Posted by Unknown On Monday, May 10, 2010 50 comments
If not for ~Wits0~ who sent me the following article headlined Hisham in crosshairs for Mother’s Day insult, I would have missed it in the midst of hustle and bustle of Mothers' Day celebrations. I could not believe my eyes when I read THIS ARTICLE which said:

Last night, Hishammuddin told students at the Malaysian Students Department in London that “chit-chat” among women have exaggerated the level of street crime in the country and caused fear among the public.

“Most victims are women. What do women do? They go to the hairdressers ... they chit-chat and suddenly it is everywhere and cause people to fear,” Hishammuddin said.

I fully agree with LKS who said that Hishammuddin could be so irresponsible as to blame Malaysian women on Mother’s Day for the exaggeration of the endemic crime situation in the country.

The article said:

Hishammuddin should apologise for his insult to Malaysian women on Mother’s Day and blaming women’s chattering for exaggerating the crime problem and demonizing the police,” he said in a press statement.

PKR’s Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar said the minister’s statement was an insult to women in the country.

“It really is very gender insensitive and again it is finger pointing by no other than a top minister. It showcases that government is at a loss of the real issue which is the problem of trigger happy police and structural reforms that needs to be implemented. These are serious issues which needs to be considered and is no joking matter.

“Clearly, a public apology would only be the first step. He does not understand the real issue and reasons why public perception is so bad. Criticisms leveled against the police do not equate hatred but a real desire to see an improved service and level of security. If he fails to see this, we need a new minister,” said Nurul Izzah.

Seputeh MP Teresa Kok said Hishammuddin was insensitive for joking about women.

“His statement is crazy and gender insensitive. He is running down and blaming women for being victims of crime. This statement shouldn’t have come out from the mouth of the Home Minister. He is the internal security minister and his job is devise ways to make the streets safer for Malaysians. Instead he takes this issue so lightly and even laughs at women and accused women of doing nothing. This is very irresponsible of him.

“This can make people ask him what has he done to reduce street crime for the public? Hishammuddin has a wife, daughter and mother who are women and subjected to street crime too,” she said. CLICK HERE FOR MORE...

I am a woman and I go to the hairdressers for practical reasons - and NOT TO CHIT CHAT!!!

How can he equate women's chit-chat with amplication of crime and demonization of police?

Firstly, as the Home Minister, he should be in touch with all aspects of crime and national security as he is privy to all information, confidential or public.

Sociologists, criminologists, psychologists EXCEPT MISOGYNISTS would know that amplification of crime is NOT due to women but many other reasons. Check out this excellent lecture on Crime and the Media - The Moral Panic Argument.

Secondly, we must remember the meaning of status and prestige and realize the lack of logic in that claim. There are two types of status - achieved status and ascribed status.

According to Wikipedia:

Achieved status is a sociological term denoting a social position that a person can acquire on the basis of merit; it is a position that is earned or chosen. It is the opposite of ascribed status. It reflects personal skills, abilities, and efforts. Examples of achieved status are being an Olympic athlete, being a criminal, or being a college professor.

Status is important sociologically because it comes with a set of rights, obligations, behaviors, and duties that people occupying a certain position are expected or encouraged to perform. These expectations are referred to as roles. For instance, the role of a "professor" includes teaching students, answering their questions, being impartial, and dressing appropriately. Click HERE for more.
Nobody needs to demonize the police. We all know why and I will not elaborate. Individuals, including the police, have control over their achieved statuses via the things they do or they do not do.

According to Wikipedia:
Ascribed status is the social status a person is assigned at birth or assumes involuntarily later in life. It is a position that is neither earned nor chosen but assigned. These rigid social designators remain fixed throughout an individual's life and are inseparable from the positive or negative stereotypes that are linked with one's ascribed status...

For example, a person born into a wealthy family has a high ascribed status based solely on the social networks and economic advantages that one gains from being born into a family with more resources than others. CLICK HERE for more.
Bear in mind that status is also used as a synonym for honor or prestige, when social status denotes the relative position of a person on a publicly recognized scale or hierarchy of social worth. Status is CONFERRED on a person based on how we perceive the worth of that person or group.

