Posted by Unknown On Thursday, May 13, 2010 24 comments
May 13th, 1969 was just like any ordinary day for me in the dark muggy classroom of Methodist Girls' School. My friends and I were playing games quietly with our erasers whilst Miss Teoh, my form teacher then, looked at us most disapprovingly.

The blare of the school's P.A. system that pierced the quiet ambience announced that we had to pack our bags and wait for our parents to take us home. No reason was given. All I remember was that soon enough, the place was swarmed with worried-looking parents scuttling along the corridors calling out the names of their children. Innocent kids like yours truly rejoiced that school's done and we could go home and play.

By the time my mother arrived, she grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the car. Fear gripped my heart as all around me on that gloomy day was almost chaotic with cars honking insanely as each driver tried to weave in and out of any space just so they could escape from the madness raging all around. As I entered the car, I opened my mouth to ask the reason for the early dismissal but when I saw my mom's blackened face, I decided silence was a better option.

Fortunately, we lived round the corner in an extended family and by the time I reached home, I discovered that my cousins were all at home. After a shower, I went on to play tanks and guns with my cousin brothers. We never knew what was going on. Even though we wanted to ask, the sombre looks on our parents' faces zipped our lips.

And so it went on till we heard the blare of the siren....

And trucks rolling down the streets...

People marching in the distance....

Other than those alien sounds, there was a deafening silence all around ...

Deep in my heart, I knew something was terribly wrong. My greatest fears were confirmed when I heard my mother discussing food rations with her sisters after which they all came out of the kitchen to shake their fingers at the rest of us, telling us not to make any noise, not to get out of the house and not to waste food.

I remember climbing up the jambu tree in the garden and being bitten by red ants in the process - all because I wanted to see who were those soldiers marching by and my mother screaming at me followed by a spanking on my derriere by the time I climbed down the tree.

Daily, sirens would blare signalling time for people to get out of their homes to buy their food rations. Fortunately for us, we lived in the heart of town within walking distance to the market and kedai runcit.

Somewhere down the road during that period, one of my older cousins told us what had happened. With awestruck faces, we looked at each other and from thence, we were on our best behavior.

Later, when things had abated, I read about the atrocities in the newspapers that the adults kept away from us. Naturally, inquisitive me snooped around for news. A deep sense of relief overwhelmed me as we had been spared of the worst case scenario.

Sadly, others were not so lucky...

Fast forward to May 13th, 2010.

Has the nation learnt its lesson from the past?

Historically, the May 13 1960 Incident is a term for the Sino-Malay sectarian violence that broke out in Kuala Lumpur which led to the imposition of a state of national emergency. The government suspended Parliament and established the National Operations Council (NOC or Majlis Gerakan Negara, MAGERAN) to govern the country between 1969 and 1971. As a result of the riots, official statistics state that 196 people were killed but journalists and other observers have quoted much higher figures.

According to Wikipedia:

Over 2,000 were killed by rioters, police and Malaysian Army rangers, mainly in Kuala Lumpur. Many of the dead were quickly buried in unmarked graves in the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital grounds by soldiers of Malaysian Engineers.The government cited the riots as the main cause of its more aggressive affirmative action policies, such as the New Economic Policy (NEP), after 1969.

Recent events have shown that the May 13 incident continues to be used as a race card to create fear amongst many just so that they can achieve their agenda of self-elevation above all else. It has been used to frighten voters to vote for the establishment and of late, has been used to organize a rally (postponed till?) to "motivate" the Malay community and commemorate the 41st anniversary of the bloody May 13 racial riots (Quote taken from HERE).

Forty-one years down the road of nation-building, are we better off or are we becoming a failed state as discussed by Stanley Koh HERE?

If you want a list of incidents where the May 13 episode has been 'used' by some, kindly visit THIS SITE which documents many of such incidents and reports.

I believe until and unless our politicians and their followers have the moral and political courage to bury the ghosts of May 13, 1969 in the past forever, our nation cannot move forward progressively.

