Posted by Unknown On Thursday, February 4, 2010 8 comments
Racism exists in every society as much as criminals exist in every community. The problem with racism here in Malaysia is when it is institutionalized, adopted as official policy, seeded and fertilized as divide and conquer tools and most heinously used as cover/justification for rampant robbery and thievery of the nation's wealth.

Malaysians didn't have institutionalized racism let alone adopted as a government policy before the 80s! Racism was brought to the fore as a policy and institutionalized in the 80s. We know who is responsible for this. History never lies nor does it hides the truth. All we need to do is open up the history books, old newspaper records and archives and we will be enlightened by the truth.

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What we have here is a pervasive institutionalizing and indoctrination of racism as a Weapon of Mass Division. A Weapon of Mass delusion. A weapon of plausible denial of responsibility. In other words it's a tool for preservation of political power and control of the nation's wealth. It has become a tool to ensure the masses are always deceived into false sense of threat and invasion and loss of nationhood. It's a tool of criminals and tyrants and treacherous politicians.

Don't read too much into Malaysians as racist beings (with racism integrated in its very core). Far from it! Malaysians, by nature, are an agreeable and understanding society.

The problem is the constant and relentless racist indoctrination by those in power are too much for an agreeable and docile society.

  • We were unconsciously forced to become racist.
  • We were deluded to think that everything must be divided into race.
  • We were taught to think in racist ideas.
  • We were conditioned to behaved in a racist existence.
  • We thus became convinced that it is in our nature to look and see the world in racist eyes.
  • We are NOT born as racists.
  • Our children are color blind and that's the proof of our good-natured hearts.

However all is not lost! If we know the problem then we can solve the problem! BUT how many of us really understand the problem or really took the time to know the problem? We know what and who are the root causes of this problem. BUT what do we do? And that's a question for all Malaysian who lament about racism need to ask themselves.

You may lament and hate racism BUT how many times did we elect those racist into government? Once? Twice? Thrice? Or God help us, more than 6 times? Imagine that!

Tears quote Pictures, Images and Photos

A racist government was elected into power for more than 3 decades by us! We placed them there! We let them loose! we stood by and let them loose on this country in exchange for a fistful of ringgit! Now we see the full impact/effect of that trade.Well, I'm feeling ashamed of myself by now. What about you?

written by Nick aka Hamba and reposted with his permission

Please leave a comment if you would like to share your thoughts. Thanks and have a nice day!


  1. says:

    JournoDownUnder Dear MWS,
    Your friend Nick has valid points. We've gone through that (institutionalised racism) during the John Howard era. It's not easy for present government to undo what was practised for 12 years. And you all want to undo what has been embedded for the past three decades, if not 52 years. But remember, nothing is impossible. When there's a will, there's a way.
    Now we have to deal with leader of the opposition, Tony Abbott, who shoots from the hips when dealing with immigration issues. Wish I could put him on the next boat that sails to....where??? England?
    Sorry, I digress. In my one-person opinion, your opposition leaders are not up there yet in making these changes. Through my observation, they are practising the very thing that present government is doing - race-based, power grabbing, washing dirty linen in public, corruption. So, why not disband the different parties and combine into one PR?

    1/2cents worth of a pensioner

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear JournoDownUnder

    Thanks for sharing with us your experience down under and for your positive encouragement for us to soldier on.

    :-) We have our fair share of Tony Abbott wannabes and I think they should all be on the same boat to Timbuktu!

    I agree with you that our current leaders on both sides of the divide have yet to reach that level of earnestness to effect change.

    It is time they do serious soul-searching and work towards the betterment of this nation and not to fulfill their own agenda.

    Take care and lovely to see you again.


  1. says:

    A Arthur In the Magick River blog, there is an excellent pix of Saiful together with all the powers that be. SAIFUL, YOU ARE NOT ALONE....WE ARE ALL BEHIND YOU, BOY...You got a nice plump rump.

    So I just pen this few lines :

    He got a nice plump rump

    He got a nice plump rump

    Where TweedleDee GP and TweedleDum MH take turns to hump

    And the Walrus NAR looking on said he know not of SaiFul

    But Walrus asked him to swear his rear being shafted by one DSAI fool

    And the fat ugly black monstrous crow RM whispered to Walrus’s ears

    Which frightened all the 3 heroes until they are in tears

    Crow RM said to put Humpty Dumpty DSAI on the wall

    To make sure that Humpty Dumpty had a great fall

    So that all the king’s horses and all the king’s men

    Cannot put Humpty Dumpty together again.

    (satire from Alice in Wonderland)

  1. says:

    Donplaypuks® Hi MWS

    This is a shocker and only comfirms that THE racist speech in Melaka is not the isolated act of a man gone astray momentarily.

    Refer blog at:

    "The Special Officer to Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, Nasir Safar, has been asked to resign for calling the early Indian immigrants to Malaya beggars and the Chinese prostitutes. But that is not the icing on the cake. The icing on the cake is that Nasir Safar was the man mentioned in item 30 of PI Bala’s Statutory Declaration:

    “Azilah asked me whether the woman was Aminah and I said ‘Yes’. He then walked off and made a few calls on his handphone. After 10 minutes another vehicle, a blue Proton Saga, driven by a Malay man, passed by slowly. The driver’s window had been wound down and the driver was looking at us.”

    You can read the full text of Bala’s Statutory Declaration below.

    Yes, that man in the blue Proton Saga was Nasir Safar. But the police, who took Bala’s statement, denied it and said that it was a resident from that area and not Nasir Safar. How did the police know this immediately without any further investigation and without taking Nasir Safar’s statement?

    Now, why would the Prime Minister’s Special Officer be at the scene of the crime?..."

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Arthur

    What a clever satirical rhyme that summarizes the outrageous turn of events!

    Thanks for sharing your creativity and satirical wit here!


  1. says:

    Unknown Hi DPP

    Thanks for sharing...That article was also carried in Malaysia Today and I hope many have read that article.

    Your question is a million dollar question indeed and how many know the answer?

    We really wonder....

  1. says:

    Starmandala A racist government was elected into power for more than 3 decades by us! We placed them there! We let them loose! we stood by and let them loose on this country in exchange for a fistful of ringgit!

    Not me! I can declare that I have never once voted BN. Admittedly I was pretty much apolitical until Mahathir came along and imprisoned some of my friends in October 1987, along with every key opposition leader. That's when I realized I hadn't been paying close attention to what that reptile had been doing to the country.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Antares,

    I stand with you to proclaim "Not me either!" :-)

    And soon, I hope as many as possible will raise the same cry to fill the air of this nation for the choice is ours! Our nation's destiny is in our hands...

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