We are no longer living in Paleolithic times where bashing women with clubs and demeaning statements could have been the norm. In this scenario, women are being pulled down by cultural, political, economical and religious prejudices, which undermine their full participation in the life of Malaysian society, which in turn deprives Malaysians of development in its fullest sense.

I take umbrage to such a stand and more so on Mothers' Day! It is almost akin to a tight slap on the faces of women to say that yea - go celebrate Mothers' Day but for heaven's sake, don't go to hairdressers anymore. You stay at home - quit talking to anyone. Let your hair grow into Rastafarian locks. Sport your Medusa locks at home and continue with your sweeping, mopping, cooking and other housewifery duties for that is where you belong. Now go and be thankful you have a day where we remember you are a mother!"

Truly, I hope people like Julian Real and others who stand up for women regardless of your class, creed or gender will take umbrage to this report and demand for nothing but a public apology!!! I hope his wife and daughters will make a response to his statement - be it PUBLICLY or PRIVATELY!!!

Down with such primitive, airy, hairy, sexist views!!! Don't forget - this statement was given in LONDON. I wonder if he dares to repeat it on home ground!

Speak up, Malaysians!!! Can you stomach this?

Please leave a comment to share your thoughts/views. Thanks!!!

*In Hokkien, 'hairy' means seh more which means a time-wasting act, a malingering act.


  1. says:

    1. Anonymous Now it is confirmed, he "BOCORS"(leaks) his bovine brains through his various fontanelles!



  1. says:

    2. Hafiz b Shukor Who Najib should drop?

    ~~ By prominent Umno blogger Sakmongkol AK47

    Hishammuddin Hussein, his cousin, has not performed well [as] home minister. He appears to be impotent and couldn't rein in the IGP. In any other country, no chief constable of the country has assumed an overt political stance, always the province of the minister in charge.

    Hishammuddin hasn't been up to the mark. He is no King Ghaz (the late Ghazali Shafie) when the latter was Home Minister to Tun Razak. He should be reassigned to another post. One that doesn't require the projection of a toughie.

    Correct! Correct! Correct!

  1. says:

    3. Anonymous Hishammuddin should apologize to Her Excellency Datin Paduka Seri Rosmah Mansor, Malaysian first lady.

  1. says:

    4. nick Sis,

    What do we expect from psychotic and delusional characters with IQ that can be counted with fingers? Something sane and responsible remarks? No such luck there.

    HISAMUDIM is a fine example of a short tongue made worse with an even shorter brain. Copying the remark of Capt Black Adder " your brain (Hisamuddin) is so small that if a cannibal crack open your head, the brain matter inside wouldn't be enough to cover a small water biscuit".

    Hisamudim is not even fit to be the minister in his own home let alone take charge of the Home Ministry. Sheeshh!


  1. says:

    5. Kampung Girl Hishamuddin wasn't drunk when he uttered those comments, was he?

  1. says:

    6. Anonymous A Minotaur is across between man and cow(not woman). It ate only men for sustenance. Expect a more pondan one however to eat only women.


  1. says:

    7. Darth Vader Dear MWS

    Really sad to hear that a Malaysian Minister utter such remarks on women on Mother's Day.He has no respects for women and also his mother. It is clear to me now, that this guy is an alien. where he didnt come from his mothers womb.

    May be he should tell his wife not to "Chit chat" i.e in cantonese we call "pat (8)". He should tell his wife to shut up too.

    Gees, what kind of moronic ministers we have. i m proud to be a Malaysian but ashamed to be governed by a moronic "alien".

    He was the Education sinisters before and i know now why our education system is in such a pathetic state.

  1. says:

    8. Anonymous Actually, Hishammuddin Hussein should have been dropped when he was the Minister of Education.

    He is a thorn in Najib's cabinet.

  1. says:

    9. Anonymous Just look at His (ham)mouth. Exactly looks like a mother hen's non stop moving butt. His(ham) most probably is the mother of all gossipers.

  1. says:

    10. Anonymous To do such a seam busting fulat ala 'Incredible Hulk' in London itself would really need the services of APCO and Jostling Tan to patch things up....I doubt they can do a Lazarus raising. Perhaps can try Roguekey's phlegm glue.

    I generally don't give too much credence to umnoman SuckMango but on this case, I can concur.


  1. says:

    11. Anonymous Dear Anon @ 2:58 PM,

    What come may, Hishammuddin will never never never be dropped by Najib.

