Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, February 3, 2009 5 comments
I managed to salvage this post which was first published in November 2008. To be honest, it is one of my FAVORITE posts along with For A Reason, For A Season. And I wrote it upon the request of three other blogger friends then. So here it is - my take on Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken". FYI, I think I spent six hours on this post!


To me, if one wants to fully appreciate the poetry of Robert Frost, one needs to understand his biographical background which you can find here. Many actually think that “The Road Not Taken” explores the whole question of choices in life and bearing the burden of that choice.

Honestly, this is possibly among the best-known, most-often-misunderstood poems on the planet. Several generations of careless readers have turned it into a piece of Hallmark happy-graduation-son, carpe diem nonsense. I always tell my students that because this poem is cursed with a wonderful combination of form and content, interesting phrases using simple words, and resonant metaphor, it seems as if “The Road Not Taken” can be memorized without really being read properly to understand its meaning as intended by Frost and with that, it has sadly achieved ‘trivial’ immortality because many do not grasp the true meaning of this poem!

There are actually two meanings that we can explore:

* the literal meaning which is inspirational and individualist in nature (the commonly accepted one) and Wikipedia regards it as a paean to individualism


* the ironic meaning which is the one that I believe in because it is through this poem that Frost boldly explores the whole issue of conscious irony.

Technically, “The Road Not Taken” consists of four stanzas of five lines with an ABAAB rhyme scheme that is strict and masculine, with the notable exception of the last line (we do not usually stress the -ence of difference). There are four stressed syllables per line, varying on an iambic tetrameter base.

Let’s take a look at the poem.

The Road Not Taken
By Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Many scholars have confirmed that Frost claims that he wrote this poem about his friend Edward Thomas, with whom he had walked many times in the woods near London. Frost said that while walking they would come to different paths and after choosing one, Thomas would always fret wondering what they might have missed by not taking the other path. And Frost is supposed to have warned his friends that this is a ‘tricky poem - very tricky’. And of course he is correct.

And why so?

For far too long, this poem has been used as an inspirational poem in that to the undiscerning eye, Frost seems to be encouraging self-reliance, and non-conformism which is the refusal to conform to common standards, conventions, rules, customs, traditions, norms, or laws.

If you were to look at the poem’s last lines, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference, it can be seen as a declaration of the importance of independence and personal freedom implying that once one takes a certain road, there is no turning back. Although one might change paths later on, the past cannot be changed. It can be seen as showing that choice is very important, and is a thing to be considered.

If you were to believe this interpretation, then you may appreciate how and why many misremember the title as “The Road Less Traveled”, since it places emphasis on the choice made, not the opportunities foregone.

Personally, I argue that closer reading of the poem shows that Frost is not moralizing about choice but warning us that choice is inevitable and that we will never know what is our choice until we have lived it out in our lives. This is so true in the recent encounter that I had. Thus to me, “The Road Not Taken” is a symbolic poem of the complications people must face in the course of their lives.

To have a better understanding of what I am talking about, consider this:

Though his work is principally associated with the life and landscape of New England, and though he was a poet of traditional verse forms and metrics who remained steadfastly aloof from the poetic movements and fashions of his time, Frost is anything but a merely regional or minor poet. The author of searching and often dark meditations on universal themes, he is a quintessentially modern poet in his adherence to language as it is actually spoken, in the psychological complexity of his portraits, and in the degree to which his work is infused with layers of ambiguity and irony.

(extracted from here)

I am strongly for the idea that Frost intends to infuse into this poem, the whole theme of regret and personal myth-making and the follies of rationalizing our decisions.

The second verse shows us clearly that neither of the roads is less traveled by. So if you were to look at it carefully, we cannot justifiably ignore the meanings they send through the easy aphorisms of the last two stanzas!!

