Stay Away From These Folks!

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, May 1, 2012 3 comments
Thanks to Angela who sent me this fantastic article. I agree wholeheartedly with the writer. Once I know someone is insincere, a serial liar or hypocrite or pretender, that is it. Snip snip snip. The end - after three chances. No regrets or delays. I would rather keep sane than to have such toxins in my life. It is also important that I do not have such traits and if anytime I do, please knock me on my head. If I realize it myself, I must ensure I consolidate and terminate such characteristics.

I must add a fifth category to this article and wrote about my abhorrence for LIARS, PRETENDERS and HYPOCRITES. Once I know someone has lied to me persistently, it is a quiet exit for me after three chances. I will walk away without looking back. Thank goodness I am strong enough to do this and hold my head up high in dignity. So be careful, dear readers. Sometimes it may take years for one to discover that someone whom one thinks is a friend is in reality, a fiend. Conversely, a new acquaintance could be a con man in disguise. One may have good intentions but if the other is insincere, one can be sure the reaction from that liar will be nothing but lies. So, do not be deceived. Be on guard and steer away from such people regardless of what status or profession they may have for masks can hide the heart but the truth will be revealed in time to set us free from such deceitful characters!!!

Stay Away from these Four Type of Toxic People

Those with whom we assemble, we soon resemble!

This simple old saying hides a deep Truth that can enlighten and empower every aspect of our lives:

Who we are — our very essence — is continually being transformed by the company we keep.

Stated differently, when we keep the company of what is light and bright, our lives get lighter and brighter. And when we keep the company of what is dark and discouraging, our lives can't help but be dragged downward.

This idea might sound a little simplistic at first, but its power soon becomes evident when we put it to use in the quest to realize our highest aspirations. The key lies in understanding that this principle is active on multiple levels at once. For instance, when referring to "the company we keep," we of course mean the people we spend time with every day — family, friends, co-workers, etc. However, on a deeper and more important level, "company" can also refer to the thoughts and feelings moving within us in any given moment.

1 Muckrakers: These negative sprits live to drag up old painful events and then revel in the anger, resentment, or bitterness that such unhappy memories hold. Stay away from any spirit, in others or in yourself, that wants you to dive into some suffering over what happened in any past moment.

2 Mud Slingers: These malicious spirits pull themselves up by pulling others down. They love to gossip, criticize, judge, and denigrate anyone who ever had the misfortune of spending time with them. The only loyalty these denizens of the unconscious worlds have is to their own pain, which they feed by involving everyone they can in their mud slinging.

3 Swamp Dwellers: There is a group of mired spirits that thrive on low vibrations, and that require a human instrument to play out their endless dark dissonance. Easily recognizable, these misfortunate forces serve up dreadful mental pictures of past and future events for the sake of the unnatural reactions they produce. Ignore these corrupted spirits and they must take their evil speculations elsewhere.

4 Life Haters: These dark spirits perpetuate their hold on the human soul by resisting the beautiful gifts of life. They trick us into commiserating with their complaining, cruelty, and irritation because without our unconscious consent, these chronically conflicted spirits can't spread their poison.

Just as harmful viruses require a human host to exist and thrive, so do negative states require the unconscious consent of human beings to carry out their dark mission. For what power does a negative thought have other than the power to convince a person to do its bidding? The answer is none!

When we begin to consciously withdraw our consent to associate with toxic people, and the toxic thoughts and feelings inside of us, we leave them with no place to thrive. Our real inner work is to sweep clean the places in ourselves where such creatures reside which in turn brightens our life and the lives of everyone around us.

Begin today, this very moment, to withdraw any permission you have unknowingly granted these dark spirits to be in your life. Do not judge yourself, or those around you in whom these misdirected forces are active, but instead come awake and refuse to spend one more moment of your life lending your precious life force to their dark purposes.

This powerful, positive action will change your life. As you begin to refuse to consort with what is dark, you'll find that you begin to attract with what is light, bright, and cheerful. Your relationships will deepen, your professional life will take on new vigor and freshness, and the whole of your days will begin to resemble the radiant Life that you have deliberately chosen as your conscious companion.

Those with whom we assemble, we soon resemble! This simple old saying hides a deep Truth that can enlighten and empower every aspect of our lives: Who we are — our very essence — is continually being transformed by the company we keep. Stated differently, when we keep the company of what is light and bright, our lives get lighter and brighter. And when we keep the company of what is dark and discouraging, our lives can't help but be dragged downward.

I googled for the author of this post and here is some info:

About the Author

This article was written by Guy Finley, who is the best-selling author of over 30 books and audio programs on self-transformation. His works, which have sold over a million copies and have been translated into 16 languages, are recommended by doctors, ministers, and industry leaders. For information about Guy Finley's books, booklets, audio programs, and helpful on-going study groups visit THIS SITE where you can also sign up to receive a free weekly Key Lesson.

3 comments to Stay Away From These Folks!

  1. says:

    cin2tan SIGHS ! ...I was a NUT school rep cum staff rep : in front of HM I had to speak up 4 staff & students ...they kept quiet macam tikus !
    Behind the HM, they complained & criticized & .... !
    Results : i got transferred out & got NO NO NO 'double or treble increments' after >20 years of services !
    Biniku : " @#$%^& ...stupid swami !"

  1. says:

    Wan Sharif We have a saying.. Your way of life is the way of life of the company of your friends.

  1. says:

    cin2tan Birds of the same feathers !?

    Chinese saying : ALL crows are BLACK !

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