Beautifully Insightful

Posted by Unknown On Friday, March 1, 2013 0 comments
Human Life Would Be Perfect If... 
Anger Had A STOP Button 
Mistakes Had A REWIND Button 
Hard Times Had A FORWARD Button 
And Good Times A PAUSE Button!!

Your grudges, resentments,
frustrations and jealousies
will finally disappear.
So too your hopes, ambitions, plans
and to-do lists will expire

The wins and losses that once seemed
so important will disappear.
It won't matter where you came from
Or on what side of the tracks you lived
at the end

It won't matter whether you are beautiful or brilliant
Even your gender and skin colour
Will be irrelevant

So what will matter?
How will the value of your days be measured?
What will matter is not what you bought
but what you built;
not what you got,
but what you gave.

What will matter is not your success,
but your significance.
What will matter is not what you learned,
but what you taught.

What will matter is every act of integrity,
compassion or sacrifice that enriched
or empowered or encouraged others
to emulate your example.

What will matter is not your competence
but your character.

What will matter is not how many people you knew,
but how many people will feel the loss,
when you are gone.

What will matter is not your memories,
but the memories that lived in those
who loved you.
What will matter is how long you will be remembered,
by whom and for what.

Living a life that matters is not by accident.
It is not a matter of circumstances,
but of choice.

Live life to the fullest and don't look back!


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