    You know why, don't you?

  1. says:

    12. LC Teh Can you imagine this mudhead as the future PM? I shudder....

  1. says:

    13. houdini What we really learn from this is that Najib`s cousin hangs around hairdressing saloons picking up gossip (who knows, maybe even women for Najib).

    Now i understand why they call him "pondan".

  1. says:

    14. Anonymous It seems that Hisham's daughter is really enjoying her life in Melbourne.

  1. says:

    15. ahoo This is one minister that should be confined to his home ! He is not fit to minister even the pre school children and some "smart" one gave the task to minister the home ministry.

    Obviously, he forgets that the tongue to the brain is less than 4 inches. Be slow to speech but quick to hear so be the maxim. But not people like him who knows no hunger and born with a silver spoon.

    Let all the women NGOs etc. voice their displeasure and ensure that all votes against his party at the right time, ya. We have enough trouble to be sorted daily and we do not need such uncalled for remark. Maybe it slips his mind that he was born of a woman and he thought that he came from somewhere else ???

  1. says:

    16. Anonymous It angers me to know that this idiot has a hand in running the country. My God save us from this brainless dim-wad! Save us from more humiliation.

  1. says:

    17. Anonymous Homeless Minister of Malaysia

    Not forgetting shameless and brainless, please.


  1. says:

    18. Ex-MCA Man Dear LC Teh,

    If ever this mud-head becomes our PM, I'll be the first to migrate!

  1. says:

    19. Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    :-) *grins*

    Some people really have 'leaky brains!'


  1. says:

    20. Unknown Dear Saudara Hafiz

    Indeed, I also agree with Dato's views as expressed in FMT.

    Thanks for sharing this excerpt!

    Take care and have a pleasant evening.


  1. says:

    21. Unknown Dear Anon @ 12.55 pm

    Exactly! I am sure she spends ages at the hair saloon as can be seen by her carefully coiffured hairstyle!


    So how?



  1. says:

    22. Unknown Dear Nick

    Wow!! That is a powerful comment laced with wit, sarcasm with a bulls-eye aim!

    Thanks for sharing, dear Nick. I am just so galled that he had the audacity to say such a thing and on Mothers' Day too!

    I really hope the wives of Ministers will raise this during their lunches!


  1. says:

    23. Unknown Dear Kampung Girl

    Well, past records show that he shoots himself in the foot!

    Take care and thanks for sharing!


  1. says:

    24. Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    LOL!!! Thanks for sharing this!

    Absolutely love the link!

    Thanks again.


  1. says:

    25. Unknown Dear Darth Vader

    Many thanks for your well-reasoned comment. You are a very erudite person unlike THAT misguided moronic misogynist!

    I wonder about the reaction of the others in his household and his female subordinates. How would they react when they see him face-to-face after this?

    Also, I wonder how hairdressers feel too? They should be outraged as well for the implications!

    Sighs...as for the impact on the education system - as always, the students are the guinea pigs and the long-suffering ones who have to pay the price for misguided policies and in the long run, we all suffer!

    Take care and have a restful evening.

    Thanks so much for sharing from your heart!

    God bless you.


  1. says:

    26. Unknown Dear Anon @ 2.58pm

    Agree!! Not just a thorn but a very big thorn...alas, blood is thicker than water so it is obvious why that never materialized.


  1. says:

    27. Anonymous Hisham cannot be blamed for his behaviour. The right people to blame are the voters from Johore who wanted an infantile with little grey matters between his ears to represent them in the government.

    Hopefully the Johoreans responsible for it now realises their poor choice and correct their mistake the next time around.

  1. says:

    28. Unknown Dear Anon @ 3.03 pm

    LOL! You certainly have a way with words! Thanks for sharing your witty comment.

    Have a pleasant evening.

    Do keep in touch!


  1. says:

    29. Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    All the PRs of the world, could not put Hishy back together again!

    The fall was just too great!


  1. says:

    30. Unknown Dear Anon @ 3.55pm

    I concur with you for obvious reasons :-).

    Thanks for sharing. Take care and have a good rest this evening.


  1. says:

    31. Unknown Dear LC Teh

    What a scary and horrifying thought!

    I would both cringe and puke!

    Thanks for stopping by. Take care!

