Posted by Unknown On Monday, March 29, 2010 16 comments
While many proclaim that mankind has progressed in many unprecedented ways, the fact remains that many problems still exist. Worse still, those related to moral values seem to be on the increase. To me, all this is caused on the missing factor in the world today. Factor 'I' is integrity. While we may have had lots of publicity about the acquired immunity deficiency syndrome in the past, we have a situation akin to acquired INTEGRITY deficiency syndrome.

This disease is rife in modern society where the producer's satisfaction takes precedence over customer satisfaction. Policies are deliberately implemented to deny consumers their rights and defraud them of their cash. You are enticed with pretty promises but when you need the service you were promised you come to the ugly realisation that it was all lies, they just wanted your money.

It is rife in our employment field where too many employees see if they can get out of work or to see what they can get out of work. They willingly enter into an agreement with their employer and then once employed, demand improved conditions of employment without offering improved levels of service. Sadly, this concept is echoed by many employers who offer below subsistence wages yet expect above average performance - much like the struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. Needless to say, it is rife in the political arena of many countries, even a little closer home.

What are the symptoms? You know someone or some organization has this ailment when you see what they can get away with the most bizarre acts/statements. What happens is that the more that those unscrupulous ones can get away with it, the less they see the need to actually do what they perceive as the right thing. Eventually, this happens so often that it becomes their nature to do the wrong thing whole actually believing that the wrong thing is actually the right thing. Even the crap that they tell the public sounds true in their ears!!!In other words, there is a complete absence of HONEST INTENT.

Many areas seem to demonstrate a lack of integrity. The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines integrity as the ability to have a “firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values.” The Oxford American Dictionary defines it as “honesty, incorruptibility.”

Recent events have truly shown up the deficiency of integrity. Are leaders consistent in their actions? Can we trust them? Can we believe in what they are saying? Can we stomach their absurdities any more?

I truly pray that there will rise a new breed of leaders who dare to rise above moral and ethical standards and adhere to religious and moral principles in the things they do and say. When an organization chooses a leader that does not demonstrate such ideals and kow-tows to others, it is the beginning of the death of that organization. When an organization follows a leader that looks at others through race-tinted glasses and other leaders DO NOT chastise him, then we know something is seriously wrong. We HAVE to make a difference in small but meaningful ways to raise awareness about all this crap that we see.

At the same time, we must also uphold moral and ethical standards not forgetting religious and moral principles. Our challenge is to teach our children and the youth of today and tell them where some went wrong and to ensure they do not follow the wrong examples and to ensure that they do not look up to the wrong models of behavior. The world is full of deceit and immorality and public outcry MUST rise above all the deceit, deception, foul play and compromise of ethics, values and norms.

We MUST speak up when the situation warrants it and demand for the truth and nothing but the truth!!!! We must speak up loudly when things are not and keep silent no more.

May there be leaders who are wise and strong enough to unravel and to expose the truth. If not, our nation will be gnawed slowly but surely by this acquired integrity deficiency syndrome where the truth will then be buried somewhere out there in mysteries that even Mulder and Scully cannot solve!

Please leave a comment if you wish to share your thoughts and views. Thanks. Have a lovely day!

16 comments to THE MISSING FACTOR

  1. says:

    Catherine If we have a strong sense of responsibility, we can bring forth endless wisdom.
    Let's create a wonderful record of victory so that we may open a great path of peace and spread justice everywhere!

  1. says:

    Anonymous It appears that some carry the HIV(Human integrity vacancy)virus :)

    It's an impossible journey ahead to make a stand for integrity.

    Those who do wrong are surprisingly brave as they know they have the support of other evildoers with power.Power corrupts they say, but i think its also because these individuals have no morals, ethics and values in them.

    To justify hate based on a difference in political affiliation and race is becoming accepted these days. Some leaders are fanning it, others are supporting it and the people are accepting it as RIGHT, even though its DEADLY WRONG.

    We a miracle, to restore faith in the system and those who run it.

    Integrity above all.

  1. says:

    Anonymous I hate corrupt politics. I have no safe place to run away to.

    “Political parties exist to secure responsible government and to execute the will of the people. From these great tasks both of the old parties have turned aside. Instead of instruments to promote the general welfare they have become the tools of corrupt interests, which use them impartially to serve their selfish purposes. Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to dissolve the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics, is the first task of the statesmanship of the day.” —Theodore Roosevelt

    Alas alas; Roosevelt was just as corrupt, but he really knew what he was talking about.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Sincere people of steadfast commitment shine brilliantly in the end. Arrogant opportunists, on the other hand, never endure for long. This is one of history's eternal lessons. Failing to live with integrity only leads to self-defeat and suffering.

    -- Daisaku Ikeda

  1. says:

    ahoo Integrity to those immoral politicians, is like throwing pearls to swine ! They will spell Integrity like this : I intent to be greedy. that is integrity to them. The missing factor of "I" is so true in our society today when most people will make a claim of everything "I" first.

    I want this, I derserve it, I am better than you, I am the master for you are the salve, I am in control, I will leave no stone unturn, I will investigate but, but investigation should not be one sided or selectively done.

    We need not be cowed into accepting whatever that is dish-out for we have an independent mind to think and act without fear nor favour. Good day for all !

  1. says:

    Anonymous "MCA has proven to the world that it is a party with no morals but only a party that wags it's tail on it's master Umno's request. I'm also interested to hear from Justice4OTK. MCA should now be renamed Malaysian Cheebai Association."


  1. says:

    Anonymous Why not we give Chua Soi Lek a chance to prove his worth?
    It's only fair to him.

  1. says:

    Anonymous MCA has no worth. In fact it is positively toxic. The soiled and suay one is only there to maintain that status.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Catherine

    Yes! We have to ensure there is a good record of victory and not relent in our journey for a better nation for us all.

    Take care and have a good day!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 1.10pm

    You have spoken with much passion and conviction. Thanks so much for stirring us aflame with your thoughts. I stand with you to pray for a miracle in this country!

    Take care and do keep in touch!

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 1.11pm

    Many thanks for your excerpt from Roosevelt.

    Indeed he knew what he was talking about. In some places, many leaders seem to talk nonsense and pretend that all is well.

    What a tragedy!

    Thanks for sharing. Take care and God bless you.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 1.24pm

    Amazing how Daisaku Ikeda has written so many profound thoughts about many aspects of human life and society. Thanks so much for sharing this.

    Take care and do keep in touch.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Thanks for your passionate response to my post.

    You have given us painful reminders of the reality that we face.

    And the reminder that we cannot and MUST NOT accept crumbs under the table from selfish morons who have no honor or integrity.

    Take care and thanks for sharing...


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Thanks for sharing that excerpt ...

    I think the time has come to compile all the new acronyms given to MCA.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 2.54pm

    Has he been fair to us?

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Integrity is of utmost importance to any one who intends to be in public service. If they don't have that, they should concentrate on other stuff that is personal in nature.

    Take care and thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes

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