Posted by Unknown On Saturday, June 27, 2009 8 comments
I visited various parts of Holland many years ago and can never forget the serene beauty of the country side and places like Volendam, Edam, Amsterdam complete with the Viking cruises, dykes, canals, tulips, windmills and so on. Its beauty is in a league of its own...Please allow the slides to upload and then click to enjoy the beauty of this lovely Dutch village that has no roads. Have a nice day!

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  1. says:

    Cat-from-Sydney Masterwordsmith, you're so mean! A cat can only dream about such places....that looks like the perfect village for a peace loving cat like me. I'll gladly hand over Brad to you....hahahaha....purrr purrr

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Cat-in-Sydney,

    Aiyo - I put it up for you to have purrrfect dreams my dear...You can catch fish there and bask in the beautiful weather with no dogs to chase you and Brad.....

    You can honeymoon there with Brad :-)...Good idea no?

    Take care and warmest wishes to your whole household.

  1. says:

    Ranjan Dear Ma'am,

    Seems like a nice place.. would love to spend some time there and just appreciate the goodness of nature!!

    Have been busy with my new job so couldn't really take time out to blog...

    Feels good to be blogging again..

    Hope all is good with you and your family..

    I'm doing fine as well...

    Take care,

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Rex,

    Lovely to see you again. So sorry to hear that you have been busy. Miss reading your poems and am glad you are blogging again...

    I am doing very well, thanks.

    Take care, stay happy and please stay in touch.

    Warmest wishes,

  1. says:

    ocho-onda Dear Paula.
    Thanks for sharing the view. I am truly fascinated by its serene charm.
    Do you still remember the name of the village ? I am sure it will be amazing to view it on Google Earth !

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Ocho-Onda,

    Lovely to see you again. Indeed it is such a charming place..

    The name of this place is Giethoorn, a village in the Dutch province of Overijssel, is an international tourist attraction in the Netherlands. In the old part of the village, there were no roads and all transport was done by water. Now there is a cycling path.

    I would not mind retiring in such a postcard-like environment.

    Take care and have a good week!


  1. says:

    Nameless Fool Such a lovely place, the Netherlands, when visited at the right time. I went to Amsterdam with my family in Dec '08, and since it's winter, just about the whole family traveling there caught some form of energy-draining disease.

    I know I feel grateful that Malaysia experiences roughly the same season all year round, but I have yet to see a place as beautiful in this equatorial country of ours.
    But then again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    Glad you shared the pics,
    Nerdcore Fishfoot.

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Nerdcore,

    Lovely to see you again. It must have been frigging cold when you were there! The wind can be so bitterly cold in winter.

    While we have many beautiful and scenic spots, you are right in saying that we have none that can compare to Giethoorn, as seen in the pics.

    You must have just started your new semester...Hope all is well on your side. Take care and please keep in touch.


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