Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, August 11, 2010 8 comments
The current scenario and the events therein certainly put the fear of the unknown to many of us. I think it's only natural since we thought that we as Malaysians, have reached rock bottom with UMNO's rule and mismanagement. We expect to have someone or something to pull us up. That too is normal human instinct and desire. But I think we as Malaysian expect too much in too short a span of time.

As in anything that's natural and genuine, it requires growth and an organic growth at that. That's the best way for growth (we don't want a cancer like type of growth OR DO WE?) And that's the same with our PR and the resolve of Malaysian (voters), more importantly. I think we are focusing too much on the picture of PR and forgetting the real important thing in the long run.

And what is that?


Politicians and political parties may come and go and that is a fact. Having said that, if we have a public or more importantly a voter population that are able to assert themselves, that will be more important to the country and for the future.

Therefore I think for starters let us focus more on waking up our citizens from the grip of ignorance and apathy. Let's teach our voters to demand accountability and justice and fairness. For now, at this juncture and with the current disaster staring and unblinking at us, we HAVE to give our support to PR (or maybe some other entity which might reveal itself in the future)and a total one at that with the aim of dislodging UMNO and BN (we lack any other alternative and between the two, PR is 1000 times better).

Afterwards when we have bigger space/freedom and better air or governance to breathe, we can slowly grow and nurture our voters to be at least conscious of their ownership of this country (and of politician and political party are their servant whom they can discard if they so pleases).

BUT that will take at least a few decades to achieve and if we are still stuck with UMNO and BN, that will take maybe another 50 or hundreds of years, who knows?.

So , being a beggar (not because we choose to but because of the lack of any real alternative) we can't be choosy. Let's work with PR in the mean time (with the ultimate aim of kicking some ass and a deservedly ass kicking at that) and afterward (after UMNO and BN is no longer an equation), the future is for us to shape and that goes for our voters empowerment too.

So let's no get distracted! Sure PR is not perfect and maybe they are the wrong choice in the long run BUT right now WHAT IS THE ULTIMATE GOAL????

If we as citizens know the answer to that question instinctively, then we should not worry too much about PR "COS WE HAVE BIGGER FISH TO CATCH AND FRY, PEOPLE! (and maybe in the subsequent GE if PR is deemed not worthy too, then they will taste the same hard and leathery boot kicking their ass just like what we gave to UMNO and BN)

It is my belief that what we are seeing and hearing now are a mixture of propaganda, lies, spin and half truth that are designed to confuse and to deceive us into despair and hopeless with the ultimate aim of eliciting from us the human trait of giving up and throwing down the towel.

I think if we remain true to our MAIN OBJECTIVE of defeating UMNO and BN then we can (not close a blind eye) but gives PR (more than a leeway) but a substantial handicap to learn the art and science of governing.

Tough times need tough measures!

And I should say PR are having tough time right now so it is only fair for us the rakyat to give UMNO and BN an even tougher times. After all, we have chosen our gladiator to fight for us, let's not weaken him right before the final bout. Make them submit to our high standard after they have won the prize for us NOT BEFORE (cos after the fight, all the gladiators will now whose the true and real boss and they will have to listen to us..no exception).

*The above post was written by Nick in response to my post on ARE WE DOOMED?

In the mean time, let's get out of this political quagmire by doing the right thing and voting wisely!! Otherwise, we will be left to rot in this quandary. Do share your views/thoughts and suggestions by leaving a comment. Thanks and have a lovely day!


  1. says:

    katdog Yes, PR is far from perfect. But so what? To put it bluntly, we need PR only to change to entrenched political system in Malaysia. Anything else is a bonus.

    People talk about quality leaders etc etc. Well honestly those who claim to vote on such 'ideals' are either being naive or pretentious.

    We don't yet possess a political system that rewards and nurtures good leaders. So who are we trying to fool when we claim to vote based on 'good leadership qualities'?

    For Malaysia the voting options are simple. Vote to keep things the same or vote to change the system.

    People who bring up any other reasons are just trying to cloud the key issue with petty nit picks.

  1. says:

    Captain Obvious Dear masterwordsmith,

    It’s not that we have a menu of options, do we?


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear katdog

    Many thanks for your realistic and pragmatic take of the current scenario. I do agree with your observations.We have to define what are the short term and long term goals and then to focus on achieving these in a practical time frame.

    Take care and have a great week.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Captain Obvious

    Actually, we have a very limited range of options and that is such a tragedy in itself.


  1. says:

    Anonymous The current political scenario does indeed drives some to just shut themselves off and even move away,and as for those who gallantly choose to stay and hope for a change..it is indeed going to a long trek.
    Should PR be voted into power comes the next GE,pray they are aware that all we are asking for is GOOD GOVERNANCE !This is the foremost thing for PR.
    And no lesser ,I will relish the day they shred to bits the ominious race card that has been forced fed to us,dividing all Malaysians.
    Ethnocentric policies has been a bane in our multi-racial Malaysia,this, PR must be aware too.
    HOPE OF DELIVERANCE...that's what we look forward comes the next GE.

    Cheers !

  1. says:

    Anonymous We cannot be wrong if we just go for change. The current regime has lost the plot with the rule of the jungle being dish out to the people at large.

    Let us be focussed and know that whatever spins that the MSMs' are dishing out to us daily will just remain as verbal garbage. Let the new medias educate the general masses and let not the lies of politicians continue to numb us.

    We need to make a stand for change and nothing else matter. Vote the Pakatan team into Parliament first and from there change laws that are dividing people rather than uniting them.

    Give the poor all the poor people of Malaysia irrespective of race more benefits than before. Get those corrupt ones and prosecute all within the law and confiscate their ill gotten gain to be distributed to all those poor. Let people power be the new mantra in Malaysia for we need it now !!!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 11.48am

    Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and views here.

    Your observations are spot on for I also know many who have fallen by the wayside in their endeavors for the country.

    Theoretically, I believe the three component parties are well aware of what the rakyat want if they form the next government.

    In reality, they had better stop biting each other's heads off before they dream of trekking to Putrajaya.

    We have had enough of race cards and the revolutionized and rehashed divide and rule policy.

    Time to change indeed and for the wind of deliverance to blow our way!

    Take care and do keep in touch.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Thanks for reaffirming our mission for change so elegantly.

    Indeed we have to be united and courageous in working towards change lest we all vegetate in such a nonsensical state of madness.

    Out with the corrupt and in with the more upright.

    Take care and have a blessed evening.


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