Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, August 4, 2010 11 comments
For a democratic system to work effectively, elected representatives must govern well and citizens must be reliably informed about policy options. It is imperative that lawmakers are committed to digest and appraise such information and make it available to citizens.

Unfortunately, we can see that such information is quite inaccessible in the public domain. Why?

One possible explanation is that despite the power to reveal such important facts and figures, there could be some who deliberately hide and distort facts and figures. On an international scale, this happened in the Watergate Scandal, the Iraq War, the Bloody Sunday in Ireland, the Iran-Contra-Affair in 1987, the Monica Lewinsky Scandal and many more incidents. On a local level, we have the infamous PKFZ scandal, submarine issues and the endless list which has monopolized headlines for the past few months.

Ordinarily, we all know that it is morally wrong for us to lie to one another. Deception is destructive because it prevents an individual from apprehending what is the true situation, and from acting in a way that is in line with common interests and moral commitments. As such, deception can be used by malicious parties to wield control over others.

The only way to show up lies is to reveal the truth and in Malaysia, revealing the truth can be a very dangerous move because of certain laws such as OSA and ISA and whatever legislation. Should citizens then be encouraged, in the interests of harmony and stability, to accept the establishment's version of truth as a ‘noble lie’? The ultra-realist Machiavelli wrote about how in politics, moral judgements simply do not apply, and accordingly advised his prince to resort to deception and other sharp practices in order to shore up his rule!!! And do we see a Machiavellian shadowy hand orchestrating the drama in our country?

Those of us who are committed democratic ideals reject any deception as harmful because these prevent citizens from determining whether particular policies are in their interests or with the aims they believe the government ought to promote.

Deception in the political sphere subverts and misdirects rational and reflective choice.

Any undetected deception may encourage culprits to rely more readily on dishonest means to realize their ambition and by doing so, foster a culture of deception among the political elite. Such a culture is likely to be passed on to subordinates and then what happens?

When deception is exposed, some voters may lose trust in the status quo and cease to engage in political activity. And why? They could generalize that all politicians are equally bad with none are worthy of support.

Of course, where defence is concerned, some argue that deception is justified for the security of the nation, and for safeguarding the vital interests of citizens. Yet, I have blogged about how there are so many corruption issues on defense expenditure all over the world. This makes us think whether some are responsible for protecting themselves rather than the country.

It is very easy for anyone to argue that deception and secrecy motivated by personal gain is necessary for ‘reasons of state’. A democratic system would disagree because there can be no consensus as to who can determine what is the vital interest for the state that can legitimately be promoted by deceptive means. On what grounds then can politicians lie to their people?

How can unjustified deception be minimized through state institutions and civil society? First and foremost would be freedom of information laws, which allow citizens to access government documents and records. In this way, citizens and civil society can monitor the activities of politicians and civil servants. The Selangor state government is the first to try enacting the Freedom of Information Enactment (Selangor State) enactment 2010. CLICK HERE for more.

According to THIS SITE:

More than 50 countries, including developing countries in Asia, have already enacted the Right To Information Bill. Many developing countries have realised that through the introduction of this Bill, their citizens are now able to have rightful access to information held at various levels of government. The access to such information has empowered their citizens to assert and reclaim their rights in the courts of law against unjust treatment and corrupt practices committed by errant civil servants and politicians.

This has helped to build a less unjust society where the unfairly treated can seek recourse to wrongs committed in secrecy by errant officials in both the public and private sectors who may be acting separately or in collusion.

The access to information has also directly encouraged the nurturing of a free press so that accurate and full disclosure of news will reach the public. A more open society thus created will deepen and broaden democratic practices in these countries."

Secondly, whistle-blowers must have legal protection, rather than risk prosecution for breaches of official secrecy.

Thirdly, there must be investigative journalism to uncover of government deception such as in the Watergate Scandal and PFKZ which was first reported by TheSun. Any unjustified control of the media may breed further deception when as culprits know that they can protect their own interests and have others to protect them! Public trust would be gradually eroded and this would affect the country's repute and international competitiveness.

The fourth factor would be the moral and political will of politicians to lead upright and trustworthy values to have a government that is right on track. To that end, public institutions and civil servants must have the same ethos and virtues of honesty, integrity, accountability and work for the betterment of the nation.

Ultimately, it starts from the top. If the top is rotting, the rest will decompose accordingly and we will soon be walking in the land of the living dead.

Can we ever be spared from the insidious deception of lies and accusations, or cover-ups and more retorts?

