Posted by Unknown On Saturday, June 27, 2009 2 comments
I was told twice that I had put a shield around my heart. Both times it was by people in spirit that were concerned that it was there in the first place.

My shield has now been dismantled because of the healing and cleansing I have done on myself.

I understand that it is common to put a shield around the heart, and the majority of people do so when they are children, it is an action of the inner child... This is because we live in a very harsh violent angry society where people’s feelings are not considered to be of any account. We have not evolved sufficiently to be aware of doing no harm in our thoughts words and deeds.

So what is it and why is it there? [Not everyone has a shield, but everyone experiences emotional pain which impacts their thoracic spine over their heart chakra.] It is only the inner child [age 0-6 years that can put up a shield, if you have experiences beyond the age of six to seven years that are traumatic you are not able to protect yourself in this way. [ The inner child who sets your emotional patterning for life is a very powerful being , actually is a portion of your soul and can rule your whole life if you do not heal your emotional issues.]

A shield is an energetic barrier and also a physical one also. As a physiotherapist I regularly come across tightness in the fascia [thick connective tissue of the body] and trigger point pain all around the back of the heart chakra in the muscles. This signifies a presence of a shield or where there is emotional pain being held onto in the tissues that have caused them to energetically windup.

Why it is there is to literally shield the heart from emotional pain going in and to shield the heart chakra from completely closing down this in turn protects the physical heart from being broken that being manifesting heart conditions. All emotional issues impact us at cellular level and can lead to pathology or disease.

We have the etheric template for a shield in place in our blueprint our etheric body, one of the subtle bodies that make up our energetic auric field. The masculine energies of the inner child that protect you put the shield in place when there is danger to the feminine vulnerable side of you, the open hearted tender side. It is to understand that all of us are a blend of the masculine and feminine energies. Each of these has a role to play in our lives, irrespective of our physical gender.

The right side of your body being masculine and the left being feminine. If the masculine energies are in overdrive protection control mode it will explain why in some people there is a pattern of right shoulder pain, tennis elbow and thoracic pain as all of these symptoms manifest mainly in the thoracic spine, the area that protects the heart. If there is no shield in place the left side may manifest these symptoms.

It may well be that you put this shield in place lifetime after lifetime if you were a sensitive and vulnerable person. Thus the behaviour pattern is well defined and strong.

The emotional symptoms of people who have a shield in place will be vulnerability, people who had great childhood trauma and unhappiness, fear, anxiety, depression, ME, fibromyalgia and other chronic conditions associated with emotional pain. These can also occur without a shield.

So you now know what it is, why it is there and now what do you do with the knowledge and how do you heal it? It is not desirable to go through life with a shield in place, you are stating by doing this that the world is not a safe place and you will remain in the fear and draw fear to you and negative experiences will continue to arise until you face your fears. This drawing fear to you is the law of attraction, what you give out in the energetic Vibrational frequency of your fears and beliefs is what you attract to you. Now is the time to realise and stop the patterns of behaviour that cause this. While you have a shield in place you are also not able to reach emotional maturity, you still have the emotional patterning of the inner child.

You need to look at the issues that make you unhappy. The inner child fears and anxieties, the sorrows and troubles that are so painful to remember.

Energy healers like myself and my sister work with these issues all of the time. Flower/Vibrational essences can help peel away the layers of issues and act as catalysts to move and transform emotional energies.

Robina Hearle. http://www.unfoldingenlightenment.co.uk and http://www.rosecottagefloweressences.co.uk

About The Author
Robina Hearle is a co-founder of Unfolding Enlightenment, a step by step process. It is a spiritual journey, a healing therapy and a practioner training. It uses as tools White/Crystal Light energy , Healing Spirit teams for emotional problems and soul rretrieval and vibrational essences .


  1. says:

    Walt “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you. I will remove the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” Ezekiel Chapter 36:26

    It is true that the heart of stone is strong fortified and protected, and the heart of flesh is soft and vulnerable. But we prefer the soft and vulnerable heart of flesh because the heart of stone is dead but the heart of flesh is living. With all of its weakness, it still beats. And with all of its vulnerabilities, it can still grow.

    Paula, I am always with you, because we share the same heart.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Walt,

    What a beautiful comment this is...very true, moving and most touching. Thanks for being of the same mind and heart with me, Walt.

    Take care and have a good weekend.


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