Posted by Unknown On Friday, February 6, 2009 6 comments
barbie!!!! Pictures, Images and Photos

There were two things that I hated most in my childhood. DOLLS and DRESSES!!! Funny how both begin with the letter 'd' :-)- perhaps to remind me of the feelings I had then whenever I saw either items:

DESPAIR etc etc...

I would never accept any dolls and would only wear dresses for two occasions : weddings and the first day of Chinese New Year. Even then, I would cringe in HORROR when I saw the lacy, prickly dresses which my mother had painstakingly sewn for me so lovingly. I guess some of us are born with a different taste for clothes. I suppose God knows how I feel and gave me two boys because if I had had any daughters, I would probably have turned them into the tomboy that I was in my childhood - climbing up jambu trees, playing with spiders, guns, trains etc. What can one expect? I grew up with my male cousins...Thus, I could never understand why my friends' daughters were so taken with BARBIE DOLLS or Cabbage Patch Dolls. Geez - I can live with Paddington Bears or Winnie the Pooh but Barbie???? So how did it all begin?


In 1956, Ruth Handler, an American businesswoman, was vacationing in Switzerland when she came across Bild Lilli, a doll that, unlike popular baby dolls at the time, had long, shapely legs and wore heavy makeup. Lilli, in fact, was based on a prostitute in a postwar German cartoon, but Handler was inspired. She bought three Lilli dolls, returned to California and in 1959 created the world's first Barbie doll.

Lilli Pictures, Images and Photos

That issue of TIME reports that Mattel's iconic doll is getting a marketing makeover, led by a pink-tastic Shanghai concept store. You can read more about it here if you do not subscribe to TIME.

Can you imagine that during a time when many countries in the world have slipped into recession/slump, one company is spending so much time and money on a DOLL?????

On March 6th, the company intends to open a 38 000 sq. ft. HOUSE OF BARBIE (!!!!*faint!!!). To coil in horror, please read the description of the store at this link and perhaps you may also palpitate to discover that Vera Wang has designed a USD$15 000 human-sized Barbie wedding dress to be sold exclusively at the Shanghai store.
barbie Pictures, Images and Photos
I recall in the 1990s, I gave my Sociology students a research project on how Barbie dolls may have indirectly caused anorexia nervosa in many teenagers(note the small waistline of Barbie dolls). Of course, I must admit that as a kid, I was a die-hard "I dream of Jeannie" fan...Barbie was loosely based on the character...but that is as close as I can get to Barbie dolls.

Give me seven stones, kites, tops or bears anytime...Why is it that in modern society, we have lost so much of our heritage in terms of traditional childhood games etc? As we celebrate modernization, may we not forget our roots when our kids get exposed to such alienating forms of 'entertainment' e.g. PSP games, Nintendo Wii and so on. Maybe then, Botox will not be a catch-phrase for Barbie lovers :-).

flowers Pictures, Images and Photos


  1. says:

    Argus Lou Oooo... I dislike Barbies too. Gimme a live dog any day.

  1. says:

    Unknown Hello Argus Lou,

    Thanks for dropping by and for your comments. Yes, like you, I am a dog-lover too! Do swing by again.

    Have a nice weekend!


  1. says:

    ocho-onda Hello fellow dog-lovers. While we are still in the domain of the letter D...which may also denote...Desire. Delicious,Dada, Daffodils,Dogs, Dunnocks, etc..

    The only toys left are virtual ones. Gone are the real toys which as kids, we learnt to make ourselves - kites and tops !
    I miss roaming through the "jungles" with fellow kakis ,the birds that we boasted to have shot with our "lastiks",the butterflies that we chased after, the fighting spiders that we caught,the "peacock" fishes that abound the many unpolluted streams.....

  1. says:

    Unknown Hello Ocho-Onda,

    I suspect you must be a baby-boomer like me - growing up in the late 60s and early 70s, no?

    Thanks for the positive vibes re the D stuff :-) after all the dreadful adjectives haha.

    Indeed, as a kid, I made my own kite and had a great time with tops especially when I could "chiak bak" i.e. damage my opponents' tops with mine. I still play 'lastic' or slingshot with my son but we use soya beans instead of stones and we use it on lallang for the butterflies, sadly, they are few in number.

    I live in Penang and in the 1970s, I used to go to this place called Chin Farm up in Teluk Bahang with my neighbours where we would swim in the 'pool' there and bask in the sunshine. Sheer bliss indeed. Most teens today would balk at such a scene and opt instead for shopping malls or cyber cafes. And yes, I also had fighting fish, peacock boys too :-).

    Great to share such similarities with you.

    Thanks for popping by and for your comment. :-)


  1. says:

    Nameless Fool So Barbie was based on a doll that was based on a prostitute in a cartoon?
    Prostitute... LoL.

    There's a generation between us at least, I'm sure, but I think of myself as a tomboy as well. I remember playing with Legos and Hot Wheels cars. There are also Barbie dolls in the old store-room where my household stores things that are supposed to be thrown away, which we procrastinate ever so often... but the doll that I found had only one leg and no dress. The acrylic hair might've been cut by scissors once, too.

    It just tells me that even in my childhood, I know how to mutilate people. :o

    And by the way, soft-toy animals - including octopuses, Tasmanian devils and parrots - beat out shapely plastic toys anytime.
    Hmm, devil. Another D-word... or I've listened to too much heavy metal...

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Nerdcore,

    Thanks for popping by. I can really identify with you haha cos I did try to be a hairstylist with my cousin's dolls much to her dismay :-).

    I just came back from a neighbourhood pasar malam and was so disappointed that many kids were carrying non-environment friendly plastic inflatable toys and I do agree with you re soft toys. This old lady here LOVES soft toys which can be found almost everywhere in my home and even in my car!!!

    Take care and thanks so much for popping by here and for your comment. Have a great weekend!


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