WHAT'S UP, PUSSY CAT? *updated*

Posted by Unknown On Monday, May 10, 2010 28 comments
Just after 3p.m. this afternoon, Syed Jaymal Zahiid of The Malaysian Insider reported that Perkasa chief Datuk Ibrahim Ali claimed Datuk Seri Najib Razak has agreed to attend a Bumiputera economic congress organised by the conservative Malay Consultative Council (MPM).

According to that report:

The independent Pasir Mas MP said the prime minister will also accept the resolutions of the congress which among others, will address the concerns of Bumiputera businesses under his neo-liberal New Economic Model (NEM).

Najib’s attendance will be made just a few weeks ahead of the much anticipated full NEM report release under the 10th Malaysia Plan.

The new model aims to open up the market from the Bumiputera quota system which economists say is much to blame for nation’s ailing economy.

The MPM is an umbrella group of some 80 organisations pressing for Najib to stick to Malay rights that they feel are guaranteed under the Federal Constitution. The prime minister has said those rights will not be affected by the NEM which aims for a high-income nation.

More to follow

Well, this is certainly a very interesting development. Let us not forget that Perkasa was founded by independent Pasir Mas, MP Datuk Ibrahim Ali, to ensure that Malay rights are not sidelined in an NEM which promotes meritocracy and free markets. The NGO claims to have attracted thousands of members, though largely from Umno.

An earlier report by Shazwan Mustafa Kamal said that Perkasa's economic bureau chief, Dr Zubir Harun noted the Malays would still require help from the government under the NEM to ensure their success. Perkasa intends to send a list of proposed amendments and considerations for the NEM to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak at the end of this month. It was reported then that Perkasa was putting pressure on the Najib administration to include affirmative action in the New Economic Model (NEM), in the form of a “blue ocean strategy” for Malays, to even out the economic disparity between them and other races.

So what's cooking in the cauldron of complex conundrums in the form of a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HIDE kind of symbiotic relationship?

I don't know about you but I am quite tired of sandiwara or modern comedic tragedies. Let's hope our MPs will respond accordingly to whatever is dished out in the near future.

What's up, pussy cat? Well, we know that Perkasa and Datuk Ibrahim Ali are no pussy cats! In another report by Malaysiakini HERE which was posted at 3.54pm, Datuk Ibrahim Ali 'suggested that the parliamentary immunity in the Dewan Rakyat to be revoked so that all elected representatives will be more responsible in their speeches especially when making accusations against others. This statement was made in response to accusations by opposition MP Saifuddin Nasution (Machang) that he owned shares in gambling business. The report said that Ibrahim sent a legal letter to Saifuddin yesterday asking him to withdraw the accusations made in Parliament or face a legal action.

With such developments, pne can speculate and wonder while others may already know what's in the pipeline. CLICK HERE to enjoy Tom Jones' rendition of WHAT'S UP, PUSSY CAT?

Do leave a comment to share your thoughts/views. Thanks! Have a great day!

28 comments to WHAT'S UP, PUSSY CAT? *updated*

  1. says:

    Apa Nama Let's do ourselves a favour.
    Please leave that King frog alone. Just like the senile TDM, this moron is out merely to attract attention!

  1. says:

    nick Sis,

    It is laughable to read "affirmative action in the form of Blue Ocean Strategies for Malay". Affirmative action used in the same sentence with Blue Ocean Strategies? Does that really make sense? Or possibly the only thing Froghim understood from Blue ocean is the phrase "to eliminate competition or make it irrelevant?

    It sure seems to be the case since to him and his Perkumpulan Ker..., non malay Malaysian are the sworn competitors of the malay. My advise to this Froghim and his Kumpulan, master the English language and then maybe, just maybe, they would understand what the heck Blue Ocean is all about. That goes double to the so called " economic DR" of PERKASA.

    On another note, I heard somewhere that Najib is also a believer in the Blue Ocean book and he intends to use it for Malaysia. To me that is just some PR spin (trying to portray him as a man who is well read). AMMo and Blue Ocean just doesn't jive together. It's like mixing oil and water. One will cancel the other. And I can guarantee that AMMo will finally kill or suffocate the implementation of Blue Ocean. Just like all other policies such as BCA, pandang ke timur, work with me, not sleep like me etc...