You see, I firmly believe that the timelessness of this my favorite poem lies in its archetypal dilemma - and it is one that we instantly recognize because each of us encounters it innumerable times, both literally and figuratively. Frost uses paths in the woods and forks in roads - both of which are ancient and deep-seated metaphors for the lifeline, its crises and decisions. Identical forks, in particular, symbolize for us the nexus of free will and fate: Yes, we are free to choose, but we do not really know beforehand what we are choosing between. Our route is, thus, determined by an accretion of choice and chance, and it is impossible to separate the two.And that is the most difficult situation.

Many do not realize that Frost does not give step by step instructions as to how to choose. They think he does in the way each verse talks about different stages of the decision making. But I beg to differ!!!

I would say that we must realize that Frost’s focus is more complicated.

(a) To me, there is no less-traveled road in this poem; it isn’t even an option. (Read the second verse again carefully)

(b) I strongly believe that the poem seems more concerned with the question of how the concrete present (yellow woods, grassy roads covered in fallen leaves) will look from a future vantage point.

(c) The ironic tone is inescapable: “I shall be telling this with a sigh / Somewhere ages and ages hence.” The speaker anticipates his own future insincerity--his need, later on in life, to rearrange the facts and inject a dose of the lonely element into the account. I am quite sure that he knows that he will be inaccurate, at best, or hypocritical, at worst, when he looks at his own life as an example. In fact, he foretells that his future self will betray this moment of decision as if the betrayal were inevitable. To me, this realization is ironic and poignantly pathetic.

But the “sigh” is critical. Larry Finger says :

The sigh, widely interpreted as a sigh of regret, might also be interpreted ironically: in a 1925 letter to Crystine Yates of Dickson, Tennessee, asking about the sigh, Frost replied: “It was my rather private jest at the expense of those who might think I would yet live to be sorry for the way I had taken in life.”

The speaker will not, in his old age, merely gather the youth about him and say, “Do what I did, kiddos. I remained undaunted, took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” Rather, he may say this, but he will sigh first; for he won’t believe it himself. Somewhere in the back of his mind will remain the image of yellow woods and two equally leafy paths.

Personally, I think the last two lines are the most misunderstood lines in the poem and are ironic – the choice made little or no difference at all, the speaker’s objections to the contrary. See - Frost admits in the second and third stanzas that both paths may be equally worn and equally leaf-covered, and it is only in his future recollection that he will call one road “less traveled by”.

Finally, we must realize that The Road Not Taken is filled with the expectation of regret. Pay careful attention to the title. The implication is clear - he has to make a choice if he does not want to be stuck in the woods; yet he does not know how to make that decision and he will continue to wonder to measure what has been lost - the other path that is impossible or cannot be known. To me, Frost intended for us to sigh for a long time not for making the wrong decisions but rather to signify the passing of time, the coming to an end of a life filled with regret!

So now do you have a different view of Frost’s The Road Not Taken? I opine that Frost is a greatly misunderstood man for few know about the many tragedies in his life (his dad died of TB, his mom died of cancer, his wife died had breast cancer and died of depression, his daughter Irma was committed to an asylum, Lesley and Carol committed suicide, Majorie and Elinor died shortly after birth and Frost himself suffered from depression and was seldom happy, his solace found only in writing poetry. Thus his poems are pessimistic and dark in meaning.Do leave a comment to share your views. Thanks!


  1. says:

    Unknown Paula

    For the most part, I think I agree with you. Your explanation sort of clears my mind up abit on why I never really seemed to agree with my English teacher when we were discussing this poem in school.

    Like you said, the title says it all. It is about the road that was NOT taken, about the choice he did not take, about that missed opportunity.

    In a way, I think it reflects on how we ourselves live life. Like how sometimes on hindsight we think, “oh, if only I did so-and-so..” or “What if..”. Because life is full of what-ifs that we will never know, and this poem is exactly that.

    I think the poem is as such: as we make a choice today, we will imagine about ourselves in the future, thinking about the choice we are making now. And we will attempt to imagine, what if I take the other choice? But we will never find out. And yet, it is because of the choice we make today, it will make all the difference in our lives, because we will never know what would happen to our lives should we have taken the road not taken.

