MPM, UMNO and 1Malaysia

Posted by Unknown On Saturday, February 27, 2010 45 comments
I read with much concern the Malaysian Insider report HERE that about 50 groups today launched the Malay NGO Consultative Council (MPM) to defend Malay rights and Islam at the historic Sultan Sulaiman Club here, where a similar gathering nearly 60 years ago led to the formation of Umno.

As we all know, the United Malays National Organisation, or UMNO, is Malaysia's largest political party. It is the founding member of the Barisan Nasional coalition and emphasizes protecting Malay culture, Islamic values and pro-business policies. Of late, Prime Minister Najib has increasingly emphasized reducing ethnic tensions and protecting minority rights - a move that does not seem to have gone down well with certain quarters. The PM launched 1Malaysia a few months ago.

According to Wikipedia HERE:

1Malaysia is an on-going campaign announced by Prime Minister Najib Razak on September 16, 2008, calling for the cabinet, government agencies, and civil servants to more strongly emphasize ethnic harmony, national unity, and efficient governance. 1Malaysia has been incorporated into UMNO offical ideology.

1Malaysia strongly emphasizes national unity, ethnic tolerance, and government efficiency. The eight values of 1Malaysia as articulated by Najib Razak are perseverance, a culture of excellence, acceptance, loyalty, education, humility, integrity, and meritocracy.

The news about this new organization seems to be duplicating what UMNO is already doing. So why the duplicity of roles when both organizations are fighting for the same group of people? Take a look at the following excerpt extracted from Malaysian Insider HERE:

The MPM press release said “following several discussions by several Malay NGO leaders, there was a desire for a consultative council to bring together as many Malay NGOs concerned about current developments faced by the Malays”.

“It is apparent that there is pressure on Malay rights and privileges in their own country, towards the position of Islam as the official religion, the position and sovereignty of the Malay Rulers that is always being questioned, the New Economic Policy that is being sidelined despite the lack of achievement by the Malays and also national security,” it said.

These are among several “sensitive” issues for the Malays which have become provocative matters by those who want to destroy the security and prosperity of the country, the statement added.

The statement said the consultative council is not a platform for confrontation unless they are forced by parties described as those “inciting” racial tension.

“The main function of this council is to act as a medium to gather Malay NGOs that share the same stand to handle pressures faced by the Malays, Islam, Malay Rulers, national security, public order and other related issues,” the statement said, adding the idea to form the body was made early last month.

The MPM will form a task force that will be chaired by council members in rotation.

The statement also said the MPM had resolved each member should jointly study issues important to the Malays, Islam, Malay Rulers, national security and public order that is brought up or questioned by others, or to be championed by the community.

Others include the preparation and implementation of action plans to handle or oppose provocations against issues that relate to Malays and Islam, or issues seen as inciting or hateful.

The resolutions decided by MPM are:

* Resolutions must be based on facts and documents tabled at lawful MPM meetings;
* MPM members who disagree with the resolutions must accept the decision of the majority and be prepared to sign the agreed resolutions;
* MPM members who refuse or abstain from resolutions or decisions can choose not to sign off without affecting their membership; and
* If any MPM member opposes any of its resolutions or decisions, they will automatically cease to be members.
I am deeply concerned after reading the report as the resolutions seem to be authoritarian in nature and seems to be sending an unspoken message to UMNO. It also seems to be telling the rest of the world that there are chasms that exist in that community due to pronounced differences of opinions in practices and policies of the government. As it stands, there is already discontent in the air about corruption, rising costs of living, party politics, inter-party conflicts, intra-party issues, scandals, accountability etc etc. This new development could mean further bad publicity which our country does not need. Of late, we have received more than our fair share of such negative publicity from both near and far.

More importantly, how does this new development affect UMNO?

Does it do much for the image of the PM and his team?

Who is the one masterminding the formation of this organization and what is the ultimate aim?

How then can 1Malaysia continue with the existence of this new group which implies the lack of unity within one particular group?

Should there not be an official statement from UMNO and the PM about this issue? The PM has to nip the problem in the bud as soon as possible to prevent the chasms from widening further.

Does the current silence imply a cold war? If so, who are the generals who are calling the shots? The PM has to blow the whistle and restore some semblance of unity and order without which there could be negative repercussions.

So many unanswered questions which should never have arisen in the first place. What the country needs now - more than ever before- is unity, reforms and specific measures to put our country back on track in the right direction for the collective good of this nation. But will we see that?

