Posted by Unknown On Monday, March 1, 2010 55 comments
It started with Datuk Zahrain's untimely exit from PKR followed by former Penang Deputy Chief Minister Mohd Fairus Khairuddin's defection to UMNO. Today, former PKR secretary-general Datuk Salehuddin Hashim has quit PKR as reported by Malaysian Insider HERE.

This resignation comes as a big blow to PKR as he once held a top post and was a senior party member who was part of de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's inner circle.

As if that was not enough, Nibong Tebal MP Tan Tee Beng today became the second federal lawmaker to leave PKR, delivering another blow to the party that has seen sitting lawmakers leave nearly two years after their historic victory in Election 2008. In true Zahrainian fashion, MP Tan said that he will be an Independent MP.

Currently, PKR has 29 MPs in parliament and the Pakatan Rakyat bench is diminished to just 80 lawmakers against Barisan Nasional’s 137. DAP now has 28 MPs while PAS has 23 MPs.

We can view disappointments in life positively or negatively.

A pessimistic person or an opportunist would emphasize the price that PKR has had to pay and zero in on inherent weaknesses of the party and make a big thing out of the situation. A hopeful pessimist would acknowledge that there ARE inherent weaknesses that exist within PKR but such circumstances can help the party to take remedial measures to emerge as victors and not as the vanquished. To me, it is a purging of moles and/or turncoats which is good for PKR because it can ill afford such characters to be part of the party at this time when the battle is moving into a more serious mode. A blind optimist would choose to disregard such events and continue to live in denial that all is NOT well on the home front.

Whatever it is, a cracked mirror exists in PKR.

The question now is - when they look at themselves in that cracked mirror, what do they see and what are they going to do about it?

What are we going to do to help?

Please leave a comment to share your views, suggestions, observations etc. Thanks! Have a nice day!


  1. says:

    Anonymous I always expected this would happen because many members of PKR were detritus of umno and were expecting entitlements like before.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits)~

    Me too!! I still expect more to leave! They did not scrutinize applications carefully and failed to do the same when selecting candidates for the previous GE.

    Well, they had better learn fr this mistake and consolidate their position lest they become history!

    Take care and God bless you.

  1. says:

    Anonymous BTW, Somehow. I don't think Anwar's interview and statement is a plus for him here:
    It seems to convey a great personal fear of the jail.


  1. says:

    ahoo In Malaysia the dirty word is not the four letter word BUT those two legged walking MPs' or state reps.
    They have had betrayed the trust of the people and party. Without integrity, what else can the people place their trust in them ?

    The current political scenario in Malaysia is very digusting. Can we form an NGO " People Pressure Group " to haunt them who had jumped camp ? They said they are independent to fool people but are waiting to be paid handsomely or have already taken their dues.

    Let us put up a " Hall of Shame " site and get these " jokers " names in there and blog about it till their shames is engraved into the hearts of all Malaysians. Give me a frog anytime, I'll cook it with hot chilly and onions for food. But a political frog, need to hang them on a pole upside down in order for them to feel more earthly.

  1. says:

    QQ Obviously, the true colours of those who are cowards, sycophants, mere vulgar self-seekers, vile hypocrites and deceitful pretenders are now revealed.

    We have all seen people who talk big but accomplish nothing. More sadly, in their hearts, they are contemptuous of those who are sincere and earnest.

    In a crisis, these are the types who betray their comrades.

    Can we trust such dishonourable, irresponsible, filthy and despicable leaders? Can we just let them go or escape with such a shameless behaviour?

    God bless

  1. says:

    Tak Malu Yang Bodoh Tan Tee Beng, you are a compulsive liar. You assured the world that you are not leaving PKR and will defend yourself. Are you a man with principles? Are your pockets now loaded?

    You are real garbage, the sooner you leave, the better!

  1. says:

    Anonymous Pulau Pinang sudah jadi pulau katak loh!

  1. says:

    Penangite All the monkeys are now showing their wagging tails.

    Don't stay independent, Monkey Tan & Co.!
    Join Umno, MCA or Gerakan.
    That's where you have all the goodies waiting for you!

    What a damn shame!

  1. says:

    Boleh Man Parti Keadilan Rakyat bersyukur “ke hadrat Allah” kerana Mohd Fairus Khairuddin akhirnya meninggalkan parti yang diumumkan malam tadi, kata timbalan presidennya Dr Syed Husin Ali.

    ~~ Malaysian Insider

    Memang! Seluruh rakyat Malaysia turut bersyukur!