    That is my reading.

    Thanks Paula. I like this poem now more than I did yesterday. =)
    Michelle 27 November 2008 at 1am
    A good re-look at the Frost poem. Guess I`m of those who read it the hallmark way…hehehe. Thanks for sharing this perspective.

    Reading your commentary reminded me of two ways of interpreting historical texts - be they poems, literature or even sacred texts – which I learnt in one of those 101 courses.

    I refer to ‘eisegesis’, a way of interpreting a text whereby the reader reads his/her own ideas and experience into the text. This way of interpreting a text stands in stark contrast to the other way – ‘exegesis’ – which is to draw out the meaning from the text based on the historical context it was written, the intention of the writer or the source, the life-setting of those times, etc.

    Of course, most serious scholars if not all would advocate exegesis over eisegesis, the former purported to be more objective, therefore credible in contrast to a subjective eisegesis reading, which may distort the text as often as there are diverse readers with different ideas and experiences.

    Personally I`m for exegesis, especially for the reading of sacred texts. But I will not discount eisegesis altogether because a reader’s experience, ideas and life situations are important to consider when giving meaning to texts.

    I`m still thinking about these ways of understanding texts (in particular the religious ones) and these are my preliminary thoughts.

    Do we go with exegesis that emphasizes reliance on authorial intentions, sacred traditions and mainline religious institutions? Or do we subscribe to clearly subjective readings according to one’s own personal lens of experiences, ideas, life situations and perhaps even hidden agendas? Both ways can result in diverging readings.


    Indeed this is a very moving, meaningful and beautiful poem; its enigma being the unspoken and hidden message that Frost wanted his readers to discover for themselves, and when they did, would truly sigh…missed opportunities can be painful :) but also teach us many lessons in life.

    Your interpretation of the poem reflects your love and passion for Frost’s poem as well and am glad this post has reinforced your love for this poem and likewise for me, this post has made me even more passionate about Frost!!!


    WHAT A RESPONSE!!! Thanks so much for your very learned response to my humble take on Frost.

    I hear where you are coming from and I have always longed to read biblical passages and other religious texts such the Mahabharata that way.

    Eisegesis and exegesis are necessary if we want to enjoy the true essence of literary and sacred works because like what I mentioned before, the meaning is in the words and it is the receiver who gives meaning to the words that he/she is reading. Yet, to discount the meaning as intended by the writer would do no justice to the form and message of the text because in doing so, we would have deprived ourselves of yet another dimension of experience and reaction to that literary work.

    I am with you because I am pro-exegesis because the contextual meaning holds the key to the purpose, meaning and perspective that the writer wants us to take.

    Thanks so much for your very stimulating response. I was hesitant about posting this for fear that few would read it.

    And so my friends, I bid you all, happy reading and a joyous pursuit of knowledge and learning experiences!


  1. says:

    Unknown mws

    “The Road Not Taken” like all Frost poems has many layers. Like Sam, I was quite taken by the vivid imagery that he created in the verses. I guess, like everyone else (except mws the “onion-peeler”) I just soaked in the imagery offered and enjoyed the comfort that Life offers choices.

    At that level, this poem suggests empowerment. But, reading your analysis, I’m wondering if Sam and my own take on this poem is a paradigmatic male world view.

    From that hubristic perspective, the verses resonate with the perspective that we made some choices; we do reflect on whether those choices were courageous or, that we took the easy, well-trodden path instead of the lesser one; we know that we can’t turn back time, so we’re wistful about missed opportunities.

    Then, at the penultimate verse, I took it to be a combination of continued ambition, pragmatism and resolve that our lives have made a difference as did our choices. But, this continued ambition is tempered by the full awareness that there are still many choices ahead. I use the word “ambition” because like many Frost poems, this one alludes to movement i.e. “travel” or “travelled” as opposed to sitting, standing, staring. To me this signifies forward movement and, therefore, ambition. A bleak view of Life would have “stationary” expressions. That’s why I felt that it has positive attributes.

