Try this one...the A - Z to arouse your wife’s attention…or suspicion…
A Act stupid in front of her while she’s watching her favorite TV program
B Behave like you’re the housemaid
C Call her sweetheart every 5 minutes for no reason
D Dress like Valentino when you said you’re going to the doctor’s
E Eat food that you’ve always hated or had never eaten before
F Forget her birthday (and you die…)
G Give free evening maths tuition to the foxy neighbor
H Hand her RM10,000 and whisper, “Happy birthday” when it is not
I I’m tired…some other night, sweetheart?
J Just stare at her when she’s doing her make-up
K Kiss her toes when she’s polishing her finger nails
L Last minute company meeting…”I won’t be home till 4a.m.”
M Make her feel like she’s Miss Universe
N Nibble at her ear while she’s washing clothes
O Offer to help the foxy neighbor fix her “plumbing problem”.
P Pass the wrong remarks about the mother-in-law’s table manners
Q Question her “extravagant” shopping when she just got home with 5 giant shopping bags
R Request for Chubb Safe key
S Sneak out when you thought she’s asleep
T Tell her she’s fat when she’s talking to foxy neighbor at the lift
U Use her toiletries without her permission
V Voice your true opinion about her new hair style/color
W Walk the dog at 3a.m. every night
X Xtra-ordinary expenses on credit card statement
Y Young and sexy voice on the phone saying, “Wrong Number” always
And finally…
Z Zip your mouth when she asks you “When is our wedding anniversary?”
Written by
Anonymous Straight to the bathroom after meeting your frens .