Be a real hero and acquire status, power and prestige from NOBLE acts carried out in the name of ALL RAKYAT regardless of class, creed and color. Be color-blind for the right reason and see people for who they are and facilitate social mobility via meritocracy. Moot for reconciliation and put to death any form of pluralism or sectarianism.

The authorities must be impartial and warn those who misuse May 13 for their selfish interests. They cannot show special immunity for some and zero in on others for minuscule offences as such overtures can cast aspersions on their integrity.

It has been four decades since May 13, 1969. A long passage of time indeed. From a little girl then, I am now moving into the big five. What do I dream of for my country?

I dream of a new government that:

  • displays transparency in national expenditure and all decisions
  • demonstrates integrity in all its institutions
  • delights in accountability to the rakyat
  • dares to make decisions in favor of the collective good of the rakyat
  • despises any form of corruption
  • dances NOT to the tune of leaders or past leaders that do not have the well-being of ALL the rakyat at heart
  • delivers promises that were made in elections and by-elections
  • defeats any form of enemy that seeks to create divisiveness and any form of injustice
  • destroys cronyism, despotism and any form of divisiveness
  • does not plunder the country's resources and then has the audacity to deny
  • etc...(please add to the list)
And I know that as long as the rakyat continue to vote the same leaders that do not do all that, we are likely to wither away..

The Sibu by-election is very crucial, especially after the HS defeat. I appeal to all Sibu voters to sound the trumpet for the beginning of change by voting for DAP. The ruthless regime HAS TO GO.

Change has to happen. It has to begin with me, with you, with all of us.

And it can only happen if we work to ensure that Pakatan Rakyat finishes their journey at Putrajaya.

Are you willing to help realize that dream? I hope so.

Please leave a comment to share your thoughts/views or suggestions. Thanks! Have a great day!

24 comments to MOVING ON 41 YEARS AFTER 1969

  1. says:

    QQ Change has to happen. It has to begin with me, with you, with all of us.

    Yes, we need a change and it needs to happen real soon!

    Dear Sibu voters, please make our dream a reality!

  1. says:

    rainstorm Is a well written piece ! Plain, simple & easy to understand. Yes, i really hope Sibu voters are smart enough to vote for DAP eventhough BN has blatantly danggle the carrots during this "buy-election". If those voters in Sibu does not want CHANGE and still vote for BN, then all i can say is they deserved the government that they voted in. ie BN govt is so CORRUPT and always play with race card !

    Dear Sibu voters, think of the many leakages eg PKFZ, Submarines, missing jet engines, and many others. Anyone care enough to add on to the list ?

  1. says:

    Anonymous Dear MWS,

    The years only moved on but as a "nation", we have not despite whatever prosperity that seems to have appeared - this itself seems threatened.


    Because the country refuses to come in terms with the reality and responsibility of finding out the real cause and culprits behind this massacre.

    No damn intention to hold that all essential inquiry but instead rewarded the guilty parties instead.

    So we stumble along with this evil karmic burden of denying justice for those innocence who were killed and pretend that all is swell and well for so long. Even worse, the official position is almost all perverted wrt the truth.

    For one who was almost included in the statistic, I've been burnt out, shot at in the thick of the event and witnessed the red sky conflagration of KL, from the outskirt of Kg Baru to what was then still known as Batu Road on that fateful night, smelled the snoke and felt the ashes and later smelt the dead from the overflowing hospital mortuary for days afterwards.

    I have seen the (unlikely)gunshot victims in the ortho wards like e.g., that of an unforgetable young girl in prone traction from a bullet lodged in her head. I have touched some of the victim's blood in the course of lending a hand.

    This "nation" cannot but now face the overdue karmic fall-out for the lack of justice in dealing with the monstrous matter of May 13 '69, but instead perverted it to suit the purpose of umno all along.


  1. says:

    Ex-MCA Man Saiful says at the time he supported BN but voted for Elizabeth Wong and Sivarasa Rasiah of PKR.

    What a joker!

    Well, Sibu voters! Fikir-fikirlah!

  1. says:

    Apa Nama In this Bolehland, we don't talk of justice, and we don't talk of police.
    We only talk of by-elections!

    Believe me, during by-elections, the "impossibles" have always become "possibles"!

