
Posted by Unknown On Sunday, October 30, 2011 3 comments
Thanks to SKT who sent me the following post.

Strong women are those
who know the road ahead
will be strewn with obstacles,
but they still
choose to walk it
because it's the right one
for them.
Strong women are those
who make mistakes,
who admit to them,
learn from those failures,
and then use that knowledge.
They fail time and again,
but still keep trying
until they succeed.
Strong women face
the daily trials of life,
sometimes with a tear,
but always with their
heads held high
as the new day dawns.

~Brenda Hager

3 comments to Strength

  1. says:

    1. KoSong Cafe But don't find a strong woman for a wife.

  1. says:

    2. Starmandala Yeah, KoSong Cafe, as a neighbor, no problem :-)

  1. says:

    3. Unknown Dear KoSong Cafe and Antares

    Great comments :-)! Thank you both for the smiles....


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