The Amazing Superfood

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, March 20, 2013 0 comments

Coconut oil, from the research I have done, is by far the best of the best. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the benefits of coconut oil include hair care, skin care, stress relief, maintaining cholesterol levels, weight loss, increased immunity, proper digestion and metabolism, relief from kidney problems, heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, HIV, cancer, dental care, and bone strength.

When I read all this I thought I was reading about organic sulfur crystals. So, delving further, I learned that coconut oil is sulfur based. When seeing bottles of coconut oil in stores that were cool from air-conditioning, I noticed that the oil was not liquid but solid. Upon further examination, the solid oil looked like tiny crystals.

But, being an oil and not something that would be consumed frequently in more than minute quantities, coconut oil is extremely beneficial over a long period of time as opposed to the immediate benefits of ingesting organic sulfur crystals on a regular daily basis.

That being said, the following will put into perspective why coconut oil should be added to one's diet regimen.

In the past, there was strong propaganda by the corn and soy oil industries against coconut oil because it was hurting their business and their profits. Their allegations were that due to coconut oil's high saturated fat content it was harmful to one's health. Yet, this oil has been used extensively in tropical countries like the Philippines, India (it is used extensively in the Ayuevedic system), Thailand, etc. for generations with no adverse side effects. Coconut oil was also very popular in the western countries like the U.S. and Canada but they succumbed to the propaganda and cut back on its use only until the early 2000s when the propaganda was questioned and seriously looked into. What they discovered brought back coconut oils' popularity.

The benefits of coconut oil is due to the presence of lauric, capric, and caprylic acids in it and the antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, and antibacterial properties inherent within the oil. Our bodies convert the lauric acid into monolaurin, which fights the viruses and bacteria associated with herpes, flu, HIV, listeria, and giardia.

Despite coconut oil being more than 90 percent saturated fat, most of which are medium chain triglycerides, the lauric acid is the chief contributor to its assimilation. It also is rich in linoleic acid, oleic acid, poly-phenols, which are responsible for its fragrance and taste, vitamin E, vitamin K, iron, and organic sulfur.

For hair, coconut oil promotes healthy growth, keeps hair shiny, reduces protein loss, eliminates dandruff when used in head massage, provides essential proteins for nourishing damaged hair, is an excellent conditioner, helps in the re-growth of damaged hair, and helps in keeping the hair free from ukus (Hawaiian for lice and bugs). It is applied topically after bathing.


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