  1. says:

    Anonymous Though it was not a very educated thought, many outside Sibu could not help but wish that the days of their own MPs on earth would be few so that they too can enjoy the PM’s saving grace.

    -- Martin Jalleh

  1. says:

    KoSong Cafe If only people in Umno and Perkasa concentrate their energy on improving themselves instead of being jealous of others, they would have made some difference.

    If the government and other institutions are in their hands, why are they still feeling insecure? The facilities are there and it is only up to them to prove their eligibilities to take advantage of what are on offer.

    We seem to be the only nation that can practise racial discrimination without being subject to UN sanctions; break election rules with impunity; persecute opposition leaders 'legally'... just about anything you can think of, BN can get away from... and the voters kept voting them back!

    For as long as there are politicians and people who are easily tempted by short-term gains, BN can continue to rule indefinitely.

  1. says:

    Anonymous If the truth of such a horrendous event like May 13 can be perverted officially for so long without any desire whatsoever to seek justice for its numerous victims, it means that the psyche of a country is truly dark and sick, and flawed beyond redemption.

    Why should it be surprising that the ruling elites now stoop to all evil to entrench themselves? They've gotten away with mass murder before and even emerged into position of power and wealth afterwards.


  1. says:

    Anonymous The words of the late Tunku Abdul Rahman :

    " You know Harun was one of those - Harun, Mahathir, Ghazali Shafie - who were all working with Razak to oust me, to take over my place..."

    In 1997, we have Subky Latiff, a journalist who wrote :

    " The May 13 incident did not occur spontaneously. It was planned quickly and purposely. The identity of the planners of the incident cannot be stated with accuracy. But whatever it was tha happened, the May 13 incident was a form of coup d'etat directed against Tunku Abdul Rahman. The Tunku's power in fact ended from then onwards. Although he continued to be Prime Minister and President of UMNO, he was no more than a figurehead."

    Any wonder why they have to distort history ? Hid the truth from the current generation in order to hold on to power with deceitful ways. Many of those evil planners are gone now BUT those that are still around were the youths in the said party.

    Can we allow distorted truth in history ? Are we still in denial that after 40 year of misrule, we are not angry enough to want change ? Wake up Malaysians if you are one. No religion permits injustice, corruption, leakages, wastages, selective prosecution, plundering, compromise EC & judiciary, immunity for party members from prosecution for wrongs etc. except the religion of umnoputras.

    Do not be cowed into accepting distorted truth as the truth. What is black is black and what is white is white. No amount of spinning can change that fact. Do not allow yourself to be lead to the slaughter house by those devil in disguise as friendly politicians on the side of bn.

    We want to see change and change will come when we put our heart to it. We cannot get what we never have unless we are willing to do what we have never done,... vote for change ! Let us make a pledge today for those who had died mysteriously on this day in 1969that no amount of threat from those with evil intentions will make us change our minds in wanting a new govt for new Malaysia.

  1. says:

    Unknown I have long time not commenting anything because I really fed up with the current situation.

    Out dear latest PM are openly buy vote for Sibu by-election. He is doing anything anytime anywhere, just to secure his power! I just can't believe it.....

    From Judge, PDRM, MACC, GLC, SPR, Palace, Media, etc(as long you can name it), which 1 of them have not been used by this PM? He is now above the law, whatever he do is legal but whatever opposition parties is illegal.

    If we the rakyat continuing to support BN in the coming 10 years, Malaysia will become a totally no hope country. Chinese say 'when a patient is too ill, you will only waste money to cure the patient".

    Chinese & Indian are waking up, how about my dear Malay, Iban, Dayak, Kadazan, Murut & Dusun?
    Pls wake up and save us for our future.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear QQ

    Thanks for that call!

    Sibu Voters, we are counting on you!!! Please vote for DAP, vote for CHANGE!!


    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear rainstorm

    Thanks for your kind words and exhortation to Sibu voters!

    We need more Malaysians like you to speak up for change.

    Take care and do keep in touch.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    You have expressed it very succinctly, dear ~wits0~. The fact is that we have progressed outwardly but regressed inwardly in many ways, largely because different groups see this country via different lens - warped, distorted lens, smoky blurred lens while others are using the best wide-angled lens. And the latter know reality whilst the others fake reality.

