Posted by Unknown On Monday, March 29, 2010 14 comments
I put up this post more than an hour ago but I note that it is not updating my feed. It was originally called Acquired Integrity Deficiency Syndrome. It was still not updated in Google Reader so I changed it to The Missing 'I' Factor. No change so I renamed it The Missing Factor. I have removed all the pictures I used for illustrations and even renamed my previous post to Humor at work. I am not sure if this problem is a recurrence of what happened in the past (and lasted for a few days) and I will surely die if my Google Reader or other feeds are not being updated.My RSS feeds seem to be updated regularly. You might want to consider subscribing to my RSS feed or using Live Bookmarks. It has been quite stressful for me as I do not see any funny scripts in this post and have pinged and resynched many times to no avail. Do let me know if you have a similar problem and also how you corrected it. This is a repost of THE MISSING FACTOR to test and see if the feed can be updated. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Thank you for your patience. If you have a solution, please share with me. Thanks! Have a nice day!

The Missing Factor

While many proclaim that mankind has progressed in many unprecedented ways, the fact remains that many problems still exist. Worse still, those related to moral values seem to be on the increase. To me, all this is caused on the missing factor in the world today. Factor 'I' is integrity. While we may have had lots of publicity about the acquired immunity deficiency syndrome in the past, we have a situation akin to acquired INTEGRITY deficiency syndrome.

This disease is rife in modern society where the producer's satisfaction takes precedence over customer satisfaction. Policies are deliberately implemented to deny consumers their rights and defraud them of their cash. You are enticed with pretty promises but when you need the service you were promised you come to the ugly realisation that it was all lies, they just wanted your money.

It is rife in our employment field where too many employees see if they can get out of work or to see what they can get out of work. They willingly enter into an agreement with their employer and then once employed, demand improved conditions of employment without offering improved levels of service. Sadly, this concept is echoed by many employers who offer below subsistence wages yet expect above average performance - much like the struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. Needless to say, it is rife in the political arena of many countries, even a little closer home.

What are the symptoms? You know someone or some organization has this ailment when you see what they can get away with the most bizarre acts/statements. What happens is that the more that those unscrupulous ones can get away with it, the less they see the need to actually do what they perceive as the right thing. Eventually, this happens so often that it becomes their nature to do the wrong thing whole actually believing that the wrong thing is actually the right thing. Even the crap that they tell the public sounds true in their ears!!!In other words, there is a complete absence of HONEST INTENT.

Many areas seem to demonstrate a lack of integrity. The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines integrity as the ability to have a “firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values.” The Oxford American Dictionary defines it as “honesty, incorruptibility.”

Recent events have truly shown up the deficiency of integrity. Are leaders consistent in their actions? Can we trust them? Can we believe in what they are saying? Can we stomach their absurdities any more?

I truly pray that there will rise a new breed of leaders who dare to rise above moral and ethical standards and adhere to religious and moral principles in the things they do and say. When an organization chooses a leader that does not demonstrate such ideals and kow-tows to others, it is the beginning of the death of that organization. When an organization follows a leader that looks at others through race-tinted glasses and other leaders DO NOT chastise him, then we know something is seriously wrong. We HAVE to make a difference in small but meaningful ways to raise awareness about all this crap that we see.

At the same time, we must also uphold moral and ethical standards not forgetting religious and moral principles. Our challenge is to teach our children and the youth of today and tell them where some went wrong and to ensure they do not follow the wrong examples and to ensure that they do not look up to the wrong models of behavior. The world is full of deceit and immorality and public outcry MUST rise above all the deceit, deception, foul play and compromise of ethics, values and norms.

We MUST speak up when the situation warrants it and demand for the truth and nothing but the truth!!!! We must speak up loudly when things are not and keep silent no more.

May there be leaders who are wise and strong enough to unravel and to expose the truth. If not, our nation will be gnawed slowly but surely by this acquired integrity deficiency syndrome where the truth will then be buried somewhere out there in mysteries that even Mulder and Scully cannot solve!

Please leave a comment if you wish to share your thoughts and views. Thanks. Have a lovely day!

14 comments to THE REAL PROBLEM

  1. says:

    Anonymous Do political hopping frogs have any integrity?

  1. says:

    Anonymous The primary problem is that the Umno "pedagogy" aka "philosophy" has no basic human integrity. And it has imposed this ugly hindrance on all and sundry for 54 years! It is based on lies and demagoguery.


