Posted by Unknown On Sunday, February 22, 2009 2 comments

It is easy to criticize, complain, propose or even to talk a lot. After all is said and done and we have put our best foot forward, one thing remains: To trust that the “what” we have done will bear fruit. And what is trust? Trust is an inner knowing and a “focused surrender” that things will work out.

According to Martin Luther King Jr., “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase” while Ramona C. Carroll opined that “faith is putting all your eggs in God’s basket, and then counting your blessings before they hatch.” For Christians, faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Is it easy to have trust and faith, especially in ourselves?

Obviously, the most important is for us to take the right steps to the path of success. For that, we must have a vision and a purpose and use the skills, disciplines, strategies and techniques - EVERYDAY of our lives in order to plant the seed of faith and to visualize our goals.

Ordinarily, doubts will set in and when that happens, it may weaken the link and path to a successful outcome. Then, we may have to take additional steps if we feel there is more to do to ensure and insure success.

Seriously, we need to remember that trust is an internal process based on faith, strength, intuition, passion and the conviction and knowledge that what we are doing is right and will have the highest and best result. We can choose to focus on the good things or the bad. At the moment when things seem to be so bleak, it is easy to lose sight of what we have and we should not.

Honestly, I am sure if we look around ourselves, we can see results of our success. The only problem is, sometimes we may too hard on ourselves. even on others. I know I am my own worst critic. Then I have to remind myself that every successful or confident step that I make along the way to my specific goal is proof that what I am doing is working. In this way, I can build trust in myself and in the process, when I come across a step that does not work, I can re-evaluate and listen to my intuition to take a different step.

We all know that life is a learning process and that often times, it is not an easy road that we travel...especially now. While doing this post, I realize more than ever (and it is a documented reminder for myself) how much I need to follow my own advice. To be honest, it’s difficult to have faith when the immediate results are not in front of you. It is difficult to have faith when so many things seem to be going wrong in our midst. However, we need to remember that it is only when we have trust and have faith, that something greater happens. And, what do we have left to do except to pray?

Undeniably, things seem to be quite dismal in our country now. When a door closes, let us pray that another window will open, that obstacles will diminish and step-by-step…day-by-day, we will walk the path to our goal.

Have trust and faith that God will make a way....for us, for Malaysia.


  1. says:

    Starmandala Since I quit my last full-time job on April 1st, 1976, I have been kept alive by Divine Providence & my own inner resources. Often, we have no clue what resources are dormant within us until we experience obstacles & challenges. Ultimately, each of us must contemplate the possibility of our own non-existence with equanimity & a tranquil spirit. When one is no longer afraid of death, no other fear is insurmountable! I salute RPK for having attained this level of consciousness & setting for us all a noble example of an old soldier facing the possibility of death with a quiet smile on his face.

  1. says:

    Unknown Antares,

    What you have shared is most meaningful to me for I found a strength within myself when overcoming obstacles at a time when I felt weak, feeble, helpless and hopeless. Then I picked myself up to move on, forgetting what lies behind me.

    Having said that, I am a long way off from where you are :-), my dear friend and also a far cry from the steadfastness, zeal and immovable spirit of RPK who plods and upholds his belief system no matter what tomorrow brings. Indeed people like the two of you will go down in history and I would not at all be surprised if my grandchildren will be studying about you two in years to come...(hopefully I have grandchildren)...

    Thanks for your wise comment, Antares...Take care and keep on shining!


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