Going Bananas Over Bananas?

Posted by Unknown On Saturday, April 7, 2012 0 comments
Angela sent me the following post via email. Thanks to her diligent sharing of vital and sometimes hilarious information, I can share with readers. Today, the post is about bananas. I have no idea who is the author or the source but am just sharing it for the sake of information.
I am thankful for my friend and former colleague - Patrick Tan- who often gives my family pisang rajah, finger bananas and other types of bananas when he comes back from his hometown in Southern Thailand.


At the rate of RM 2/- 1 Kg., think again before buying/eating bananas. My request for everybody is to be vigilant.

Friends, we all love bananas and we eat a lot of them, but the bananas available in the market are forced ripe by dipping in water mixed with Carbide.

The consumption of these bananas is 100% sure to cause Cancer or some other infection in the stomach. Therefore, such type of bananas are to be avoided.

But, how does one recognize the bananas ripened with the help of Carbide? Bananas which are ripened naturally are dark yellow and there are small black spots here and there on the bananas and the stalks are black.

While those which are forced ripe with Carbide are lemon yellow and their stalks are green and moreover they are clear yellow without any black spots.

Now, what is Carbide and how is it harmful? Carbide is a chemical which if mixed with water, emits heat and the heat emitted by a Close tank mixed with Carbide is even more than that emitted by a LPG Cylinder, so much so it can be used for Gas Cutting (which means the calorific value is so high that it can replace LPG gas).

In the same way, when the bunch of bananas are dipped in the water mixed with Carbide, the gas gets absorbed into the bananas and they get ripe.

However, the banana vendors are not that literate and so they do not know the exact proportion of Carbide to be used for a dozen of bananas. As a result they end up using excess quantity of Carbide which gets absorbed into the bananas and ultimately enters our stomach.

Due to this excess use of Carbide, Tumours can be formed in our digestive system.

So, next time you purchase bananas, make sure you select the naturally ripened ones in selecting bananas.


In all things, always exercise moderation. My good friend Dr Murali reminded me recently that bananas also contain high levels of potassium which can spike our blood pressure. Read more HERE.

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