I really hope so. Don't you?

Related post: Decepticons in Deception


  1. says:

    Captain Obvious Dear masterwordsmith,

    President Theodore Roosevelt once said 'A typical vice of politicians in power is the avoidance of saying anything real on real issues.' & 'Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.'

    But I think Captain Obvious said it better... 'There are two tragedies in life. One is not getting what you want and the other is having to go through their bullcrap.'


  1. says:

    White House Hi,

    We are running a non-profit site; only for the sake of information sharing.

    We visit your site regularly. Recently we came across the "Blogroll" section in your site. Since our site is also based on regular news updates, we believe it would surely help us to be more effective if we get your site’s link. We have placed your link in our site and we request you to place us in the "Blogroll" section.

    Title: American White House
    Email ID:

    We would be pleased with your positive response. Looking forward for your reply...

    Thank You!!

    Jerry Thomas

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Captain Obvious

    Thanks for sharing that meaningful quotation.

    There are different shades of lies, including 'bullcrap' ;-p. And the worst scenario is when we have truly had a surfeit of such balderdash and yet the culprits insist that it is the gospel truth and expect us to swallow it lock, stock and barrel.

    Hmmm...that is a mega insult to our intelligence and moral values.

    The ultimate, in fact.

    Take care and have a great day!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Jerry Thomas

    Thank you for visiting my site and for listing it on your blogroll. I have added you to my blogroll as well.

    Take care and keep up the good work in your site.

    Do keep in touch. Have a nice day!

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Anonymous Proverbs 14:5-8

    5, A truthful witness does not deceive,but a false witness pours out lies.

    6, The mocker seeks wisdom and finds none,but knowledge comes easily to the discerning.

    7, Stay away from a foolish man,
    for you will not find knowledge on his lips.

    8, The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways, but the folly of fools is DECEPTION.

    We should be deprived of the opportunity to fair hearing by devious means and DECEPTION nor by any abuse of judicial power.

    We have had enough of Piratisation and selective prosecution, period.

  1. says:

    A Single Vote Ma'am,

    Most of the time the truth is out there for all to see but its the self deception that makes us turn a blind eye to the obvious as we continue to moan and groan.

    Petaling Jaya is the seat of high income and yet our foreign maid asked how come our local wet market continue to be by the roadside(SS2)till today and not in a proper market like where she comes from! Hiding under the hawker's umbrella in the rain, with our shoes soaked in the huge black puddles, it took another stranger sharing the brolly to answer that building markets don't make as much money as sending people to the moon, building of all things, arches, or buying submarines.

    Its the same people who are cursing that continue to vote for the very people responsible for this.

    We continue to vote in the parties that have politicians who's children are millionaires in their early twenties. Ex civil servants turned politicians living in palaces and driving Porshes are kowtowed to by all. Now how many of us are surprised when these thieves get charged in court? Only one.

    Don't it make one sick just thinking about it? I would be hard put just to be civil should I come face to face with one.

    Visit our so-called less fortunate and supposedly more corrupt neighbour and be amazed at the progress they are enjoying and be justifiably angered when we touch down on our so blessed land.

    As they continue to insult our intelligence with their circus, should it not be a walkover in walking into Putrajaya?

    For sure, there's more work to be done out there.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Many thanks for your perseverance and steadfast effort to share wisdom with us.

    The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Perhaps that is why many do not have wisdom because they forget that at the end of the day, they will have to stand before their Maker to account for their deeds or misdeeds.

    Take care and have a blessed weekend.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear A Single Vote

    It is wonderful to hear from you again and such a moving and thought-provoking one too.

    Indeed you are right wrt to the scenario in PJ. One wonders how some can amass fortune at the expense of others and have no qualms about denying from where they got their wealth.

    You have really expressed the tragedy of life in Bolehland very eloquently.

    Let's hope that REAL politicians will stand for elections and for the rakyat to make the right choice.

    The situation is quite depressing at the moment and I pray the sun will shine soon.

    Take care and have a blessed weekend. Do keep in touch.

    Warmest wishes

  1. says:

    Anonymous MWS, many thanks for adding the white house link. It's a very informative site.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear StraightTalking

    You are most welcome. It is thanks to Jerry Thomas who alerted me about his site. Take care and happy reading!


  1. says:

    pak yeh Are we not living in a world of deception and lies.???
    Paper money is a lie.!!!
    P.Ramlee's song.... "Dunia ini hanya palsu, manusia berdusta."
    Read more Falsafah P.Ramlee @

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