I hope so, I really do.

But with such worrying trends, how can this be achieved?

45 comments to MPM, UMNO and 1Malaysia

  1. says:

    Anonymous The whole roiling claptrap is about asserting blatant bumno fascist hegemony based on bullying "majoriti-ism".

    Besides, how orang asli people has been badly treated and neglected, all along, negates any claim to any principled social justice in their racist soul.

    This duplicity, dichotomy get more glaringly noticed world wide today unlike the old bad days without the Net when censorship was effective for suppression purpose.

    Who would choose to invest here when it well known also that the business climate and judiciary is also completely farked up besides the increase in crime situation and corruption?!


  1. says:

    a malaysian NOWHERE in our constitution is there ANY mention of Malay "rights" or "privileges" merely the "special position of the Malays":
    this to was only meant to be temporary.

    There's an excellent write up about it here:-

  1. says:

    Anonymous Yes, a malaysian, temporary privileges became permanent fascist rights.

    They want the cake and the factory too - 4free!


  1. says:

    Anonymous voila!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Claptrap indeed! It has been ages since I heard anyone use that word!! How appropriate!!!

    It is not just the Orang Asli community that has been treated but also other groups in East Malaysia.

    And you are right. The situation is worsening while some claim it is improving.

    What awaits us in the future? May God deliver us!

    Thanks for sharing! I always enjoy reading your well-written, eloquent and sharp comments :-).

    Take care and have a lovely evening.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear A Malaysian

    My appreciation to you for caring enough to share the informative links which can enlighten so many of us.

    Take care and do keep in touch. I hope to hear from you again.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Very witty comment! How true - and we are the ones paying the price while it foc for them.


    What can we do but lament????

    Take care.

  1. says:

    Ckw I think we have to do all we can in order to find a way out.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Perhaps, Najib can help shed some light on this.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Intermission break, MWS? Take a moment's breather Suggest this clip:

    love the song :) U might too, as an "incurable romantic".

    Meantime, what do you mean by 'cracking the disc to PS?' If one can master PS, one can easily master any other graphic program. Not that easy but possible through interest and dedication. I never went for ANY computer course at all. :D


  1. says:

    Anonymous Ibrahim Ali, the Hero of the Day.

  1. says:

    Village Boy Mr Prime Minister, is this what you call 1Malaysia?
    These groups are actually your real enemies from within.
    You can't possibly remain silent on this, can you?

  1. says:

    Penangite Why is Perkasa trying to create a siege mentality among Malays? Malays are already the majority, have the NEP, control the government, the military, the police, the FRU, the MACC, all government agencies and all government funds (including Petronas & all income taxes).
    The demography of Malays & Muslims is ever increasing through natural birth rates and Indonesians being given blue identity cards.

    I suspect the 'Frog' Ibrahim Ali is trying to find a role for himself, since he is not very bright and irrelevant.

    Relax, Perkasa. Soon, when Petronas funds dry up, global competition is your real challenge, not the non-Malays. How will the government find funds to pay the salaries of the bloated civil service? How are you going to fund all the Bumiputera contractors looking for lucrative contracts?

    Remember, the non-Malays are your allies, not your enemies.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear CKW

    Yes, we have to because the situation might worsen if the resentment and hatred are not reined in by the authorities concerned.

    Thanks for your considerate nature.

    God bless you.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 10.30 pm

    I hope so too. The PM must do something asap to control the situation.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    Have a restful evening.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Cuepacs Member Cuepacs, the umbrella union for civil servants, is among the NGO which joined forces to form a consultative council, Majlis Perundingan NGO Melayu (MPM) to defend Malays rights and Islam in the country?

    We are members of Cuepacs, yet we know nothing about it.

    Why? Why? Why?

  1. says:

    Anonymous Dear Sis,

    Please be not too perturbed! A leopard doesn't change its spots.

    Take a break. Go for a cup of IWC.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 10.43 pm

    I am sure there are some who agree with you ...depending on how one looks at the situation.

    Thanks for swinging by. Do keep in touch and enjoy the weekend.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Ibrahim, the Pasir Mas Frog, should be ISA-ed!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Penangite

    You have spoken very well! Thanks for your bird's eye-view of the situation. It is good to have a macro view of the scenario and what might befall us if things don't change for the better.

    Take care and thanks for sharing! God bless your sensitive and caring heart.

