Posted by Unknown On Thursday, May 13, 2010 16 comments
Lee Weng Kiat of Malaysiakini reported HERE that RTM2 producer Chou Z Lam has been terminated from the TV station, following his damning allegations of political interference over popular current affairs programme 'Galeri Mandarin Nasional'.

According to the report, after reporting for work this morning, RTM human resources director Mohd Shafiq Abdullah told Chou that his one-year contract with the government-owned TV station was terminated effective today.

Malaysiakini said:

"Shafiq said that my contract was terminated immediately due to budget constraints. He was polite and thanked me for my contributions," said Chou told Malaysiakini.

Following this, Chou said he had to surrender his RTM employee tag to Shafiq, who then instructed two police officers to escort him to collect his effects before showing him the door.

Chou said that his contract was to expire only next January, but the terms stipulated that his services can be terminated at any time without compensation.

Asked if his termination is related to his exposé over political interference, Chou replied: "I'm absolutely positive about it".

Chou produced a nine-part documentary on the negative impact of the Bakun Dam on the indigenous people of Sarawak who have been displaced from their land.

The documentary was to appear in 'Galeri Mandarin Nasional' between April 26 to May 7. After airing only two parts were aired, RTM bosses pulled the plug.

In his blog, Chou said that the documentary was taken off the air because RTM top officials believed that it would be detrimental to Barisan Nasional's campaign for the ongoing Sibu by-election. Interestingly, RTM and the Information Ministry have both denied Chou's allegations.

It is sad that Chou has lost his job because of his moral courage to speak up and to expose what he knows. It is even sadder to know that he had to be escorted by TWO policemen to collect his stuff before being shown to the door. What a horrible way to be sacked!!! After working there, he needs no assistance to find the exit. I am sure Chou has the dignity to leave with his head held high but I guess they just had to burst his bubble with this sort of exit.

Chou's contract was said to be terminated due to budget constraints but how can it be as millions are being dished out to Sibu and Hulu Selangor as though there is no tomorrow? How can RTM not have enough money to employ Chou? Does it cost so much to hire him? Or was Chou's contract terminated for other reasons?

There should be a campaign to lobby for his reinstatement or against the manner of dismissal. This can be done by his colleagues, other concerned Malaysians, Journalists Union and so on. I feel very sorry for him that he had to pay the price for speaking up.

Under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Can we see this in our country?

Another whistleblower who exposed THIS ISSUE received a show-cause letter as reported by The Nut Graph.

Dr Selva Vathany Kanapathi Pillai went public with serious allegations of mismanagement and cronyism in an Orang Asli hospital in Gombak received a show-cause letter from the Jabatan Hal Ehwal Orang Asli (JHEOA) last month. She has been asked to explain why she took part in a Bar Council press conference without her department head Dr Saaiah Abdullah's permission. If she did not reply with an adequate explanation, action would be taken against her.

Article 10 of the Federal Constitution states that subject to certain conditions, “every citizen has the right to freedom of speech and expression”.

Like what some readers have expressed, we may have the freedom to speak but after that, one might have to pay the price as in Chou's case and Dr. Selva's situation.

Personally, I believe that the time has come to pass a Whistle blowers' Protection Act to protect those who disclose information so as to expose malpractice and matters of similar concern without which we would not know of many damning evidence or facts.

But will that ever materialize in Malaysia?


  1. says:

    Penangite Contract was terminated immediately due to budget constraints.

    One wonders if all the money has gone to Sibu!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Penangite

    I am sure many others are asking the same question. Thanks for raising this point!

    Take care and have a lovely evening.


  1. says:

    Anonymous You no listen to me!
    Out you go!
    Chou, Chou, Chou!
    This is Malaysia!
    You no know our laws meh?

  1. says:

    Ex-MCA Man Well done, Chou!

    We are proud that you dared to make public your knowledge of the political interference.

    Need two police officers to escort him? I never know he is so important, or rather, dangerous!

    MCA, what say you?

  1. says:

    Anonymous In an oppressive environment like within the M'sian style of administration, often the common "Show Cause" Letter method means little of what it seems to be.

    It became adopted just to superficially project a(fake)image of fairness for the "accuse" to give his justification or explanation in mitigation of any alleged misdeed or offense committed.

    Judgement has often already been passed and decision already been made as to how to deal with the said employee or body in question.

    The "Show Cause" thing also becomes a matter of pushing the workload of explanation on to the "accuse".

    A yucky pretense.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Freedom of speech?
    Of course we have it in Malaysia! You can say anything you want in your speech. It's your freedom after your speech that is in question.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Freedom of speech?
    How qualified is it in this Bolehland?

  1. says:

    KoSong Cafe Now they don't really care what we think about their actions.

    1Malaysia means only 1 person's opinion, ok?

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 12.19am

    Thank you for your comment which has given us a grim depiction of what might have happened and the grief that probably filled Chou's heart. My heart goes out to him and I pray he will get another job soon.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Ex-MCA Man

    That a man had to pay the price of speaking up for what he believed in is very saddening.

    Let's hope he gets a job offer soon and that there is healing in his soul.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Obviously lame excuses that are so transparent that even blind mice can see through and predictable show-cause only serve to penalize the brave and to deter others from speaking up.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 12.58am

    Sadly, this has been the prevailing trend which has deterred many from voicing their discontent and from speaking the truth. The backlash can be too great to bear.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear KoSong Cafe

    Spot on comment that sums up the mechanisms at work!

    Thank you so much for sharing. Take care and have a nice day.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 1.01am

    Clearly, it is subjective and depends on the person, time, place, membership and of course the subject content.

  1. says:

    Anonymous I think the same happens in NTV 7 where the senior producer of the mandarin talk show, resigned after govt interference. he is none other than Joshua Wong Ngee Choong.

    Anything the ruling regime deem unacceptable MUST be cut-off! Or rather anything that is offensive to THEM will be taken to task. They care not what freedom of speech nor freedom of expression is all about. Whatever they think is right for the people must be platable for the people too.

    Wake up Malaysians to reality that this govt deserve not another term. Let me say it clearly that every single day they are in office is another day of sorrow for the masses. The journey to right the wrongs begins with each and every one of us. Do what we know best by converting the fence sitters to vote in a govt that is for the people, ya.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    It is quite an occupational hazard to be a blogger or a reader. For one, developments such as this one can raise our blood pressure. Then there is the reaction of innocence or justification by those responsible for the said development. The sense of hopelessness follows. All of which can make one very saddened, demoralised and filled with dismay.

    To ensure we do not go on a downhill trend, we have no choice but to establish a government that is truly fair, just and sincere in serving the people.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts, ahoo.

    Take care and have a good weekend!


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