Posted by Unknown On Sunday, February 14, 2010 8 comments
Just in case you have yet to get a card or present for your beloved for Valentine's Day, here are four poems that will surely melt your heart and save the day. Make a card and copy any of these poems or better still, write your own! Still, we should express our love to our loved ones everyday of our lives and not just on Valentine's Day! Here's wishing you HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!

If you have time, please check out the most popular post of my blog - 101 REASONS WHY I LOVE YOU which I wrote last year. It is a must read because I wrote it with all my heart and soul!! Many people swing into my blog for that post and the other one I wrote on Katie Kirkpatrick. Check it out! Thanks and take care!

It's More Than Saying I Love You
We give on this day candy and flowers,
But we never stop to say thank you for the many hours.
You have stood by my side and gave a smile,
As if to tell our hearts it's been worth every mile.
No need to buy a teddy bear or even a card,
It's pretty simple and not at all hard.
Just put your arms around me and hold me tight,
And say without words that in your heart all is right.
You may say I Love You throughout the year,
But on this day you need to make sure.
The words so sweet and straight from your heart,
That your life would be lonely without my part.
So put forth the effort and take the time,
Look me in the eye and say I'm glad you're mine.

by AngelWatchin

And of course my all-time favorite:

How Do I Love Thee? Let me count the ways.

I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being an ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.

I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints,--I love thee with the Breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life!--and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.

written by Elizabeth Barret Browning
You've Touched My Heart

You've given me a reason
For smiling once again,
You've filled my life with peaceful dreams
and you've become my closest friend.

You've shared your heartfelt secrets
And your trust you've given me,
You showed me how to feel again
To laugh, and love, and see.

If life should end tomorrow
And from this world I should part,
I shall be forever young
For you have touched my heart

To My Husband, My Life, My Eternal Valentine

This is to thank you for being by side
For comforting and caring when I was all confused inside.
This is for the phone calls you make every day
Just to tell me “I love you” every minute of the day.

The way you take my hand in yours
For all the world to see
That this is the woman
Who is most special to me.

You always seem to know
When I need a hug, kiss or smile…
You never cease to amaze me
When you say, “I'm here…let's talk for a while.”

In decades past we've had our share
Of ups and downs and problems galore
But you are the one who remained at my side
Never thinking of walking out the door.

I adore the way you tell me,
“You are my forever best friend,”
I love the way I believe in you…
And that you will be there till the end.

Thank you for all the time you give me
And for saying, “It's never enough…”
Thank you for listening as I ramble on…
When things become rather tough.

We are in the best years of our lives
Thirty four years on our journey together
I want to grow old with you…and you with me
I want to love YOU---FOREVER.

written by JoMarie Grinkiewicz


May this day and everyday of your lives be filled with love and unforgettable melting moments. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!


  1. says:

    Nameless Fool Ello Kak Wordsmith,
    I love that 101 reasons post, and could only imagine how my days would be like. My mom told me to look for someone who is like my father, minus his forgetfulness.
    Aiyah, I'm already a bit absent-minded, so all the more reason to get someone whose memory is good :P

    As for my book, I'm getting stuck on editing. Oh well, maybe I do need this weekend rest.

    Happy Valentine's day, still :) and hope you spent it merrily with your loving hubby and kids.

  1. says:

    Catherine Everything in life is temporary, because everything changes.
    That's why it takes great courage to love, knowing it might end anytime, but having the faith it will last forever!

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi dear Nerdcore

    Glad to hear you like that 101 reasons post. I can't believe I actualy wrote it hehe:-).

    I spent Valentine's Day sleeping and am going out to celebrate with my hubby and sons.

    Thanks! Hope you had a great time with yours.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    hugs and salam

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Catherine

    Wow! That is profound!! Thanks so much for sharing, dear Catherine. I hope you had a great time with your loved ones!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  1. says:

    Anonymous i prefer to be LOVED !! (iwc)

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi IWC

    TO love and to be loved are gifts we can give to ourselves and to each other ....(my own thought..)


  1. says:

    Walt Nerdcore is cool, I love her honesty, and openness. She needs a good man who is secure enough to let her be free to express herself, and not try to dominate her. She will only be happy, if she is loved and respected as an equal. At least as much as I do you Paula. : )

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Walt

    How lovely to hear from you again!!! I do agree with you and hope that either one of us can find her a nice young man one day!!!

    Take care and hope that you are on the road to recovery!


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