    Those who can will not face up to the reality and responsibility of admitting or finding the causes and culprits of this horrible period of our nation's history. Probably, truth will remain buried - but not in the past but...

    And we face distorted truth indeed, made so by those with defective mentality, warped by selfishness, greed and self-glorification tendencies.

    Thank you for sharing your experiences. I am sure these must have affected you deeply.

    My experience is tame compared to yours. Yet, I was so deeply affected that the scenes of the past remain vivid till this day, even after 41 years.

    I believe the past will come back to haunt those who are responsible for all that happened and are happening.

    They have to answer to their Maker and face their judgement. We leave them in the hands of the Almighty.

    In the mean time, we have to do lots to effect change....lest we wither away.

    Take care and have a lovely evening.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Ex-MCA Man

    The events that are happening before our eyes MUST send only ONE message to the Sibu voters: VOTE DAP, VOTE FOR CHANGE....


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Apa Nama

    How true!

    Roads with pot-holes are miraculously tarred owners get OCs at breakneck speed, schools get millions instead of pittance and oh - the list goes on!

    And why only by-elections and GE?

    The answer is obvious.

    Take care and have a lovely evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 12.19pm

    Thank you for sharing that quip by Martin Jalleh which certainly encapsulates the impact of by-elections on the psyche of voters.

    Take care and God bless!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear KoSong Cafe

    My deepest appreciation to you for such a lucid and wise comment.

    It is true that the nation would be a better place to live in if those leaders and their followers looked at themselves more than at others and acted on the need for self-improvement rather than envy and jealousy for what they can have if only they labor over time.

    Yet, short term gain seems to be a powerful magnetic force that propels them to a different road in life, much to our detriment.

    You have identified many reasons for us to hang our heads down low and the worst part is, many who can make the difference can still strut around and proclaim that all is well on the Malaysian front.

    And that is why the pain continues...

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Thank you for that deep and thought-provoking comment that exposes the macabre side of our nation.

    It seems that some revel in evil deeds and have no qualms about plundering...and many other damning activities while others suffer, moan and gripe about being victims.

    Time the moaning and griping gets louder and are translated into action and votes to do a Beckham on them!

    Take care and thanks for sharing.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    My uncle was Tunku's very close friend and I visited him a few times as a little girl and later, as teenager.His gift to me before my graduation was a letter of recommendation handwritten on his monogrammed stationery which I treasure till this day. Till today, I maintain that he was the finest statesman Malaysia ever had! None can compare!!!

    I reckon that the May 13 episode affected the psyche of Malaysians and embedded fear in their hearts. It is heartening to see how the race card has hardly any effect at all on Malaysians. Yet, there are some who would choose to maintain the status quo. And this is the group we all need to work educate them as to the reality of our country and how development in the truest sense, can only materialize if we boot them out.

    Thank you for sharing from your heart, ahoo. I hope as many have been enlightened by what you wrote!

    God bless and have a great evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Chong

    Lovely to see you again! Have missed your passionate comments. Don't allow the current situation to get to you. We all have to stand united and draw strength and inspiration from another. I get lots from readers :-) so do visit and share your thoughts and let's remain hopeful that no matter how dark the day, the sun will come shining through...

    Take care and please keep in touch!

    God bless!


  1. says:

    Anonymous May 13: Still no hope for closure

    For as long as there's no intention and will to pursue justice, the Karmic curse/stink will/must linger on.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Very true. It takes politicians with the moral and political courage to weave the past with the present in such a way that the people of the nation can see themselves as one, having learnt precious and painful lessons from the past to ensure history will never repeat itself.

    Then only can we claim that we have progressed.


  1. says:

    Anonymous All attempted semblance of principled politics died in May 13 1969. The leaders who killed it became rewarded with power and wealth.

    A people that permitted and reveled in that must deserve what Karma will return.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    No no no!!! We cannot suffer the karma of a misguided generation...We have to effect change even though the days seem dark and gloomy...

    Take care and have a blessed weekend.


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