    So, to me, this poem suggests past possibilities and choices AND future possibilities and choices.

    That is why I find your take very intriguing. Honestly, I never saw the “future betrayal of self” angle. I saw it as pragmatism.

    I guess I get a “D” for Dunce. I’ll be standing in the corner for the rest of this class :D
    -de minimis-
    De Minimis,

    Ah - I see we have a lively debate here :) .

    Without sounding sexist, I must concede that there seems to be a distinct difference in the manner in which the different gender interpret poetry.

    Frost’s style is obviously masculine in tone so I am not surprised that males gravitate towards his poems differently from women like me. The detached tone and yet with confidence and steadfastness is typically masculine in nature.

    While you reacted positively by picking up the empowerment theme, I read it from a weakling type of stance whereby I felt the utter hopelessness of one who cannot temper with destiny, that while we may have choices, these in fact do not make much difference because by nature, one is seldom satisfied with one’s lot in life, and fate has a very strong hand on our lives.

    Yet, the common factor is the reaction from both gender with regards to missed opportunities which make this poem so endearing to male and female readers alike; after all, we are only human with our foibles.

    I find it interesting that you picked up the movement factor in his poem. I never thought of it that way before but you are right indeed - ‘travel’ connotates the lengthy time factor of a sojourner’s route in this world.

    But then again, it is interesting to see that you react positively to this deciphering ‘ambition’ - upward and forward motion but for me, it foretells and recalls the immense gap in time in which one could have experienced despair, regret, desolation, loneliness and a host of negative feelings. But then again, I am looking also from the perspective of Frost who had undergone a series of family tragedies and must have wondered at some point or another as to why his lot in life is so bitter, and the bitterness reeks of so much pain, suffering, a deep sense of hopelessness and alienation from the rest of the world and would probably have taken the same view as Job who lost everything…well Frost almost did although he achieved greater success at the later part of his life, receiving well-deserved accolades.

    So in response, I find your take on positivism most inspiring since I am more a pessimist :) trying to be more optimistic. So thanks for injecting your views and air of optimism into my life :) !

    *clink* cheers - to more literary discussions …next will be Nabokov’s LOLITA ;) ?

    Paula’s post today, and comments from Michelle and de minimis got me thinking of poetry today.

    One of my favourite poets is Rainer Maria Rilke. Those familiar with his life and times (1876-1926) will know he wrote from his experiences of the difficulty, or incapacity to write or speak of that which cannot be described or explained in words, his loneliness and terrible anxiety over life’s many issues.

    He wrote both verse and prose. One of his prose pieces have been oft repeated for popular consumption:

    “…have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.”

    This piece is, as Rilke fans will know, is but an extract of one of his most famous prose works – Letters to a Young Poet. Rilke wrote these letters to one Franz Kappus, a 19-year old student at the Military Academy of Vienna. Kappus, also a budding poet, was unhappy with a future in the military and wrote to Rilke (who was 27 at the time), sending him his poetry and seeking Rilke’s criticism as well as his advice on his career. Their correspondence lasted from 1902 to 1908. In 1929, three years after Rilke’s death, Kappus assembled and published the ten letters.

    The extracted prose above was taken from Rilke’s fourth letter to Kappus. To truly appreciate its context, one has to read all the letters.

    The book, Letters to a Young Poet, is an all time favourite of mine. All ten letters are also available online:



    I see you love poetry and would not at all be surprised if you are a poet extraordinaire. Please feel free to share your works and this invitation is extended to ALL my blog readers as well (*hint de minimis*).

    I learnt of Rainer Maria Rilke years ago and must confess I did not pay much attention to him then as a young student but I will study it soon.

