pace with technological advancement is poignant seeing that the very technologies that help create the modern civilisation could have the potential to destroy it.

    Sometimes, when i went shopping with my wife, i can't help noticing that most of the high-tech stuff on display are only to make our already conforming lives easier than it already is. Most do nothing that increase the quality of our lives. What if i have the latest LED HDTV. i would be lying if i say i don't feel happy when i get these things; i do.

    From the trivial 'electronic cigarettes' to the deadly weaponry we make to destroy each other. It is our collective attitudes that created those technological advancement that does not help people. While overlooking technologies that could eliminate poverty, cure diseases, make healthcare and houses affordable to all. Technologies that does not divide people into classes based on race or religion but make people come together based on our common virtues and goodness.

    Which brings to the second point mentioned in the article- few children these days "have the imagination to consider their own future world." i suspect that the 'kids' mentioned by Hoyle lived in a big city, with affluent parents possibly. With technologies almost reaching its zenith, these rich kids could have almost anything and are probably enjoying life.

    So, are there children who dream of a better, future world? i think there are. Many of them. Only they are not the typical children that i know of. They lived not in affluent, developed countries. They dream of a better world for all from their homes amidst the cries of hunger and suffering.

    From my humble everyday observation, rich people only think of how to get richer. While the middle-class thinks of getting rich. How could their children imagine as to their future beyond getting the latest I-pad while chatting with their friends about how cool it is to have one? A modern, consumerist lifestyle could only breed more of the same.

    Which brings me back to reality. The reality that those working with me in the office are the same. We look at the same clock. We probably think about the same things most of the day- what to eat for lunch; what to say to make our boss happy; after work, what to eat for dinner, what entertainment to get after dinner and so on. And it's no wonder my soul feels dead sometimes. For i have become an automaton too.

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