    Here's wishing you a lovely weekend with your loved ones.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Cuepacs Member

    That is shocking news indeed!! This matter should be raised to the organization. I wonder what is the situation for the other member organizations....

    Leaders have to account for their actions and should not bulldoze their way to get things done.

    Very worrying indeed. Thanks for the alert. Take care and have a lovely evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 11.37 pm

    Thanks! Cannot drink IWC now because I will not be able to sleep after that.

    Will reserve it for my breakfast.:-)

    Thanks so much! Take care and rest well. May tomorrow bring fresh hope for us.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 11.40 pm

    The leaders have the power to rein in members - it is a question of whether they want to or not.

    Sighs...Take care and thanks for your passionate response.

    God bless you!

  1. says:

    Anonymous Pic taken from :
    and modified. ;)

    Oh no, why learn DreamWeaver? That one's for building web pages. Of all html programs, I dislike it most because of its gloated size and lousy user interface of the earlier versions. Don't think it has changed much.

    What you need to learn is something like PS or the(easier?) Paint Shop Pro - these are great graphic editors. The earlier versions(of PSP)were smaller and easier.

    Meantime dabble a mite with graphic viewers like FastStone Image Viewer or Irfan View. These have some limited graphic editing capabilities.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Village Boy

    You have spoken wisely. The PM has enemies from within and he must take action to restore unity lest more problems escalate.

    Take care and God bless you for your wisdom.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    You are very cheeky and a real scream!!! Hahaha! If you did not mention before that you are around KtK's age, I could have sworn you are in your 20's!!!

    LOL!! I have Paint Shop but not Paint Shop Pro...

    Oh - I wanted to learn Dreamweaver to design my own template. I learnt html before but remember very little haha! I have never heard of FastStone Image Viewer or Irfan View but will check it out.

    A friend said I could freelance in copywriting etc if I mastered PS.

    But as always, I am a dreamer-idealist and would rather spend time blogging and not earning anything but enjoying reader responses and interaction with readers like you and the others.

    Life is so short and we have to savor it fully...

    Take care and have a lovely weekend!


  1. says:

    Penangite To our dear Cuepacs leaders:

    You are not qualified to be our leaders unless you genuinely value your fellow members.

    To all our Chinese friends :

    Happy Chap Goh Meh

  1. says:

    Tak Malu Ibrahim Ali is causing too much trouble for Malaysia. Why is he still allowed to roam free?

    Perkasa is the most racist NGO Malaysia ever has and will cause self-destruction to PM's 1Malaysia.

    This good for nothing and Hopping Frog from Pasir Mas is trying to court UMNO to take him back.

    No one in his right mind will believe what he says and rightly he should have been in political wilderness if not for PAS's generosity in allowing him to contest the Pasir Mas seat. He is a wolf in a sheep's clothing and now only PAS knows his inner thoughts and real colours.

    Perkasa's lies are well known and this group is famed for their racist remarks. As long as Najib tolerates the antics from this group, he is doomed to fail in his 1Malaysia ideals.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Dear MWS, AFAIK, anyway, well, imo, FastStone Viewer is da best freeware image viewer around.

    Irfan is okay (can also use the PS 8bf filters)but has poor user interface.

    Photoscape and XN viewers are also well regarded have their own strengths and weaknesses but overall I prefer FastStone Image Viewer.

    How come you have Paint Shop and not Paint Shop Pro. I thought that it was named "Pro" from the earlier versions. This does not sound right. ;)

    Uh oh, learning CSS is another difficult task. Good to know but there are already better free web templates which are already better design than that which we might be able to make.

    Remember how people use to complain how much effort they put in and paid for to learn Wordstar and DOS Word Perfect only to find that Word 2c made things so that easy! Haha, beware of efforts that may be a little redundant.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Ya, Tuan!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Penangite

    I applaud your stand for honor, accountability and integrity. God bless you.

    Thank you also for your well wishes for Chap Goh Meh.

    Take care. Please continue to be a source of inspiration in my blog.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Tak Malu

    Very well expressed, Tak Malu! Thank you for sharing your sharp and observant thoughts with us here.

    May our PM will take the necessary action for the well being of our nation. No time to waste indeed.

    Have a lovely day!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    You are really an expert in graphics/imaging. Are you in Penang? I would not mind taking lessons from you if you are!!

    I checked my pc already hehe...It is paintbrush that I have - not Paint shop haha! I am not an expert in graphics but really want to learn.