    Thanks for sharing the beautiful extract with us…it is particularly meaningful to me given the light of my present circumstance. Very moving account indeed.

    I do remember reading Letters to a Young Poet and may even have it stashed somewhere in my collection. Thanks for the link and I will certainly check it out later. If I remember correctly, Kappus was a pessimistic insecure young man. I could be wrong for it was a few decades ago. Gosh! The woes of an old lady!!!

    I do enjoy prose as well - even that of contemporary writers such as John Banville’s The Sea or even Kazuo Ishiguro and my beloved J.M. Coetzee or Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

    Would you like to have a literary discussion or to write a post for me on Nabokov’s Lolita or any other writer/book that you like? Thanks!

    Really lovely to have you sharing your learned thoughts and perspectives with us.

    Many thanks!

    *clink* cheers and here’s to more reading and writing!

  1. says:

    Unknown I think this poem is about confusion and it’s effect on you. A kind of subtlety, poets love.

    We are led to believe that choice is important, he does add qualifications “YET knowing how way leads on to way” there is postive affirmation a choice consciously made or not made. You know you’ll never decide on something - “I doubted” - a conscious effort! He knew and very affirmatively!

    You are left with the “irony”, the “sigh”. You know by conscious effort you won’t choose that!

    My view of a very ordinary tickled reader is this -

    Look, the choice is NOT made YET! This is all in the FUTURE! But after you’ve reached the last word of the poem, you feel it has been made!!! Can you feel that? This is very clever poetic mischief! But once it hits you, you say, Damn! That subtlety is poetry!

    Only my personal opinion with just a yen for good humor is - there is no ethics, no morals, no sadness in the poem. But read it again and see if he catches you! It get’s you off guard with a confused sense of time! But of course, we do talk and discuss substance of our everyday lives. And poets get you talk about it. Which, I guess, we must and still should. And most probably people like Frost did a lot of.

    May I share this by Hardy? -

    My first impression of the poem is about stark loneliness. But really, its not primarily about loneliness which generally Hardy, like Frost, does want to communicate to you, but more of that - “underlying sense”. Your companion is kind of ill but as you walk up there, he/she’s not “left behind”. It’s neither actually in the room or at the hill-top. A little like a twilight zone! The general “effect” is the loneliness as you go over the lines, but it catches you, as you try to figure it out where? A clever poet’s mischief! You say, Damn! But it’s just as pretty! Like Frost’s!

    You did not walk with me
    Of late to the hill-top tree
    By the gated ways,
    As in earlier days;
    You were weak and lame,
    So you never came,
    And I went alone, and I did not mind,
    Not thinking of you as left behind.

    I walked up there today
    Just in the former way;
    Surveyed around
    The familiar ground
    By myself again:
    What difference, then?
    Only that underlying sense
    Of the look of a room on returning thence.


    - Salak-


    Hi Salak,

    Welcome! I am so honored that you visited my blog and left such a deep impactful comment. Thanks so much!

    I am delighted that you can see the confusion thread running through the poem and the fact that Frost is exploring the possibilities in available options with such subtlety that one begins to wonder if it is coincidental or deliberate. Typical of Frost’s style - the nuances of his words, implications, connotations and things left unsaid…And I agree that the time factor is left open to the interpretation of the reader, be it a short or long one - the shades are vast and colorful.

    Like you, I am a Hardy fan :) with a complete collection of his books - my favorite being Far From the Madding Crowd and Tess of the D’urbervilles..but not his poetry sadly …

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and perspectives with us…most invigorating. Please come again and it is certainly a pleasure to meet you here (although I have seen you many times in Din Merican’s blog).

    It’s just the feeling that takes you off or out and leave you suspended, from my viewpoint. It doesn’t deter us from making values of the possibilities he proposes and that gets us to talk. That’s what poets do to catch us and bring us back to something, and of course, largely its sharing.