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi ~wits0~

    From a public relations strategy viewpoint,this interview does not seem to portray him positively because his responses reflect too much spontaneity...he should have anticipated the questions and presented more cogent arguments that are compact, fool-proof and absolutely tight.

    To me, he sounds rattled but trying to maintain his composure.

    What say you?


  1. says:

    Justice To those hopping frogs:

    What matters is not wealth, positions or prestige.
    The most noble way of life for a human being is one of integrity and sincerity.

    Remember :

    The man who is shown to be the most evil will also be the most miserable!

    Beware :

    Those who concoct vile plots and malicious intrigues all ultimately come to a wretched end!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    My thanks for your passionate response. I heard that there is a group that will be registered soon as a civil action group. Don't know how far this is true though.

    When such people do not display integrity, accountability and responsibility and then are not condemned by a group who is supposed to rule, does it mean that the lack of such virtues and values is condoned? What will then be its long term effect on the perception of conformity, norms, values and morals?

    A very worrying trend indeed. Yes, I am also highlighting it in my blog ...and doing the best I can to make us remember the good times, the bad times and that now is the time when we have to go on our knees to pray for divine intervention to deliver us from evil!!!

    Take care and bless your heart and caring spirit.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Thank you, Tan Tee Beng.
    Next, please ...........

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear QQ

    Yes indeed! These wolves in sheep's clothing have finally shown ther fangs and true colors.

    Unwittingly, they have committed political suicide because right-minded citizens with clear thinking skills will not vote such demon-like characters again!!

    We have to exercise wisdom and discernment during such times and to stand up for truth and justice.

    Take care and God bless.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Tak Malu

    If you are from Nibong Tebal and have ever heard him speak, you would know the truth of your words.

    Those in the political arena know his true colors and are aware that had he stayed on, he would have been a liability.

    To me, it is good he has left!!
    Thanks for sharing your view. Take care and keep in touch.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Penangite

    They should head to Botanical Gardens or to the Youth Park!!
    They have their reasons why they chose to be independent. I am sure we all do too.

    What an outrage!

    Thanks for sharing...Take care and have a nice day.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Boleh Man

    There is good that has come out of this disgraceful episode...Let us hope the good increases as the rotten leave..

    Take care and God bless you!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Justice

    These people are a disgrace to their community, family and friends. They have also betrayed their electorate and should resign. Their Maker will be awaiting them - by then, they will meet their judgement.

    Take care and God bless!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anonymous at 1.34pm

    Memang Pulau Katak kalau mereka berperangai begini.

    Thanks for visiting. Take care and have a nice day!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anonymous @ 3.00pm

    Good comment! I am sure there will be more to follow!

    Take care and have a good day!


  1. says:

    A single Vote Ma'am,

    It is just not fair.

    I told my father-in-law about this Mr Tan leaving PKR and he jumped on me like I was that rascal. No, he is not senile, it is just that he was a staunch Gerakan supporter and he holds true to his principles. No prizes but guess why the family were never ever free to send him back to Penang to vote come election time. Discussed with him how these traitors were now so principled that it is because of certain principles that they are leaving. The old man asked if anyone has ever used DSAI parting his hair on the wrong side as an excuse? Senile? Wait for his wrath.

    He is the son of Mr so and so isn't he. Oh, was the old man ashamed even to mention the name. It hurt him so, the mere association to his Gerakan. Then a long lecture on the reason why the Chinese have their father's name in the front. But I remembered that in the old days, when someone did something wrong, the Pak Chik would ask, siapa ni, anak siapa ni?

    Should we all not hold the name our father loaned us as sacred any more? Philosophically, he added, these days its money thats held sacred and the challenge is for us to teach our children good family values. Then, we must use these shameless parasites as examples to tell the young how they betrayed the voters so that they will be forever remembered by their later generations as such.

    I learnt about the origin of the 'yew chia kueh' today. Popular till this day, but the significance of its origin is lost on this Tan.

    Enjoy your yew chia kueh, Mr Tan, you and your mates. Never stand in Pulau Tikus, that's where my father in law is registered.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Arrogance in a leader is the sign of foolishness and lack of character.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Wonder how much these headless and shameless 'katak' have received from Koh Tsu Koon?

  1. says:

    Anonymous Yes, Masterwordsmith, he does sound amateurish and rattled when compared with his earlier (okay) statement that the PKR/Opposition will struggle on with him inside or outside of jail. His enemies surely know that too.


  1. says:

    Anonymous It is a sad truth that ungrateful political leaders will end up worse than beasts.

