Posted by Unknown On Thursday, February 26, 2009 4 comments
What is the meaning of progress in modern society? Does it mean free Wi-fi 24/7 and subsidized laptops for every single citizen? Or does it mean the latest designs in town-planning, earthquake proof skyscrapers and so on? Or does it mean the ability to live together in harmony in spite of, despite latent and manifest differences?

I was completely dumbfounded when I logged into my Malaysiakini account and cast my eyes on how DAP veteran MP Karpal Singh was mobbed by a group of UMNO youths. Never in my life did I expect to see such behavior at the Parliament and today is certainly a sad day in Malaysian history where ethics, behavior and values are considered. From the way things unfolded, it is clear that there was an obvious breach in security that has to be addressed

I have to be fair and concede that the remark made by YB Karpal Singh triggered negative reactions from many quarters but surely there is another way to resolve hurts rather than to indulge in such unwholesome behavior? Imagine how this incident must have made us the laughing stock in Asian countries!!!

To be honest, I have procrastinated about blogging on this topic for a few days. Personally, I believe name-calling of any-sort is most unhealthy for our country given the current social and political climate. Some may say I am a coward but there is such a thing as responsibility. At the same time, we must also recognize that YB Karpal Singh and his family must be going through a traumatic time because of the bullets-in-the-mail incident.

Let us empathize with him and members of his family. Let us show some compassion. Can we not understand that he is expressing an outrage that he feels because his safety is being threatened and then to tell him, "Sir, we understand your anger and frustration but can you please not call us ....?" And then they can to come together, ask for an apology and meet halfway to find a solution to the conflict instead of taking matters in their own hands this way and bombarding one another with accusations and more accusations which do nothing for our country but to deepen the ever widening divide?

The current atmosphere demands that we exercise extreme care and caution in what we say and write and even what we do or do not do. Let us, as Malaysians, exercise greater tolerance, particularly political tolerance, and to extend basic democratic rights and civil liberties to persons and groups whose viewpoints differ from our own.

I believe that political tolerance is a central tenet of democracy or what we can see of it. The individual's rights and freedom to express a wide array of ideas and beliefs, some of which may offend segments of the population must be exercised responsibly. To that end, we must have safeguards for the free expression of divergent opinions or else we may risk a tyranny of the majority.

Studies of adults indicate that psychological characteristics play a much more important role in influencing tolerance levels than do traditional demographic characteristics such as social status, income, and residence.

Many individuals with higher self-esteem, who are less dogmatic and less authoritarian, tend to better withstand the "threat" of ideas at odds with their own. Level of education achieved also consistently predicts a person's level of tolerance. (Sullivan, Piereson & Marcus 1982).

I do not deny that temperatures are high at the moment but let us rise high above the clash of titans in this situation and really deal with differences without the use of violence at all. May the authorities recognize the alternative positions in this conflict and respond in a very fair and just manner.

At the moment, with all that is happening around us, we find ourselves in a political and social world that has been fractured - with hairline cracks in some place but splitting cracks beyond belief in other places. As we, in our own little way, scramble to bring comprehension to the range and diversity of conflict, let us remember we are Malaysians and be proud of it by letting our speech, actions and deliberations bring glory to this nation and not more earth-shaking tremors that shame us such as what had transpired the past two days or even, the past few weeks.

Indeed, the hard truth of political reality has surfaced in our midst albeit not in a very heart-warming way but it does not have to be that way, does it? May the authorities concerned deal with the differences to break the seeming impasse to a vision of generous co-existence where particularity is respected and owned rather than marginalized.

Higher moral reasoning, higher empathy, and higher self-esteem is needed for us to take multiple perspectives, and to see alternative solutions to problems without resorting to destabilizing violent acts. As ordinary Malaysians, one cannot define problems in absolutist terms, with clear "right" and "wrong" answers. Many will have difficulty moving beyond mere platitudes in explaining the importance of democratic principles such as freedom of expression but we have to. We need to exercise political tolerance and to voice our discontent, concerns and unhappiness the correct way, using the correct avenue of communication that the result of the communication may achieve its original objective and the best way is through our elected representatives and through the ballot box, the results of which must be respected.

Let us exercise restraint and work towards unity, somehow. A tall order indeed but if we do not head that way, where will Malaysia be?

The choice is ours but more so, to those who walk in the hallways of power.

Let's make peace and not stir sentiments and create more animosity than what already exists. Let us make a better Malaysia, not a more divided Malaysia.
unity Pictures, Images and Photos


  1. says:

    romerz Sorry to say this but nothing short of a revolution will put this country back on the right track again!

    I won't be the one to start it but follow? Most definitely!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Romerz,

    Honestly, I hope that will not happen and that the tide will change for the better...

    *sigh* What will happen? When will common sense, justice and forbearance prevail?

    Soon I hope, although it sounds as though I am such a dreamer...

    Thanks for swinging by...


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  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anonymous

    Sorry I cannot help you there because I am not that IT savvy. Perhaps you can google it.

    Thanks for the recommendation.

    Have a nice day!


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