Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, February 17, 2010 42 comments
Elton John gained much fame and recognition for his song "Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word."For some, it is very difficult to say "I'm sorry". One would think that it would be even more difficult for a man who has gained international recognition and to have been imprisoned only to be charged a second time for a similar offense. For one who has gone as far as being the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia and then to be down in the pits of shame thanks to the bad publicity, sorry does not seem to be a difficult word. If that is not humility, then what is?

For one who has reached such a high level of recognition, status and prestige, it takes a lot of humility, rational thinking, sense and sensibility to make an apology. Malaysiakini reported DSAI's admission and apology that he had wrongly picked some candidates to be the party's parliamentary elected representatives in the last general election in 2008.

I am sure we all know that on the other side of the divide, leaders would have been absolutely defensive about and would have stooped very low as to use cheap excuses to conceal that mistake. Leadership is a reciprocal quality in that one can only continue to remain as "leaders" because they receive the due respect from followers and are prepared to accept responsibility when they have erred either directly or indirectly. Of late, since Datuk Zahrain's resignation and other controversial PKR members' words and actions, DSAI has been on the receiving end of all kinds of brickbats. Admirably, he has shown us he possesses the courtesy and decency to respect the sentiments of his followers in the way they have expressed their outrage at the knowledge of being cheated by those whom they voted in GE12 under the flag of the PR component parties.

Honestly, I doubt people will understand and accept his apology easily. I do not think an apology itself is enough. He must tell us what action will be taken to correct the mistakes as soon as they appear - all done in the interest of the the country and the people. Let's face it - we are aware that there were flaws in the selection and elimination process of candidate of PKR for the last GE. I believe many want to know how PKR, in particular, are going to scrutinize and vet their candidates which should be selected based on their academic and work qualifications, integrity, willingness and inclination to serve the country fairly and without any form of bias or discrimination and whether these merit disclosure and to what extent as well.

Whilst it is commendable, I am not sure if being apologetic can aid in damage control. Many wonder why the situation has turned out as such because as a seasoned politician, he should have placed his trust in the right persons. If any disloyal member is detected, members should immediately grab the opportunity to take stern action against the turncoats but the painful and disappointing thing is that this was not done, especially in the case of Zulkifli Nordin.

Even if it means one might lose ground support, I believe that a leader has to be stern and form a credible team comprising of promising civic minded leaders such as Zaid Ibrahim to be given the baton of leadership to lead the others to conquer Putrajaya.

At this very challenging stage, leaders can no longer afford to pander to the wishes of the masses so we don't want any more excuses or apologies. The time has come affirmative action to be taken to purge PKR of the dirt that be lurks within. Just as we have had enough of listening to sloganeering at its peak, we also do not want to hear all kinds of shameful reports from anyone.

Yes, sorry may not seem to be the hardest word for DSAI BUT he has a bigger battle to fight in so many areas of his life. We have to go beyond apologies now to affirmative and stern action to deal with indiscipline or other problems as soon as they appear before these explode into something destructive.

Please do not let us down again! We are putting our trust in PR, PKR, DAP and PAs so please make sure you, DSAI, and your leaders will also put your trust in the right personnel. Kindly ensure your candidates for the GE13 are really leaders who have caliber, commitment, drive, motivation, strength of character, integrity and are SQUEAKY CLEAN without carrying any baggage from any other political party. Thank you!


  1. says:

    Anonymous He should lead, not pander. Pandering is easy to do.


  1. says:

    Arthur Yes, DSAI may have picked some wrong candidates in the past. But he has also picked up some excellent ones too, which though some of them are quite raw in the political arena but they have shown their mettle too in the past two years or so. Apart from some newly minted opportunistic politicians who stand on the platform of PKR and won and who now reneged on their promises to serve the rakyat under PKR, DSAI still has a strong team. Let us give him time and some room to show his leadership in the face of fall-out of some undesirable and mis-matched politicians.

    Since his fall from grace in 1998, from the high profile of being the DPM to the lowest slammer of a jail house where he was beaten savagely, DSAI has never given up hope in spite of all the injustices that BN and the menace and despotic TDM leveled on him. The trials and tribulations that he has undergone would have broken any man but he remained steadfast. And his family stood rock solid behind him. DSAI still battles on and in all his humility he apologies for his mistakes in choosing the few black sheep.