  1. says:

    Zico No doubt this exodus will have adverse effects on PKR's immediate standing. But if you look at the larger picture while remembering that Najib is the biggest culprit perverting our politics while hiding behind a silly slogan, this voluntary removal of puerile political trash will pay marvellous dividends in the next G.E.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear A Single Vote

    Many were surprised how and why he was elected in the first place. I was surprised he was ever selected by PKR and now they have to pay the price of that decision. Yet, I guess nobody expected to win much in those days.

    The next GE will be absolutely crucial. With all that is happening, both sides want to win and are dead serious about achieving that goal.

    I can understand how your father-in-law feels. My late father was a staunch Gerakan member too which explains my late foray into politics. It was only after his demise that I became vocal - the muted stance was out of respect for my dad. However, what i did when voting was and still strictly my prerogative.

    To the Chinese, maintaining the family name is of utmost importance but not to some.

    And they seem indifferent about that. I believe you know what I am talking about.

    What we have to learn from here is integrity, accountability and that we must live in such a way that we leave behind a legacy to be remembered by - not for others to use to condemn our descendants.

    Take care and God bless you for your kind, sincere and respectful heart.

    Warmest wishes

  1. says:

    Village Boy No comments.

    I'm already sick of all these political clowns.

    Let the rakyat judge them!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 3.48 p.m.

    Agree! If we look at famous world leaders of the past, most of them oozed with wisdom, commitment to their cause, humility and simplicity in the way they lived and worked.

    Their lives remain an inspiration till today.

    For others,.....


    That is the sad state of affairs.

    Thanks for swinging by to share your thoughts. Take care and do keep in touch!

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 3.51pm

    To stand for election as a MP, one must have LOTS of leadership characteristics, a clear cause for the people, commitment to their electorate, an impeccable way of speech, an almost faultless of blameless life and a glowing past.

    Otherwise, it is VERY difficult to survive and the reasons are obvious.

    We can only speculate but God is the judge and he will have to account for ALL his actions to his Maker one day.

    We leave him to the judgement of God.

    Many Penangites are outraged, especially Nibong Tebal folks I am this betrayal.

    MPs who defect should have the courage to resign from their seat and stand for re-election to get the madate from their electorate based on their character and not the flag of the former party they belonged to...

    Take care and God bless you for sharing your thoughts.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Definitely! They must be gloating and grinning from ear to ear - which explains why they are on the offensive now and gaining ground too!!!

    What will PKR do now? Infighting still in a scramble for the top?

    They had better put the rakyat first now or expect backlash from the rakyat.

    Very worrying times that we are living in...

    Take care and have a good day.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 4.41 p.m.

    Agree...but before they end up worse than beasts, we can see how they metamorphosed into beasts themselves before they meet a most tragic and insignificant end...

    Food for thought...

    Take care and thanks for sharing your views.

    Have a lovely evening even under such disappointing circumstances.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Zico

    Thanks for your optimistic perspective of this shake-up that is happening...

    I sincerely hope that PKR will really get serious to consolidate the party.

    They are so busy now putting out fires in their own compound that they have so much on their platter...

    And yet, expectations are STILL high...

    Take care and God bless you now and always. Do keep in touch!

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Village Boy

    I am sure many of us are at this point of time. I am too - which explains the brevity of my post.

    Mud-slinging exercises does nothing for us ...and the other side would be just to happy to clap for us if we did partake of such activities.

    More importantly, we need to help PR to get MORE voters in their voter registration campaigns/efforts and make sure we do our part to lobby on our own for them.

    Take care and thanks for sharing your view. It is always lovely to hear from you and I look out for your comments in each post.

    God bless you with a restful and fruitful evening.


  1. says:

    Justice As expected, Tan joins Zahrain, Zulkifli in the queue.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Justice

    More are expected to join - as seen in statements by various leaders in Malaysian Insider.

    It is earthquake aka shake-up time for PR!!!


  1. says:

    Anonymous "Very worrying times that we are living in..." - Masterwordsmith.

    The PFR shakeout is inevitable - the chaffs must go.

    The problem is with Anwar too. He should not have sounded(the least) fearful of returning to jail if he is set on demolishing umno. Yes, he and family has invested heavily in PKR and he therefore must not sound or act rattled. He did.

    Fella like him must have been told by umno, behind the scene, to flee and reside overseas to avoid persecution. Since he can't either, he must face the worse they'll throw at him without flinching!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    I fear he knows he cannot rein in some of the PKR fellas.

