Posted by Unknown On Sunday, February 14, 2010 14 comments
Since it is Valentine's Day today, I thought I'd post something on love stories. Many famous lovers never ever got a chance to live happily ever after. Ironically, their names are etched in golden letters in the history of mankind. Such famous love stories are living proof that love is immortal. Though lovers die, love remains forever and does not let their sacrifices go waste. These popular love affairs are an inspiration to many around the world. Most youngsters smitten by love often think their lives are synonymous to these famous lovers. People give them names like Romeo-Juliet that proves that these famous lovers are a big inspiration for falling in love, regardless of the consequences.

It is said that love conquers all. Some foolishly sacrificed their lives without even thinking twice just so they could live together happily ever after. However, it is not that easy and we all know that fairy tales rarely end happily. The trials and tribulations that these young lovers braved, just to be with each other, is enough to send shivers down the spine. In those days, many thought they would be happy to die together too and rationalized that since they couldn't live together, at least in death they shouldn't be separated.

Some of the famous love stories are those of Antony-Cleopatra, Pyramus-Thisbe, Salim-Anarkali and Laila-Majnu. Their great love sagas are an inspiration to fall in love and not to be afraid of giving even the biggest of sacrifices. Though these great people are not alive, they shall always remain immortal in the hearts of all those who are in love.

Anthony and Cleopatra

One of the most famous love stories by William Shakespeare, the love saga of Anthony and Cleopatra is a truly a fable of worshipping your beloved. Antony and Cleopatra epitomize that love is another name for sacrifice. Their love story is among the most tragic ones, where both the lovers die instead of living ‘happily ever after’. ‘Antony and Cleopatra’ is among the most popular plays by Shakespeare.

Laila and Majnu
Laila and Majnu is an eternal love story that has a tragic end. These two young lovers sacrificed their love for each other, as they couldn't be together. Such selfless was their love that they did not hesitate for even a minute when it came to laying down their lives for each other. The love story of Laila and Majnu is a very famous one and is no less than a legend. The love affair of Laila & Majnu is known to be so tragic and moving.

Pyramus and Thisbe
A very touching love story, sure to move anyone who reads it, is that of Pyramus and Thisbe. Their love story is part of a Roman mythology. It is a beautiful tale of the most sentimental romance, though not without its share of tragedy. Theirs was a selfless love and they made sure that even in death, they were together. The love story of Pyramus and Thisbe continues to inspire lovers all around the world.

Salim and Anarkali

The love story of Salim and Anarkali is a story that every lover knows. It is one of the most tragic love stories known to people. The Mughal prince Salim falling for a courtesan Anarkali is the kind of stuff that legends are made of. The relationship of Salim and Anarkali outraged the Mughal emperor Akbar to the extent that both father and son decided to go on war. However, as all great love stories are associated with a disastrous ending, the love affair of Salim and Anarkali did blossom, only to meet a tragic fate.

Happy Valentine's Day to all my readers and friends!


  1. says:

    Catherine The first time I saw you, I knew it was true, that I'd love you forever, and that's what I'll do.

    You don't know what you do to me, you don't have a clue, you don't know what it's like to be, me looking at you.

    Happy Valentine's Day

  1. says:

    nick Hi Sis,

    Happy Chinese New Year. I've sent you something in your inbox. Deepest apologies for my absence.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Catherine

    Thanks for this sweet saying that oozes with the purity of love!

    Here's wishing you melting moments of love with your loved ones!

    Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Nick

    Cool!! Thanks so much. No worries. Appreciate the kindness.

    May you and yours have a wonderful holiday together.


  1. says:

    Anonymous The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart.

    - Timothy Titcomb

  1. says:

    Anonymous You don't marry someone you can live with - you marry the person who you cannot live without.

  1. says:

    Anonymous A bell is no bell 'til you ring it,
    A song is no song 'til you sing it,
    Love is no love 'til you give it away.

  1. says:

    Cat-from-Sydney Aunty Paula,
    I hate sad endings, especially tragic ones. So, I usually steer away from Bollywood movies, esp those epic ones. Must have been my Mama's influence. She said, must have faith and hope, in everything, esp in love.
    No point committing suicide like Romeo and Juliet or Hamlet and Ophelia. Didn't solve anything. When you come across a problem, try to solve it. Nothing is impossible.
    Such high hopes she has for me....sigh... purrr....meow!

  1. says:

    Eeleen Lee David Cronenberg said that a love story should end with a death

    okay thats not very festive...
    gong xi fa cai!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anonymous @ 7.52 p.m.

    Thanks for sharing such a beautiful quotation!!

    God bless your kind heart and God bless Timothy Titcomb!

    Take care and do keep in touch.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 8.06pm

    God bless you for such an inspiring comment! May you have unforgettable moments with the one whom you cannot live without!

    Take care and God bless you!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 8.10 pm

    What a beautiful thought you have shared with us here!

    Thank you and God bless you!!

    Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Angelina

    Lovely to hear from you! Don't sigh! I saw the lovely love letter you received *winks*. Love is inteh air my dear :-).

    Your mama has taught you well - Nothing is impossible and we have to try to overcome the obstacles that we face in life - surely, slowly but time, with patience, things will pass...

    Take care and continue to live life to the fullest.

    Hugs and salam

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Ee Leen

    Thanks for the festive wishes and dark humor :-).

    Gong Xi Fa Cai and Happy Valentine's Day!


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