    Froghim and Blue Ocean...is just a lot of empty sloganeering and promises to confuse the masses (read malays). Nothing more and nothing less, Period! For that matter so is PERKASA!

    Have a blessed day Sis.


  1. says:

    Ting Ibrahim Ali is a political bankrupt!

  1. says:

    ahoo Just because he got ideas from the book, blue ocean and now he starts to talk about it. That concept has already been praticed by umno long time ago in the name of NEP. Every business that has profit making opportunity was given to crony.

    With the likes of automobile franchaise, automobile assemblies, public bus, public taxi, ocean freight, tolls, banks, public parking meters, various GLCs' and many more. IF any of those are making losses, well the govt guaranteed their profits by subsidy.

    Where on earth can one gets to run or owned such a business outfit,....Malaysia lah, where taxpayers will foot the bills, mah! So the idea of Brahim Ali is too outdated already.

    The new blue ocean strategy should be for the govt to be privatised to the best manager. Maybe to some neighbouring countries where they can better manage our economy.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Some of the worse ppl in this country are from the so-called, "nationalists" and come under the actually hideous umbrella of conservatives. They are intent on using ugly threats and fatuous whines to bulldoze their way for their own personal gains only.

    This is the real state of perversity behind much of this local conservatism.


  1. says:

    Darth Vader Instead of progessing, we are regressing. Thanks to the Mr bra and the likes. Trust my words, Mr Pee Am will make changes to the NEM again to suit those morons so that he can stay in power.

    Dogtor Zubir, malays need help from the government? Come on you morons, i have many Malay friends who made it in life without the help of government. 52 years of help is not enough? If that is the case, tell me why dogtor you didnt continue to buy "pampers" for yr children (if you have any)until their death? I can see thru yr intentions. You the Perkasa lot, still want to loot the countries coffers. This is yr true intention and nothing else.

    As for Mr Bra, please act like a parliamentarian. Whatever been said in parliament will stay in parliament and cant be taken out from there. In simple language, you cant sue a person you for the things said in Parliament. If this happens, then why do we need parliament at all, when things said in parliament will be subjected to civil law suits? If a parliamentarian calls you a "BASTARD" outside of parliament, THEN you can sue that person if you can proof that you are a child of yr parents (in wedlock).

  1. says:

    Kampung Girl This idiot Ibrahim Ali is the most shameless, unprincipled frog who hops from political party to political party.

    He is also a two faced double crosser. Everyone knows that he is linked to Vincent Tan of Berjaya.

    Wonder if he supports sports betting!

    Ibrahim, you are the greatest hypocrite in the "ketuanan melayu" gang!

  1. says:

    Anonymous Well, Ibrahim. I guess your days are numbered.

    Please speak out loud and bark at whatever you like, or you will never have a chance again, I mean, after the 13th GE!

  1. says:

    Anonymous this dumb guy has tdm and the malay press behind him. he shoots his mouth on behalf of tdm and tries to show his little knowledge [which is really dangerous] to the world; blue ocean etc etc. it's a joke that so much attention is being shown to him. like i always say 'to argue with a fool you'll become a bigger fool' it's like the chinese say 'seow kow' barking. best solution ignore what he says with a smile but act tough when he gets physical......he only understands the cane!!!!!! regards.bengaun

  1. says:

    Ckw I have no grudge against this king frog, and neither do I have any praise for him.

    But, one thing is sure. It nauseates me every time he opens his filthy mouth to say something at the wrong time, and at the wrong place!

  1. says:

    Jelapang Voter It takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate him, a day to love him but then an entire lifetime to forget him.

    Hi Ibrahim, are you that easy to forget?

  1. says:

    Anonymous Cowardly people are quick to rely on others, assuming that someone else will take care of things for them. They do not make any efforts themselves. On the contrary, they often engage in wrongdoing when no one is watching and cause trouble for their colleagues. Ultimately, they wind up in a situation where they can no longer remain in the same circle, prompting them to betray their friends and leave.

    ~~ Daisaku Ikeda

  1. says:

    edward Dear MWS,

    When a certain group still require help from the government to ensure their success I would consider that spoon-feeding all over again. For so many years, that had been the standard practice and what success have we to show except for that which is confined to a certain elite, well connected network of people.