    He has pressure from all sides - the law, his enemies from outside PKR, his enemies within PKR, other enemies, or perhaps subordinates who cannot give him the support he needs because they are busy fighting fires or too disorganized or too idealistic..

    Whatever it is, we can see that he is cracking, so is PKR..then what will happen to PR?

    Seriously, I hope the leaders will stop blaming others see what DSAI said in Malaysian Insider) and start looking at themselves.

    What do you think?

    Take care...


  1. says:

    Donplaypuks® We must always look for quality over quantity, even if it means losing the next GE.

    It's better these turncoats go now tainted, into UMNO's arms, then they stay on and create a huge PKFZ-like scandal or other disaster later. Thus will Pakatn's victory be guaranteed!

    Good men and women will emerge to continue to lead Pakatan to form the next Govt. Of that, I have not the slightest doubt!

    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  1. says:

    Anonymous Inspiration Johnny Horton tribute in Dixie:


  1. says:

    Anonymous Anwar: No way are they sending me back to jail.

    Well said.

    Lawan tetap lawan!
    Lawan hingga menang!

  1. says:

    Anonymous True, ahoo @ 1:24 PM.

    Even words like "national" and "patriotism" are meaningless as long as this sort of vulgar racism and unprincipled politics stays the order of the day here.

    There are much that is wrong here and it's the so-called nationalist and conservatives who selfishly want them to remain the same. These greedy ppl are the persistent ugly pain in the neck!


  1. says:

    Anonymous MWS : "Seriously, I hope the leaders will stop blaming others see what DSAI said in Malaysian Insider) and start looking at themselves.

    What do you think?"

    Definitely! Many of the from umno and bn thinks business as usual is an entitlement. The newer ones are idealistic and believe in the cause together with the old ones like e.g. Husin Ali ; the old seat-warming umno/bn detritus are expectedly hopeless.


  1. says:

    Anonymous A very worrying trend indeed. Yes, I am also highlighting it in my blog ...and doing the best I can to make us remember the good times, the bad times and that now is the time when we have to go on our knees to pray for divine intervention to deliver us from evil!!!

    MWS, how sure are you that this is not part of the divine plan ?

  1. says:

    Anonymous MWS, would you have applauded if 30 or so MPs hopped over to PKR/PR on 16-9-2008 ?

    Fairness and justice would have dictated that you show similar disgust. But would you ?

    All of us can think but what we think with will determine the conclusion of our thoughts. So becareful more than anything the things that you have in your mind - particularly things that were fed to you in order to manipulate you.

    Remember always that the devil wears pravda.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear DPP

    Thanks for the much needed wise words and input that you have shared with us. I really hope that good men and women of honor and integrity will come forward to serve the country in the next GE.

    Take care and do keep in touch.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear witso

    Thanks for the video...Will watch it when I get home ...


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear anon at 8.47pm

    Yes - we must be firm and steadfast in our stand.

    Take care and God bless.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear witso at 9.08pm

    Well spoken!!! It is marvellous how you can respond with much verve.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon at 9.40pm

    I do not know if this is part of the divine plan. Do you?

    Still, I believe there is no harm in raising our voices to the heavens that our supplications may be heard.

    What happens thereafter is up to the Almighty and the people involved in the decision making.

    I believe God does give man free will to choose.

    Take care and God bless you.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon at 9.46pm

    If that were to happen, I would still ask them to resign to be re-elected again in order to get the mandate from the people.

    Yes, I would show similar disgust on a matter of principle and I have expressed this publicly before in a forum discussing this issue.

    Party hopping is unethical. Period.

    Thanks for being a very objective person. I respect you for that. God bless your good heart.

    Do keep in touch. I am sorry for this late response due to commitments to friends.

    Thanks for dropping by.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Mary Poppins: A Spoonful Of Sugar;

    Surely AhBengkia learnt also from Saifull:


  1. says:

    mohd ali ismail PKR will likely feel the jolt and shaken with the resignations and the desertions of some of their Lawmakers and their key members.Having said that there are lots more people out there who are symphathetic and would support the cause and the struggle of PKR.To me i would be glad that those defectors took to the heels now than later as they would be a stumblig blocks to PKR come PRU13.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Witso

    Thanks so much for the songs. Just got back from vacation and managed to view....

    Take care and have a good day!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Encik Mohd Ali Ismail

    Thank you for your wise comment and for visiting my blog. I apologize for this late response. Just got back from vacation.

    Take care and do keep in touch.


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