Posted by Unknown On Thursday, April 23, 2009 0 comments
Britain’s leading organisation promoting freedom of expression, Index on Censorship is an award-winning magazine and website that provides a window for original, challenging and intelligent writing on these vital issues around the world. Their international projects in media, arts and education put their philosophy into action.

Mr. Kee Thuan Chye, acclaimed writer, columnist, playright, actor, concerned Malaysian and friend, e-mailed me the following link that announces the winners of the FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION 2009 RECIPIENTS who were given their awards in a ceremony at King's Place, London, a few days ago.

Thanks Mr. Kee for the information and on behalf of Mr. Kee and other Malaysians who believe in Freedom of Expression, I wish to extend my heartiest congratulations to Encik Malik Imtiaz who won the 2009 Bindmans Law and Campaigning Award.

The website said:

Malik Imtiaz Sarwar is a leading human rights lawyer and activist and the current president of the National Human Rights Society (HAKAM). Imtiaz has been a central figure in fighting lawsuits brought against journalists and bloggers, and was the lead counsel for Raja Petra Kamaruddin, popular blogger and editor of Malaysia Today, whose release he secured last year. In August 2006, a poster declaring him to be a traitor to Islam and calling for his death was circulated in Malaysia. He has proposed setting up an inter-faith council, and spoken in a series of public forums on the need for religious freedom.

Well done, Encik Malik Imtiaz. Malaysians are proud of you!!! May you continue the good work that you are doing and many many more Malaysians step forward to do the same!

For more information regarding the other recipients of the award, please click HERE.

Have a nice day!

* Encik Malik Imtiaz was a student of my old friend, Mr. Tan Har Yong, who passed away suddenly a few months ago. He also wrote a eulogy for Har Yong in The Star. I am sure all your friends, former teachers and relatives etc. rejoice in this international recognition of your effort and all that you stand for!

*Mr. Kee Thuan Chye's latest book "March 8 - THE DAY MALAYSIA WOKE UP" is available in most local bookshops. If you have not read it yet, please get it soon. Thanks.


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