    Yes, I gave up learning CSS and spent months looking for templates for my blogs. I think I spent 4 months searching for sth suitable before I changed from Quirky Valentine to this present template. I changed it to another template the other day but the widgets did not work so I am sticking to this one for the time being.

    Thanks so much for sharing! Let me know if I can learn from you!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    You are a real riot!!! LOL!!

    Thanks for the laughs :-).

    How come you are up at this time of the night? Creative juices flowing haha!

    Take care and enjoy your Sunday!


  1. says:

    Banyak Susah MPM ain't about Malay rights. It's is all about politics. Ibrahim Ali needs a bogeyman to push his agenda of remaining as Pasir Mas MP. Obviously, PAS will no longer let this Katak run on their ticket any longer. And it also looks like Umno, for now, is not keen to let him rejoin.

    As much as Perkasa is being made use of by Ibrahim to remain in public eye, Umno is also making use of Ibrahim to sub-contract their Ketuanan Melayu agenda. All this erosion of Malay rights is a smoke screen. If they want to be genuine about Malay rights, then fight for Kelantan's right to oil royalty as Kelantan is the Malay heartland.

  1. says:

    edward Dear MWS,

    Its sad to know that a large segment of the population still want aids and handouts and not willing to stand on their feet. Sooner or later they will have to confront the fact that they need to equip themselves well in order to progress. The world will not wait for us. Our oil wells will dry up one day. We need to learn how to fish. Even sadder is that the charlatans who are supposedly fighting for their rights are reaping huge profits for themselves.

    No cheers.

  1. says:

    Justice When Ibrahim won his Pasir Mas seat on a Pakatan ticket, we never heard him shouting about defending Malay rights? Now he must have conveniently forgotten that it was the Malays who supported Pakatan who sent him to Parliament? As it is, can he be regarded as betraying the Malays that supported him then?

    Resign immediately is what you should do, Ibrahim Ali, if you regard yourself as a gentleman. In fact, this is a betrayal of all Malaysians who voted you, not just the Malays.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Dear Masterwordsmith,

    If you want the best freeware Graphic program today, go to:
    It however requires you to d/l and install that newer Microsoft .NET Framework as well.

    Don't try similar stuffs like that "The Gimp". That's not as intuitive.

    The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Do it today :)


  1. says:

    Anonymous Dear Masterwordsmith

    Screenshot of PaintNet :



  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Banyak Susah

    My deepest appreciation to you for your perceptive and insightful comment to this post.

    The intricacies of politics seem to be more complicated with the likes of Ibrahim Ali. I would really want to know who is calling the shots in this move - so many possibilities and outcomes. We ARE living in challenging times.

    You have made many pertinent points and I appreciate your willingness to share your views. Take care and please keep in touch!

    Have a great day!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Edward

    Many have been spoiled rotten and still want to be pampered even more while the rest of us pay the price via higher cost of living and missed opportunities.

    It is a saddening state of affairs that we face before us. May God deliver us!!!

    Take care and have a blessed week.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Justice

    Thanks for your very knowledgeable take of the situation. The current trend is most worrying. Even more worrying is the lack of integrity in those who are supposed to lead.

    We need more Malaysians like you who can see far and deep into situations like this and to alert others via comments in blogs like mine.

    Thanks so much for caring enough to share your views that others may be enlightened. God bless you and yours.

    Have a great day!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~witso~

    Thanks for the links! Will check it out soon. Am a bit wary of downloading stuff into my pc...

    But I will explore it via public computers hehe...

    Thanks again. Take care and have a great day!


  1. says:

    Jelapang Voter Looks like our PM's 1Malaysia is under pressure from the ultras and the hawks.

    We have yet to hear any comments from him thus far.

    Why is he keeping total silent? Silence is not always golden in this trying time.

  1. says:

    Anonymous “I am sure we all share this same dream – to achieve unity, harmony and prosperity – but we may take different paths to get there. Sin Chew may take a different path, Utusan Malaysia may take a different path but what is important is that we must converge and reach that final destination.

    “Of course we much allow discourse and room for dissent and differences of opinion but we must ensure that it is not at the expense of harmony,” he said.

    Najib’s remarks came after nearly 80 Malay groups formed the Majlis Perundingan Melayu or Malay Consultative Council (MPM), ostensibly to protect and defend Malay rights, Islam and the Malay Rulers which they claim is being questioned and sidelined in recent months.

    ~~ Malaysian Insider

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