  1. says:

    32. Unknown Dear Harcharan

    :-) Excellent observation which explains the fallacy in the claim.

    Take care and thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    Have a lovely evening!


  1. says:

    33. Anonymous Anon @10:24 PM, some type of voters are indeed responsible for putting into power such beasts but these may not start to think until they themselves actually feel the overall pain that others already felt for so long.

    As long as they continue to gain or think they can continue to do so, regardless, they may not see the need for change. Selfishness, mah.

  1. says:

    34. Unknown Dear ahoo


    Brilliant comment!!! Bulls-eye at the right target! Thanks so much for sharing!

    Certainly, I hope that more will rise up in arms against this statement!

    Take care and God bless you for helping us to see things more clearly!


  1. says:

    35. Unknown Dear Anon @ 5.17pm

    Ah - perhaps it is because she can freely go to the hairdresser there!



  1. says:

    36. Unknown Dear Anon @ 6.46 pm

    He should zip his mouth forever! That will restore our national prestige and many other pillars of society!


  1. says:

    37. Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Thanks for the link!

    If only he was guileless - what a wonderful world it could have been then...


  1. says:

    38. Unknown Dear Ex-MCA Man

    I am sure many would do the same!

    What a nauseating thought indeed!

    Take care!

  1. says:

    39. Unknown Dear Anon @ 10.24pm

    Many thanks for that wise exhortation to the Johoreans!

    We cannot have such neuron-deficient leaders at the helm of any department!

    Take care and thanks for sharing your elegant and wise thoughts.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    40. Unknown Dear Anon @ 11.24pm

    I agree with you and also wrote about that at the following link:


    Until Malaysians see ourselves as ONE, it will be a difficult road to travel for a new dawn...

  1. says:

    41. Ekompute Malaysia can't even find a minister with some brains. So pathetic.

  1. says:

    42. Anonymous wonder if sharizat agrees with him..or ng yenyen for that matter

  1. says:

    43. Anonymous Sharizat pretends not to have heard and Dr Ng Yenx2 can easily tolerate foul odor...such as her Humsup boss' smegma.


  1. says:

    44. Julian Real This is for you and to men.

    I hope many men will hold him accountable, and speak up for women's dignity and right to be free from all men's violence.


  1. says:

    45. Unknown Dear Ekompute

    Sometimes, one may have neurons but chooses not to use them.

    And that is a tragedy.

    Take care and thanks for stopping by.
    Do keep in touch

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    46. Unknown Dear Anon @ 10.44am

    I wonder if they spoke to him about this in their official capacities and also as women....

  1. says:

    47. Unknown Dear ~wtis0~

    Can we make a logical conclusion about their stand for women then from their silence?

  1. says:

    48. Unknown Dear Julian

    Many thanks for standing in solidarity with me and for women. I appreciate your passionate and erudite response in your blog which certainly addresses the issue at a much deeper level.

    God bless you and your efforts in your work and blog. Take care and do keep in touch.

    Warmest wishes

  1. says:

    49. JENNIFER DREW Unfortunately Hishammuddin in yet again blaming women for men's violence committed against them, is not alone.

    The western world too is awash with the drone of male voices and their apologists constantly blaming women for men's violence committed against them.

    This is not to trivialise Hishammuddin's misogynistic and insulting comments in respect of Malaysian women - far from it.

    I suggest Hishammuddin proposes a male curfew in order that males will be told they can no longer enter the public streets after a certain hour each day. Instead men must all congregate together at a certain place and this will ensure male violence against women is reduced.

    Of course such a suggestion is ludicrous but so is Hishammuddin's scapegoating of women.

    Fortunately many, many women are not fooled by this misogynist's lies and scapegoating women, but sadly far too many women and men too believe the issue is not men's responsibility but women's.

    This is why women globally continue to resist male domination and male control - because we are never responsible for men's violence committed against us - the ones responsible are those men who commit such acts and bystanders such as Hishammuddin who promote such lies.

  1. says:

    50. Unknown Dear Jennifer

    Thank you very much for speaking up for women against such misogynistic comments.

    Indeed you are right - we have to stand up against male domination and any attempt to subjugate us, not forgetting lies such as what as been spoken.

    Many thanks for your spirited response and dedication for women's rights. God bless you!

    Have a great day!

    Best wishes

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