    We also have to look at his own principles and the current issues that he stand for that marked him to be way above head and shoulders of any current UMNO leaders, whom always indulge in racists claptrap as a way to woo back the Malay voters. In the past few years when DSAI is cleared of the Sodomy I charges, TDM still spewed venom and hatred on DSAI openly, however, DSAI refused to be drawn into the low-ball, below-the-belt and bully antics of TDM. I still remembered his famous words of wisdom, “Let us ignore the old man” during one of the by-elections rally when TDM again showed his Svengali-like evil characters of harming this man again.

    Without DSAI, Pakatan will never be able to forge an alliance as initially the ideology of each of the coalition are diametrically opposite each other, each of the party’s followers as well as eligible voters are sectored based on race and each of the party wanted to take the lead. Under such extenuating circumstances it takes a politically matured and enlightened man like DSAI to bring the coalition’s stalwarts to the negotiating table to agree on a common front to fight the corrosive and corruptive government of BN. Given time and the weeding of some undesirable politicians from each of the coalitions’ team members, Pakatan will come out stronger and more resilient than when it was originally and hastily clobbered together.

    Yes, we have to give DSAI his dues as he will be our beacon of hope and light in this dark period where BN rules with blatant disregard to the rules and laws of the land, with the might of the corrupt bureaucratic machinery and the various deeply entrenched government institutions and law enforcement agencies behind them which they used injudiciously to hold onto power.

    I do hope one day that I can see on MSM that DSAI will address our nation from the podium of Putrajaya as our Prime Minister.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 1.40am aka ~witsO~

    I agree with you. However, he does not seem to be leading because of the fire-fighting he has to do in his own backyard. Also, he has been quite quiet lately.

    Take care and thanks for stopping by. Do keep in touch.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Arthur

    Thanks for your very fair and detailed comment. I can see you must be a fan of DSAI. You have gien us a chronological perspective of the trials he has gone through and helped us to see some of the pain and struggle he has had to bear. He is the glue that seems to hold Pakatan together and I honestly hope that he will survive this storm even though the odds are against him.

    Take care, Arthur. Thanks so much for sharing your learned view. God bless you and yours.

    Warmest regards

  1. says:

    Village Boy The mountains stand still, but men are made to walk.

    Have a nice day

  1. says:

    Justice Being apologetic will not do any good, at least for now!
    Just prove to the rakyat your team's worth by attending to their needs.
    What we actually want is a clean and credible team to lead PR to victory over the tainted and polluted government we have right now.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Beware of Frogs!

  1. says:

    Anonymous It took two long years for Anwar to realize his terrible political blunder.
    Notwithstanding, it is still not too late!
    We need change!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Village Boy

    Indeed! The road to Putrajaya is a long, steep and winding one indeed.

    Take care and may you have a wonderful day too!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Justice

    Sometimes it is painful and disappointing for the rakyat. We put our hopes in them and it appears as though they do not try hard enough. I suppose there is more than meets the eye.

    They had better shape up and give us a squeaky clean team the next time round or they would have committed political suicide.

    Have a nice day.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anonymous

    M Night Shymalan said "I see dead people" in his movie...

    Here in Malaysia - we see FROGS!!!

    So tragic! Take care and have a nice day!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anonymous @ 8.27 am

    As long we one realizes his folly and takes steps to change, I am sure there is hope.

    However, if one does not walk the talk - ah - he will suffer repercussions.

    Thanks for sharing your view. Take care and have a nice day!


  1. says:

    QQ Throughout history, anyone who has tried to do good has been envied and attacked. It is a great crime to stand by silently and watch this taking place without speaking out to denounce it.

    Lawan tetap lawan!

  1. says:

    Ting DSAI,

    No matter how many terrible and cruel enemies you may encounter, banish all fears and never think of backsliding.
    Please remain steadfast and unafraid. Be bold, have courage and confidence, and win in life.
    We are counting on you!

  1. says:

    Anonymous The stupid sodomy trial has only made Anwar look even better as the PM the rakyat deserve.

  1. says:

    Banyak Susah The Umno Youth executive committee will meet Datuk Seri Najib Razak this evening amid rumours of attempts by certain leaders from the wing to unseat its chief Khairy Jamaluddin.

    - Malaysian Insider

    Good news or bad news???

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear QQ

    How true! In the end, good will always triumph over evil. It is the journey and suffering that is long...

