Are we a Nation?

Posted by Unknown On Saturday, September 18, 2010 4 comments
According to Benedict (Anderson, Benedict. 1991. Imagined Communities), a nation is defined as a group of people who share culture, ethnic origin and language, often possessing or seeking its own independent government. Some argue that a nation is different from a country in that a country is the land that belongs to a nation, and from a state in that a state we form the government of the nation and country.

There is a lot of dispute about nationality and race because some argue that we should regard ourselves as Malaysians rather than to our respective races if we truly want to bring the 1Malaysia concept to succeed for the sake of national unity and nation-building objectives. Nationality and race are two separate concepts. Nationality is the status of belonging to a particular nation, whether by birth or naturalization. According to Abizadeh, Arash (2001)in "Ethnicity, Race, and a Possible Humanity", race refers to the classification of humans into populations or groups based on various factors such as culture, language, social practice or heritable characteristics. As a biological term, race describes genetically divergent populations of humans that can be marked by common phenotypic and genotypic traits - categorizations which are often used in forensic anthropology analyzing skeletal remains, biomedical research, and race-based medicine as argued HERE.

Many researchers and experts such as the few who wrote "Conceptualizing human variation". in Nature Genetics race, however, has no official biological taxonomic significance — all humans belong to the same hominid subspecies, Homo sapiens sapiens. Nor is there scientific basis for any racial or ethnic hierarchy.

After 53 years of existence, are we more united than we were forty years ago/ thirty years ago, or when our country wass at the point of achieving independence or are we more divided?

Despite more than half a century, why are political parties still along communal lines?

That is something I cannot understand.

In the Barisan Nasional Coalition, despite whatever proclaimations made, the truth remains that the component parties are divided along racial/ethnic lines with a few exceptions. It is the same with Pakatan Rakyat.

When can we truly see beyond the color, class and creed of our fellow countrymen to truly live together in harmony in one nation?

It is most disheartening when we see political rhetoric about how much has been achieved. Yes, there has been some achievement but ultimately, we have to come up close and personal with the situation and acknowledge the situation and not runa way from reality.

It is saddening that even murders can be politicized, not forgetting police investigations. Educational institutions are not spared and even the entertainment industry has been indirectly embroiled because of one person. There have been so many episodes occurring of late that it leaves a very bad taste in our mouth.

On National Day this year, some how the gaiety was not really in the air. In the past, I could see many flags flying from the mast or from office buildings and homes. Cars could be seen sporting flags from their side mirrors etc.

And this year?

What about Malaysia Day this year? Official speeches that were reported in MSM showed how much some are not ready or willing to face the harsh reality of our sad scenario.

Many are hurting but there are those who have the 'ability' to say that all is well. Is it?

It has to come from the top. When politicians stop hitting out at each other or at other groups and start making concrete statements about where we are heading as a nation, perhaps then the ambiance might be different.

The time has come for youth of today to prepare themselves for leadership positions in the future. I cannot imagine what sort of nation this will be if we continue to sustain a status quo that is bent on accenting differences without a real passion from their heart for breeding unity and concrete steps to bring development to our country.

So much has to be done in many areas of our country but some leaders idea of national development is securing their seats or securing a bigger majority in the next GE. How many people are really interested in caring for the rakyat?

We have heard from both sides of the divide about how much they want to do for the people. Let's see more action, achievements and appraisals by the people for their accomplishments, if any. And it must go beyond dishing out $$ or organizing functions.

Some areas of concern would be:

*Economy - endless needs here
*Ethnic Minorities and NCR issues
*Development of many rural areas in so many areas of concern
*Level of Corruption
*Democratic Principles etc

Of late, there have been so many issues of differences which I do not want to list again. We can recite them with eyes closed and I am sure MANY Malaysians are sick and tired, some maybe even numbed by facts, figures, statements.

Nothing seems to shock us anymore.

One begins to question, what are our politicians doing? It is time they look less at their internal elections and more to the next GE (think PKR) and inter-party (too many to list) and intra-party conflicts (Gerakan). Truly, with such divisive chasms that are forcing many apart, the time has come to bring people together.

And it has to begin with trust.

We need people with ethics, integrity, drive and accountability. Tragically, those with such qualities are the targets of merciless attacks to bring them down. Please stop all this and think of the people, of this country.

So, are we a nation in every sense of the word? Can we truly say we are 1Malaysia? It's really up to the political leaders to set the mood for change for the better. And I hope they will do so as soon as possible.

I have a dream...of a better Malaysia and I hope idealistic as it may sound, I will see it within my lifetime - that there will be political parties in the future that offer candidates based on their qualities, qualifications, abilities and not on race- who will put Malaysians first.

What makes us a nation? What do you think are the hindrances in our way and how can these be overcome? Do leave a comment to share your views. Thanks. Have a pleasant evening.


4 comments to Are we a Nation?

  1. says:

    Captain Obvious Dear masterwordsmith,

    Nice interface! How pleasant it is, congratulations!!!

    Anyhow, are we a Nation? Well, it’s a catch-22, but I think there is a 50/50% chance we may and or may not be 8)


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Captain Obvious

    Thanks! I am glad you like it. Took a lot of work as I am not IT savvy but it has been a worthwhile project.

    Yes, things are rather uncertain at the moment and I do hope that eventually, we will reach the threshold of nationhood together.


  1. says:

    daffodils "I have a dream...of a better Malaysia and I hope idealistic as it may sound, I will see it within my lifetime - that there will be political parties in the future that offer candidates based on their qualities, qualifications, abilities and not on race- who will put Malaysians first."

    How many great leaders are no longer leading? What will our society suffer because the leadership we need is somewhere hurting rather than rallying the troops?

    You have said it all. I do not need to elaborate. I will just end with a sage advice.

    "To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must cultivate our personal life; and to cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right." -- Confucius

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear daffodils,

    As always, it is heartwarming to read your sincere response that resonates with my post. Thank you for thinking far and deep about the issue at hand and also for that timely quotation from Confucious.

    Take care and know that I appreciate your input always. God bless and keep you and your family always.

    Do keep in touch.


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