Dating In The Future?

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, June 23, 2011 2 comments
In the 1970's, dating was a simple event where the couple could just go to the movies, fishing, walks in the park, cycling etc. However, the times they are a-changing and one may not know what the future holds for those who are keen on going for a date ...Take a look at the following illustration that T.O sent to me...Let's hope we do not face such a scenario! Take care and have a lovely day!

2 comments to Dating In The Future?

  1. says:

    Bunny too bad this technology did not exist in the '70s. would have saved me a lot of heartache and $$$$$.

  1. says:

    nick Sis,

    That technology would be great when choosing the politician to vote. A device that can scan the face of the politician (adun or MP) wannabe and immediately let us know their past records, bribery preference, tendency for cheating, lying and slander. And most important of all, his hidden animal characteristic such as leaping like a frog from KB, stealing like a monkey from Rembau, changing skin like a chameleon from Kulim, slow moving as a sloth from Pekan and the top animal, extinct like a dodo from Jelebu.


    Wouldn't it be great, huh, Sis? GOD bless all of us.

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