Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, April 8, 2009 2 comments
How many times have you longed to write a better post, compose a more melodious tune or even concocted a more delectable dish? In short, have you ever told yourself, “I want to be more creative in my life”?

I have that same longing everyday.

But I used to have hang-ups about it, thinking I was not good enough until I realized that we are all creative to varying degrees and that we should not have hangups about our basic character, personality or skills/talents.

Some of you may object and say that you haven’t tried to do anything remotely artistic since goodness knows when or that you have no talent and are just no good at being creative.

Well, fret no more. You can be creative, in any area you choose. If you can pick up a pen or brush, you can write a story or paint a picture. If you can move any part of your body, you can dance. If you can make a sound, you can sing except it may not be necessarily a Celine Dion or Pavarotti type of presentation of course.

There is just one catch though.

You have to make a sacrifice.

You need to give up something that is very near and dear to your heart.

You have to be willing to give up your low self-esteem and perception that you are inadequate, and be strong enough to accept yourself and whatever you write, create or sing or paint or draw. Replace that feeling of inadequacy with an attitude of absolute love and honor and respect.

If one receives condemnation, insults and criticism, be strong and come out of it unfazed, stronger and with a keener sense of self-actualization. Do not believe in the negative insults and chose instead to rise above that cloud of criticism. Be thankful for the hard knocks and walk away from a toxic situation after reinforcing your inner self and finding your creativity.

Of course many may think that is a tall order but we have to let go of our hang-ups.

Stop listening to the voice that is not on your side.

Frankly, the real secret to being creative is not about talent. It is about how we use our resources and our capabilities or talents in the best way possible.

Our creativity was given to us by our Creator to access and express the deepest parts of who we are. Follow your intuition, that usually leads us with unfailing accuracy to make positive, optimal life choices. More often than not, it keeps us viscerally connected to what is passionate, vital, and meaningful in our lives.

So the next time you have a creative urge, delay no more. Just smile, pick up that paintbrush or pen or dancing shoes or whatever and just do it!

You can! You will.

God bless you and have a good week.


  1. says:

    Starmandala A resounding YES! ;-) xox

  1. says:

    Unknown Thanks, dear Antares!!!


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