    Take care and have a great day. Continue to stand up for truth and justice.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Ting

    Indeed, we are counting on him. The sad truth is - there are not many leaders for us to choose from!!!

    I hope that young people will prepare themselves for leadership roles in the future!

    Take care and God bless you.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anonymous @ 10.04 am

    Very true. In persecuting him, they make him look like a saintly martyr!

    Thanks for sharing. Take care and have a good day!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Banyak Susah

    The plot thickens!!! More suspense and drama expected, ya?

    Thanks for sharing. Take care and God bless you.


  1. says:

    Anonymous I can only sympathize with Anuar Ibrahim of the monumental task that he put himself in.
    Not many who had gone through humiliation would want to continue the fight and for those who know this guy, let me tell you he is a real fighter and he needs support of which he can't do it alone.
    MWS, let focus for change with or without DSAI!!! This country needs to be realigned and rejuvenated for the future generation. We have had enough of being mislead for the past 50 years and either we the people go for change or the tipping point for destruction will here to dominate.
    Insya'ALLAH, God willing the people will be the victor. Lets go for it the PR way!!! or you have your way my friend!!!

  1. says:

    Anonymous Off the cuff, we can see that he made a few gaffes/errors along the way.

    One was that 16/9 hubris(which meant frogs are very morally acceptable!) despite the now admitted poor selection of some candidates in his own party.

    Another, he declared he has forgiven Mamakutty, something which means nothing(he should have stayed silent on that) since they are still all out to destroy him anyway via Sodomy II.

    Then there's the foot dragging over Taliban Zul for this long.

    Also he appears to be unsettled by Sodomy II which means his enemies are relishing it and ratcheting the pressure up more wherever possible.

    Everyone knows that the foul Kangaroo court is out to get him and it may very well succeed. He should accept this eventuality and appear completely unfazed.


  1. says:

    Village Boy If it is to be,
    it is up to me!

  1. says:

    Anonymous The more insurmountable the obstacles, the more meritorious the victory.

    Nothing great can be accomplished, no glories can be won, without overcoming difficulties.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anonymous @ 10.45 am

    Thanks for your passionate comment. I do feel very concerned about the situation, dear Anon. It is obvious that DSAI will be out of the picture soon and what will that mean for PR? I agree that the only hope (at the moment) lies in PR but I worry that the clamour for leadership (in the event that DSAI is out of the picture) will tear PR apart.

    Sometimes, I get so frustrated when I see the many blunders that these PR leaders make and comnfort myself with the thought that they are human after all - even if they are giants in their own right. And giants do take a tumble now and then, hopefully to make them a bit more realistic.

    916 did not happen for many reasons - saddening reasons - of frogs that wanted to cross for the wrong reasons and then backed out.

    So what have we? We have to strengthen ourselves and put the heat on PR to shape up - otherwise we are really DOOMED.

    But are those leaders within really sincere? That is food for thought and we have to give them the benefit of the doubt. In the mean time - we needs lots of prayers and more importantly - to train the young to be better leaders than what we see NOW.

    There IS a big the next tier...

    What sayest thou?

    Thanks for your input. Take care and God bless.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 11.03 am aka ~witsO~

    Many thanks for your sharp take on the situation. With all the pressure from within and without, it is a difficult hat to wear and one that few would be able to handle.

    Despite whatever inadequacies, the sad truth is we don't have much choice UNLESS some leaders wake up and rise to the occasion. There is a serious gap in leadership.

    We see the same old fellas in the same positions with few opportunities for younger blood. How would they feel with the old vanguards guarding their thrones? It does not seem to augur well for Malaysians. That is why YOUNG PEOPLE MUST BE GROOMED and I really want to know what PR is doing about that - sourcing out leaders with brain and brawn and the ability to think and lead. A tall order indeed.

    With perseverance and the will to succeed for the betterment of the nation, they will make it. But if it is for other reasons...hmmmm

    Take care and God bless you! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Please keep in touch.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Village Boy

    The individual will to succeed is so vital at this stage. Perspective makes a world of a difference.

    Thanks for swinging by, Village Boy. Wishing you a great day!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anonymous @ 11.37 am

    Well said! Through trials and tribulations, one can build character and endurance...hopefully not despair and disillusionment.

    Thanks for your inspiring input. Have a great day!


  1. says:

    Village Boy Very true!

