The Singaporean Example

Posted by Unknown On Saturday, May 14, 2011 2 comments
An article in The Star by Seah Chiang Nee (whose column I have been faithfully following for many years) wrote:
MANY years ago when the then Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew was on a visit to a developing Asian country, he received a last hour request for a meeting with the host leader.

As an accompanying journalist, I was alerted to it by the screaming police sirens when Lee returned an hour later.
This was in the 70s.

I asked the PM later what that was about, and he said, off the record, that the host PM had wanted to hear first-hand how Singapore – the world’s new nation – had organised itself from scratch.

Lee had told him that a nation of three million people would need at least seven or eight like-minded capable leaders for the Cabinet.

And it had to be supported by an outer ring of at least 20 or 30 top civil servants who were dedicated and corruption-free, such as permanent secretaries, police chief, etc, Lee added.

Since then, he seldom stopped talking about good leaders....
Between now and 2016 (and beyond) if the PAP fails to gather people more capable and passionate than its rivals, it will be eventually replaced.

In recent times, Singaporeans have regularly lamented that the quality of political leadership since Lee’s generation has declined – despite higher education and richer rewards.

Would Singapore have a better standard of living today if it were governed by the first generation leaders? CLICK HERE for the rest of the article.
Another article in The Malaysian Insider said:

Minister Mentor, Lee Kuan Yew, 87, and Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong, 69, announced today their decision to retire from the Cabinet and leave government entirely to the younger generation of ministers.

Lee, who has been part of Singapore’s government since 1965, and Goh, who succeeded him as prime minister in 1990, announced in a joint statement that they were opting out of government since last week’s general election signalled the emergence of a new generation.

Both men were returned to parliament in the poll. CLICK HERE for the unexpected joint press statement.


In Malaysia, some who have SUPPOSEDLY retired, are even more active, influential and vocal than when they were in office! When will they REALLY retire and ride into the sunset to enjoy their twilight years?

Food for thought.

2 comments to The Singaporean Example

  1. says:

    Tiger That's the main difference.
    Singapore had people of caliber, while Malaysia.....enough said.

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Tiger

    Tahu sama tahu...Sighs...Take care and have a great week ahead!


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