The cancer institute online is dedicated simply to cancer statistics and occurances. Their rates between 2007 and 2009 extrapolate that over 40% of all men and women today will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. That is almost 50%!
First, what exactly is cancer?
The body is made up of trillions of cells. The cells grow, divide and die in an orderly fashion. It’s a tightly controlled process. Cancer, on the other hand, is a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body. It can happen anywhere in the body - lungs, bones, breasts, etc.
Here is an interesting fact: Cancerous cells cannot survive in an oxygenated environment.
Lets flip this around. It means that a low cellular oxygenation level in newly-formed cells are actually going to turn cancerous. In 1931 Dr. Warburg won his first Nobel Prize for proving cancer is caused by a lack of oxygen respiration in cells. He stated in an article titled The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer that "the cause of cancer is no longer a mystery, we know it occurs whenever any cell is denied 60% of its oxygen requirements."
This is the prime cause of cancer.
Of course there are secondary causes of cancer but lack of oxygen seems to be the #1. He then goes on to elaborate that “the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. All normal body cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part by fermentation.”
In summary, this means that cancerous cells are anaerobes (without oxygen) and healthy cells are aerobes (with oxygen).
What reduces oxygen levels in cells?
Buildup of cellular toxicity which then damages the cellular oxygen respiration mechanism within cells.
Poor blood flow in the form of red blood cells clumping which slows down the bloodstream and restricts flow into capillaries.
Lack of proper building blocks for cell walls that don’t allow nutrients into the cells.
An acidic environment in the body.
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