    This is a definite regressive move if undertaken. What should be done instead is improve their competitiveness through good education and training. Raise the bar instead of lowering them just to get the numbers through. Looks good politically but not when they apply for real jobs. If these people love their race so deeply then its imperative that they start exposing them to the real world; start equipping them well; encourage them and not constantly remind them how inadequate they are.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Apa Nama

    Very true. At the same time, he also sets the stage for other dramas to follow so much as we hate to look at him or listen to his nonsense, we have to be vigilant too for anything could happen...

    Take care and thanks for your caring thoughts for the nation.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Nick

    Maybe the only thing he understood was the title :-).

    LOL! You are right in advising him to polish his skills :-)

    I am sure those PR experts are working overtime to overhaul our PM's image, speeches and strategies.

    All the more we have to be very vigilant in what we read and hear.

    We cannot afford to have anyone pull wool over our eyes. We have had a surfeit of the rhetorical sloganeering and empty promises.

    Time for change and this time the rakyat MUST make it happen.

    Take care and thanks for sharing.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Ting

    But he is rich in other areas and we know why....


  1. says:

    Anonymous The Buddha said it more than 2600 years ago that the uncultured man always blame others, the cultured man himself while the enlightened man, neither.

    Umno has been blaming others for ages and it talks so much about it's own (umnoputra) culture for as long.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Many thanks for your lucid take of the situation and your well-reasoned arguments in response to this post. I appreciate the fact that you have shared your wide knowledge here to help us to understand the deep implications of the statement. May there be more like you who will be willing to share their nuggets of wisdom here.

    Take care and have a blessed evening!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    While these pirates wear well-crafted masks to hide their evil agenda, they forget that many are gaining wisdom and learning many lessons from the new media. They cannot hope to perpetuate their little kingdoms of glory which are a real disgrace!

    Take care and have a restful evening!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Darth Vader

    I really appreciate your thoughtful comment and the fact that you take the trouble to share such clear and relevant comments for us to consider and to remember.

    We are definitely regressing but the leaders still proclaim otherwise!

    Many choose to cripple the progress and development of others by spoiling them with gifts and favors. In this day and age, such ancient practices cannot be as effective or popular as in the past.

    Yet, they continue to bulldoze their way through hurting far too many along the way.

    We have to grow up and to take our assign roles as agents of change and not just dreamers.

    Change has to happen now.

    Take care and thanks for stopping to share your views.

    Have a lovely evening!

    Warmest wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Kampung Girl

    Sometimes I wonder if the Almighty is testing our patience and endurance with this character!

    Hypocrites can never look at themselves in the mirror. The image they have of themselves is larger than reality while they say that the mirror is defective.

    These people seldom admit the truth!

    So how?

    Take care and thanks for sharing!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 7.56pm

    I wonder if he is the most hated person in Malaysia. Someone should do a poll on this :-).

    Take care and have a great week ahead. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Beng Aun

    Lovely to hear from you again. Thank you for your wise comment which jives with what Apa Nama shared earlier.

    This one could either be an empty vessel that makes the most noise or it could be a case of still water runs deep. Giving him too much attention is lethal but the reason why I posted this is to alert readers as to how certain moves are orchestrated before the final call.

    As always, we have to pay the price!

    Take care and God bless you. Do keep in touch!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear CKW

    Agree! He should just stop making press releases for his personal pleasure.

    Take care and have a good rest!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Jelapang Voter

    Oh no- he is not easy to forget even if many wanted to!

    Take care and have a lovely rest this evening. Do keep in touch!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 11.15pm

    Once again, you have amazed me by finding yet another gem from Daisaku Ikeda's writings.

    You must really know these wise thoughts at your fingertips!

    Amazing! Thanks for sharing. Take care and please keep in touch!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Edward

    Thanks for sharing your deep thoughts. I believe the only way our country can progress is via meritocracy and not via cronyism or nepotism. For too long, we have seen our country lose out in many areas because of wrong policies purposely intended by evil ones.

    Definitely, like you said, standards have to be raised but the hard truth is that these are not only being lowered but also compromised.

    We have to speak up more on this to ensure that all observe and uphold morals, values and virtues...

    Take care and God bless you!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    The lost souls continue to dwell in the maze of confusion when they insist that they are right when it is otherwise.

    Thanks for sharing Buddha's noble thoughts.

    Take care and have a pleasant evening.


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