Why Are Some People So Lucky In Life?

Posted by Unknown On Friday, April 4, 2014 0 comments
Did you ever look at someone and think, "He is so lucky. He has money, he's in a great relationship and wow -- what a great career, being able to travel like that?"

I've done it too. And as my mind entertained this thought, I would find myself in an often depressing place overthinking about reasons why I wasn't as successful as "that guy."

I wasn't so lucky. I wasn't lucky to be born with good looks or into the right family. I wasn't lucky enough to have the right education or lucky enough to be at the right place at the right time.

But as I grew in my career and in my life and by meeting lots of people from all over the world in so many walks of life, I made this profound realization:

Sure, we can be born into it and fall into it. But so many successful people I met -- from couples in blissful long-term relationships to successful career women to billionaires to profoundly happy people who have very little -- became "lucky" because they think differently and take certain actions.

As I thought about my own journey of learning to deal with uncertainty these days, I realized that in the absence of luck being granted to us by the lottery of birth, we all can get a chance to get lucky.

Here are 21 reasons why some people get lucky in life:

Lucky people...

CLICK HERE for more.

Thanks to Angela for sharing this post last year. I have saved it till I completely forgot about it until today!

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