Thou Shall Not...

Posted by Unknown On Saturday, June 11, 2011 2 comments

Thou shalt not act half starved whenever thou watches me eat.

Thou shalt not lift thy leg to water the Christmas tree.

Thou shalt not roll in any smelly stuff thy finds in the yard.

Thou shalt not lie down next to me and commence making licking and popping noises. (I know what thou art doing!)

Thou shalt not dig up my favourite rose bush.

Thou shalt not treat my shoes as if they were thy chew toy.

Thou shalt not drink out of the toilet.

Thou shalt keep thy nose out of the cat's litter box.

Thou shalt not WATCH the cat while she is in her litterbox. (she likes her privacy)

Thou shalt not pass gas in my presence, and then walk away as if thou has been offended by me.

Thou shalt not run away from home in pursuit of a good time. (thou has been neutered)

Thou shalt refrain from coughing and gagging while we have company.

Thou shall not hide thy bones under my pillow.

Thou shalt not sniff the crotch of everyone thy encounters.

Thou shalt not harmonize with the cat at 2a.m.

Thou shalt not sneak up on me and lick me in the mouth while I am sleeping.

Thou shalt refrain from becoming overly affectionate with my mother-in-law's leg.

-Author Unknown-

*Posted with grateful thanks to T.O. I hope Cat-In-Sydney can leave a comment about Commandments for Cats :-). Have a lovely Saturday, everyone!

2 comments to Thou Shall Not...

  1. says:

    1. Cat-from-Sydney Thou shalt not entice the cats to leave a comment (thou will be spat at) har har har *evil laughs*

  1. says:

    2. Unknown My dear Angelina

    You are a little cheeky feline darling indeed LOL!!!

    Take care and be a good girl!!! Don't bully Brad and the others ok?

    Make it a purrfect weekend for your mama and papa by showering them with your tender loving care!


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