Posted by Unknown On Monday, August 23, 2010 24 comments
For a change, I thought I'd take a different approach to blog about a familiar issue which should be forgotten but is still being used to fan certain sentiments - a most disconcerting scenario indeed!

The Foul Game Plan

In the wee hours of the morning
While many were softly snoring
Stealthily they tiptoed to their destination
Red paint and bottles thrown in consternation

To irk and raise a hue and cry
But this act the rakyat must decry
A new place of worship thus desecrated
A month ago it had just been consecrated.

Now who would do such a disrespectful and foolish act
Love, harmony and tolerance for each other we cannot detract
Could some be orchestrating a plan unseen?
If so, all must not react to this horrible scene.

An old game plan with a worn-out plot
We have had a surfeit of this ridiculous lot
The less we say about this scene they play
The better for this nation, her peace they cannot sway.

The culprits must be caught and charged
Such morons cannot be at large
Puppets on a string for whom we wonder
The answer is one that lies beyond yonder.

-written by mws 23/8/10-

*Check out THIS POST for the reason why I wrote this poem.

24 comments to A FOUL GAME PLAN

  1. says:

    Anonymous similarly who threw the pig-head into the mosque compound !!??????

  1. says:

    Anonymous straight talking Sir, when is your response to her poem ? i'm waiting with kopiputih , NOT sleeping yet !

  1. says:

    Doc Najib is treading in dangerous waters. Times are rough for Najib as people are beginning to realize that 1 Malaysia is all but rhetoric (notwithstanding the few new billionaires BN made from the 1 Malaysia merchandise). Read
    That said, I guess Malaysians have become much wiser now and are aware of all of BN's desperate manoeuvrings. Hope GE 13 gets rid of the BN regime once and for all.

    Cheers & good night

    P/S: The above comment is exclusively my opinion and in no way whatsoever should the owner of this blog and the writer of this posting be held responsible for the comments above.

  1. says:

    Anonymous who would, at that earthly hour, wake up and throw red paint at the building?

    maybe the owner of that building didn't pay his debts...

  1. says:

    Anonymous Sorry to keep you waiting buddy...must be your 3rd cup of kopiputih already huh?

    Frankly, I have no idea who those bastards are, but something tells me it is Ibrahim Ali and Ahmad Ismail because both had red hair and were pissed drunk after that incident.

    Come on, don't insult my intelligence! Even my one year old dog can tell you who did it if he watches the 8pm news on TV every day.

    If BN is really in such a hurry to lose the next GE, then I suggest I lend them this book called, "How to lose an election for Idiots". However, if you don't consider yourself idiots, then I've another book called "The Art of Losing a War". It's by Moon Tzu.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Whose game is to gantikan Agong by CM in the prayers !!??

  1. says:

    Anonymous This is the hallmark of desperado!
    Similarly, the burning of MACC trucks immediately after the TBH case in Shah Alam. Trying to frame the issue on some big time gangster etc.

    Why so silent on that issue now? There are more than meet the eye. We need to be vigilant against the onslaught of the corrupt regime that only knows how to rob, steal and destroy.

    Not any worse than the devil himself that came to rob, steal and destroy. From northern state to the southern, we have had heard enough of the cry wolf syndrome in trying to fool more people into a state of hopelessness.

    No matter how bad the current situation will be, it will still have to pass us by. Each waking morning be thankful that we are prepared to be loyal Malaysian and nothing else matter.

    Never allow the negative news to influence our current state of mind, that is to change the regime that no longer cares for its people. So, pm the ball is at your feet so to speak. Show us that you are Malaysian first and you desire a Malaysia that is prosperous with unity in diversity.

    Even the very poor have a place to call home and have the courage to right whatever wrong done to the lower strata of society. Let those in the fringes of the jungle to have at least decent drinking water, electricity and proper sanitation.

    How rich a nation is can be measured by the standard of its poor majority. Let us be proud of our identity and this nation will be proud of us, one day, ya!

  1. says:

    ismi truth wil prevail..