    Our present struggles will be decided by the young.
    Our future struggles will also be decided by the young.

    It's time we let the young take the lead.

  1. says:

    Anonymous “It has been over a decade since Anwar’s first trial, on charges that were later overturned by the Federal Court. The current charges closely mirror the ones levied years ago, and have been brought soon after Mr. Anwar’s resumption of his role as elected Member of Parliament and leader of the parliamentary opposition. I urge the Malaysian government to accord Mr. Anwar every legal protection to which he is entitled as a Member of Parliament and as a citizen — and to settle his case in a manner that builds confidence in the impartiality and credibility of the Malaysian judicial system,” said the former US presidential contender, United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry.

  1. says:

    Tak Malu Some 250 people from the BN Youth and Perkasa gathered outside the Australian High Commission here today to protest against 50 Australian MPs who had asked for Anwar to be freed of his sodomy charge.

    We salute you, Ibrahim Ali! You must have successfully put up a 'splendid sandiwara'!

    No worry, Najib will soon welcome you back to his fold with wide-open arms!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Village boy

    Well spoken!!! Now it is up to the leaders to groom then or face doom when the next tier is vacant!!!

    Take care. May you, Saudara Hafiz, Nick and other young politically conscious citizens be amonst those young leaders of the future too.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anonymous @ 12.13 pm

    While it is heartening to note that there ARE sensible readers such as John Kerry, there are also deaf and blind ones who would not hear the truth or see reality!

    Very frustrating and saddening indeed!

    Take care and have a good day!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Tak Malu

    Some people are empty vessels who blow hot air for specific objectives. For all we know, these could be mercenary vessels too - paid to stage dramas that are not at all in the same league as playright Neil Simon!!!

    The truth will be known in time to come.

    Take care and have a nice day.

    Thanks for your input!

    God bless you.

  1. says:

    Hafiz b Shukor When things get rough, and if we don't believe in what we are doing, then we might as well give up!

    Believe in what we are doing is one thing that keeps us going. We just do it because we believe it is RIGHT!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Saudara Hafiz

    Steadfastness is really a much needed trait in these earth-shattering times.

    Take care and thanks for being a source of strength and inspiration!


  1. says:

    jtba MWS ,

    Anwar's apologies accepted but he must now remedy another repetition.

    A transparent system of selection must be planned & implemented .

    I opine that selection of candidates must start NOW as it is a time consuming process .
    Please state the qualifications , experience , standards & parameters of selection that PKR / PR will institute so that we the electorate can comment & give feedback on their track records & capabilities .
    It is very unfair for us to vote for PR regardless of the quality and background of the candidates .
    I doubt very much many will now vote an MP in just becos' he was good in videotaping Lingam at his best . Video taping skills is definitely not a pre requisite for a good MP !!!

    Certain social clubs post the photos & names of membership applicants for feedback as part of the selection process . Perhaps this needs to be done for selection of GE candidates ?
    There may be much skeletons in the cupboards that many members of public may know that were hidden away from Party leaders which could be used against the candidates to switch camps ???

    I certainly will be against the selection of same ADUN I had voted for in the last GE becos he failed the community in his current term . How can PR get feedback if they do not set up a channel of communication ? PR must not continue to take the electorate for granted by expecting us to just blindly voting in a sub standard candidate .

    My advice to Anwar/PR.... change the selection process for candidates or run the risk of losing support .

    Lastly , maybe a legal document can be executed between the individual candidates to pay the Party RM10 million( or more ) in the event they change to the " other " side as compensation for the use of the Party machinery and support in winning a seat .


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear JTBA

    Excellent suggestion. Would you like to consolidate your comment and add more so that I can post it as a separate post? What sayest thou?

    How about other readers? HOw do you all feel about these comments that JTBA has eloquently expressed?

    Thanks so much for your heartfelt and sincere response.

    Waiting to hear a positive response from you.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Rm10 million is nothing lah for the other side to settle for me to frog over !!

  1. says:

    Anonymous ONE billion or resignation = better condition !

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anonymous @6.51 pm

    Haiz....this is such a terrible state of chaos and nonsense...How sad indeed that some could compromise principles and integrity for $$$.

    Take care and have a good rest.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 9.57 pm

    A saddening situation indeed. Sighs. May sense and sensibility prevail at the end of the day.

    Take care and God bless you.


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