    BTW, all the best tomorrow and Chin Up! :)




    Thanks! I know what you mean…with the discussion going on here today, it is so inspiring and uplifting not forgetting the intellectual stimulus and excitement when we begin to see the poem from the perspective of other readers. A lovely reading room indeed…More to come I hope :) .

    Many thanks for the well wishes and reminder to chin up :) . I appreciate it deeply :) .

    Take care and do visit again…

  1. says:

    Unknown #

    Phew! Heavy duty litcrit session going on in this blog today! Think I’ll excuse myself, Teech, and have a cigarette break outside :-)

    One thing that your post has cleared up is that I wasn’t aware that M. Scott Peck was probably inspired by Robert Frost when he titled his most famous book, The Road Less Travelled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth

    Have you read that? Heard a lot about it but I don't think it's in my library. I'm told it's some sort of breakthrough in modern literature…

    As for poets, I rather favor the less depressive types - like e.e. cummings, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Allen Ginsberg, Bob Dylan & John Lennon (whose books In His Own Write & A Spaniard in the Works greatly influenced me when I was 15!).
    Antares 27 November 2008 at 3pm


    :-) I am so sorry if the post sounded too didactic. You know me so well!!! The post is actually how I would have delivered my lecture and gosh I really miss the classroom exchange so much.

    Yes, I have read Martin Scott Peck’s book. It was in vogue in the 90s if I remember correctly but its popularity has waned in the light of other books such as The Secret or The Monk who Sold His Ferrari or The Laws of Attraction. Yet, I am of the opinion that Peck’s book certainly has more depth and relevance to many than those I mentioned earlier.

    Of those you mentioned, I have only read Cummings, Dylan and Lennon. My older boy and I share a deep love for all things Dylan and Lennon - both poetry and music!!! Wow! You must have been a cool rocker dude…hehehe so was I!!! LOL! One day, my friend, we will jam together in KKB!!!

    Take care and thanks for popping by..


  1. says:

    Unknown mws

    I need to say this…I TOLD YOU SO!!! There are many people out there who “get” Frost and poetry. And, judging from the comments, more critical posts on literature and poetry is in order. The other commentators scare me with their way “terror” takes on Frost.

    I just want to thank you and all commentators for treating my pedestrian and relatively ignorant views with great delicacy and kid-gloves. I don’t think I could have survived the onslaught of whacking for my shallow take on Frost.
    de minimis 27 November 2008 at 4pm

    De Minimis,

    :-) You have the right to say I told you so because I never expected such a warm and stimulating response to Frost…

    Without your goading and encouragement, I would not have written this long overdue post on Frost which I promised Michelle a couple of months ago for I really thought that in this day and age, hardly anyone would be interested in poetry and I am so glad that I was wrong.

    Yes, I agree that we need to have more serious posts on lit and it is now up to you to reveal your softer and more genteel side minus the top hat and pin-striped suit LOL!!!

    Indeed the comments have been ‘terror terror’ LOL for they ooze with such sensitivity, insight and so much more. I feel so gauche and elementary with my post and only accept your title of ‘onion peeler’ as I slink back into the kitchen LOL!.

    And for the record, I do not think your take on Frost was shallow at all - far from it!

    To you and all my other commentators - Michelle, Sam, Antares and Salak - thanks so much for such wonderful comments…It is still open for discussion… :)

    So de minimis, are you going to do one literature post then or will be another Keynesian rap? LOL

    Over to you and cheers!
    masterwordsmith 27 November 2008 at 5pm

    Paula, I’m egged by the poem also by the substantial questions arising therefrom. You read more undoubtedly as a trained person. Help us on this.

    Apart from the inny-minny-mo merry-go-round what other relationships can we deduce from the poem or its rhythmn that one should be so attracted to a “less travelled” path, when one knows, “way leads to way”?