  1. says:

    QQ We must respond to lies and deception with righteous anger and cut through them with the sword of truth.
    To lie is the absolute of evil, and lying is the very face of the Devil!

  1. says:

    Anonymous Change can’t happen by itself. We need to make that change. Racism is Umno’s 'secret weapon' and the only way to beat Umno at this race game is to register as a voter and vote racism out of office. So register as a voter, now, and make that change. Only YOU can end racism. Umno understands only ONE language, the power of your one vote. Umno does not fear God. Umno fears losing power.

    ~~ Raja Petra Kamarudin (Malaysia Today, Monday, 29 March 2010)

  1. says:

    Justice Yes, change, change, change!
    It's now or never!
    This is something that must never ever be forgotten!

  1. says:

    Anonymous This Acquired Integrity Deficiency Syndrome started to develop in earnest from circa '67, about 2 years after S'pore left M'sia. Sleepy Dopey as head honcho of PSD was already silently sneaking in unqualified ppl into the gomen service, way b4 NEP.

    Corporal punishment was abolished in schools to please the umnoputras.

    Everything started to get manipulated to promote umno hegemony upon all institutional activities in life and this went big time with MahaKuttyRacist gaining the rein of power, starting as edu minister, then dpm.

    It's really a very long list and it wearies one to have to repeat that in any great lengths. But it suffices to understand that the motive behind the language policy itself as for racist HEGEMONY, and discriminative employment, not vaunted unity. Towards this end all merits(and subsequently, integrity) were consigned to Hell.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 2.56pm

    I doubt that word is even in their vocabulary.

    Take care and thanks for sharing.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Very sharp observation, indeed. Thanks for enlightening us. The worst part is that many pretend to be saintly characters that speak, breathe and dream integrity and innocent/ill-informed ones fall for such balderdash and jump on the bandwagon to appear loyal.

    Sighs. What will happen?

    I hope the light shining at the end of the tunnel will burn brighter each day.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear QQ

    Yes! We have to alert one another and hand-in-hand, we have to raise the cry that truth and justice must prevail, especially when we have zombie-like characters minus conscience who strut around menacingly.

    Very sad.

    Take care and thanks for your stand for truth.

    Have a restful evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 5.27 pm

    Thank you for sharing that timely reminder and quotation with us. It is all up to us to put an end to the nonsense that we see before us. And we have to act now or regret for aeons.

    Take care and God bless you.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Justice

    Definitely! It is a matter of concern that some are getting fed up with the way things are going but no matter what, we cannot give up or get weary.

    Take care and thanks for the reminder!

    Have a lovely evening and God bless you!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    I have oft opined that the most evil man in the country single-handedly destroyed the heart of this nation by slowly but surely weakening the education system so that they can strengthen their stronghold over those who cannot question them because they were not taught to ask the right questions but to learn in the dullest and least stimulating manner. In that way, they would always be indebted to the handouts from the warlords and because of their weak mastery of the language, would be less likely to further themselves overseas. In such a non-competitive state, they would surely rot while the warlords get fattened. Ah - sounds like a good plot of another satire :-) but is actually the tragic reality of life....

    Thanks for sharing your sharp observations, ~wits0~. Take care and have a restful evening.


  1. says:

    ahoo Can any bad tree bears good fruit ? Can a leopard changes it's stripe ? Can a racist party changes to be rational ? All said and done, we need a miracle for it to happens.

    Despite all these negative elements, we must continue to have the courage to stand up as racism and be steadfast in our belief that change will come eventually. We must be able to identify what we really wanted for this beloved nation and pursue it whole heartedly before we can get it.

    We may be racial but not racist, said the late Dr.Tan Chee Koon. The politics of divide and rule have been forced down onto us for far too long already. And the man credited for it is non other than the maverick Dr. Let his legacy be known far and wide for all fair minded Malaysians to savour its bitter after taste. Let us not allow racist to continue taking us for a ride as we need to keep them in check. Be of good courage and know that the strongest warriors are time and patience. Be blessed !

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    You have shared very inspiring and comforting words, dear ahoo. Indeed, during such challenging times, patience and fortitude of character are needed.

    Whilst we may choke and puke because of that one man's evil schemes that have borne fruit and resonated through the decades, we have to find sweetness in hope and draw strength from within and above to carry on this good fight.

    Thanks for the encouragement, ahoo. You have blessed me and many others with your wise perspective and words. Take are and God bless you and yours.


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