  1. says:

    Anonymous Truth can always be hijacked one !!
    4 suspects caught.

  1. says:

    Anonymous The attack on the surau is expected. You’ll know what I mean when you read the A – Z “Art of War” by UMNO…every member has a copy. That is their “war” weapon. They will choose one or more items for use when circumstances are suitable. Basically, the surau attack is Item “E” (see below).

    A Attack the enemy by using all and every government machinery
    B Ban all PR ceramahs and candle-lit vigils
    C Call PR a traitor and anti-Malay
    D Destroy Lim Guan Eng at all costs, even if it means destroying Penang’s economy
    E Engineer mosques and surau attacks to anger the simple Malays
    F Fake Malay anger by organizing noisy public protests
    G Give BTN more funds to continue mass brainwashing of Malays
    H Hide your ill-gotten wealth wisely, people are getting smarter
    I Incite hatred and violence among the Malays
    J Jump and shout “Ketuanan Melayu” every time UMNO holds a ceramah
    K Kill them if they don’t make false “confessions” to implicate their leaders
    L Let Perkasa and Mahathir do our dirty work; they’re good at it
    M MACC to act strictly on UMNO’s order
    N Nail Anwar Ibrahim’s ass and that of the daughter
    O Offer bribes to PR leaders to jump ship
    P Police to only arrest opposition members
    Q Question the opposition’s loyal to King and country all the time
    R Remind the Malays that they’re “under threat” even when there’s no threat
    S Send “bullet-in-the-mail” to instill fear among the opposition
    T Threaten the opposition with another May 13
    U Use ISA to silence the opposition
    V Vent your anger publicly at the slightest “provocation”
    W Wield the keris at UMNO gatherings to show that we are ready to kill
    X X is the cross on your face if you defy UMNO
    Y You help me, I help you…there’s plenty of easy money to share
    Z Zero is what you get if UMNO is dead, so don’t let that happen


  1. says:

    Anonymous 9 HK tourists died !

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear friends,

    I am so sorry for this late response. Have been very busy today and yesterday. This evening, I had some technical problems with my phone so I was trying to sort it out. Will respond to your comments tomorrow.

    My deepest apologies.

    Thanks for your patience and understanding.

    Have a good rest!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 11.48pm

    Some were brought to court and I believe the ones behind this will be as well.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Take care and do keep in touch.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 12 am

    Thanks for being a regular visitor. Take care and have a restful evening!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Dr Saravanan

    It is really good to have you back in cyberspace to air your insightful observations.

    Thanks for being a supportive friend, patriotic Malaysian and analytical reader!

    Take care and hope to see you blog again. Time to buka kedai :-). Do keep in touch!!

    Warmest regards to you and your family

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 12.34am

    Recent reports suggest possible reasons....we can only shake our heads and wonder ...

    Take care and have a lovely evening.

    Thanks for sharing! Do keep in touch.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear StraightTalking

    LOL!! Brilliant response haha! Thanks so much for sharing observant perspectives with a hilarious tone.

    Take care and have a restful evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 8.03am

    I doubt anyone did that...I believe Malaysians truly respect our King and have put him in the highest place.

    If so, why the current scenario? Strange...

    Take care and have a pleasant evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    You put it very succinctly - hallmark of desperado indeed. I suppose their worn-out scripts and overused plot is soliciting negative responses and they are in overdrive to think of ways to achieve their evil agenda.

    We have to pray and hope for the best for our country that sense and sensibility will prevail in a peaceful climate.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ismi

    I really hope so. Ameen.

    Take care and thanks for sharing.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 12.14pm

    Let's pray the real truth will prevail.

    Take care and do keep in touch.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear StraightTalking

    This is absolutely fantastic!! You ARE really good in A to Z of many areas!!

    May I post this???

    I am sure you will say yes.

    Thanks so much for sharing so brilliantly!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 3.35pm

    A real tragedy. May their souls and spirits rest in peace.

    Take care and thanks for sharing.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Post it so we can all be reminded of UMNO's tricks.


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