    You know I feel like in a sort of spot. I feel I have decided, but when I really think about it, I really have NOT! The last few stanzas were conditional “I shall be telling” but the decision is NOT made. You know, how time affects all mortals as “one traveler, long I stood
    And looked down one as far as I could” a fleeting gust of wind might heap up leaves as might up the path strains to heave?
    Salak 29 November 2008 at 4pm


    Hi Salak,

    Thanks for your frankness. To be honest, since 1977 till today, I have also been egged by the poem. Being a pessimist, somehow, I can relate very well to this poem because of some important missed opportunities in my life and till today, although I know I should not, regret still fills my heart and mind and the proverbial ‘what if…’ or ‘if only I had..’ consumes my soul.

    It is uncanny how I also look at the poem the way you do. All it takes is the gust of wind to rattle us, to unearth the dark past that lies beneath the leaves and I am done as my soul heaves deep sighs of regret…

    Ironically, my interpretation of the poem varies according to my melacholic mood or lack of it. If I am in a jocular mood, I look at it differently. Somehow, I feel therein lies the beauty of poetry.

    Indeed it has been lovely to discuss this with you. Please feel free to send me any post that you wish me to publish for you and I will certainly attribute it to you.

    It is almost 5 am and I have been thinking of Nabokov. Do you read his books? He is another fascinating writer…Take care and please pop by again, Salak.

    Thanks and have a good weekend.
    masterwordsmith 29 November 2008 at 8pm

    Poetry is one area I’ll willingly admit I’m totally out of my league. And judging by the learned discussion, I’m almost afraid to comment in fear that I’d make a total fool out of myself.

    But I’ve lived my life without any hesitation when it comes to experiencing new things, and delving into things out of my league. So I guess my chosen path in life necessitates me leaving something in the form of a comment.

    I look at the poem without any baggage of scholarship in the area of poetry - much less Robert Frost’s. And having read it several times, I’ve come to the conclusion that Frost, in his poem, didn’t choose one path over the other.

    Instead, the implication is that he simply made his way INTO the yellow wood. And that “The Road Not Taken” refers to both obvious paths.

    The allegory, perhaps, is that when faced with a dilemma or event, many would rather take steps of avoidance - choosing one of the paths, or the other, as stated in the poem. Instead, Frost in the poem, chose to trudge through the woods, and experienced the shrubbery for himself, rather than observe from the safety of either path.

    And there perhaps, lies the irony - where we would expect a choice between the obvious, sometimes doing the totally unexpected is the most “correct”, under the circumstances.

    Just like my totally lame analysis…
    walski69 30 November 2008 at 6pm


    Thanks so much for responding to my request to leave a comment re this poem despite your initial doubts…

    Your ‘virgin’ foray in critical appreciation of poetry is amazingly insightful and far from the ‘lame analysis’ that you so humbly stated…

    See - there is so much within you..artistic, IT and musical talent, ideas, perspective and writing skills!

    It is a pleasure and honor to know you and to have you commenting in my blog :-) .

    Have a good week!
    masterwordsmith 1 December 2008 at 4am

    I'm one of those students who sleep in my English classes. So here's my two cents worth of opinion;

    My favorite line in that poem is "I took the one less traveled by,
    And that has made all the difference".
    They say that a leader is one that goes to places where no one have gone before. The last phrase of the poem made me thought of this. We live in a way we abide to a certain guidelines in society. some based on religion, some on culture etc. We are conditioned to not make mistakes. Society is not emphatic towards people who makes mistakes. (ask the ex convicts, they'll tell you). We are conditioned to not get lost in life. But sometimes, we learn more through our wrongs rather than our rights. And sometimes, you need to get lost to discover new things in life, or perhaps rediscover yourself.

    Life is about choices. That is a gift God have given us all. To some extend, destiny is set upon the choices we make in life.

    Regret is a word we should use, not when we make the mistakes, rather, when we don't learn from them. After all, we are human. And to human is to err……

    Okay, it shows doesn't it? Me, sleeping during classes? ;->
    pah nur 3 December 2008 at 10am

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