Why Aren't You Married???

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, September 26, 2010 8 comments
It's Sunday and time to unwind before we go back to the grind on Monday. Here is a list of witty responses to that all time favorite question "Why Aren't You Married Yet?" May it bring a smile to your face...and may it be specially helpful to those who treasure their singlehood! Have a lovely day and do swing by again later! Cheers!

You haven't asked yet.

I was hoping to do something meaningful with my life.

Because I just love hearing this question.

Just lucky, I guess.

It gives my mother something to live for.

My fiance is awaiting his/her parole.

I'm still hoping for a shot at Miss/Mr. America.

Do you know how hard it is to get two tickets to Miss Saigon?

I'm waiting until I get to be your age.

It didn't seem worth a blood test.

I already have enough laundry to do, thank you.

Because I think it would take all the spontaneity out of dating.

My co-op board doesn't allow spouses.

I'd have to forfeit my billion dollar trust fund.

They just opened a great singles bar on my block.

I wouldn't want my parents to drop dead from sheer happiness.

I guess it just goes to prove that you can't trust those voodoo doll rituals.

What? And lose all the money I've invested in running personal ads?

I don't want to have to support another person on my paycheck.

Why aren't you thin?

I'm married to my career, although recently we have been considering a trial separation.

(Bonus reply for Single Mothers) Because having a husband and a child would be redundant.

*Posted for laughs and not to offend anyone.

Have a lovely day!!

8 comments to Why Aren't You Married???

  1. says:

    Anonymous Why are those so-called westerners and those who claim to be modern reluctant to get married? And if they do, they insist on having only one or two children.

    They do not realize that when they deny to produce babies they are making their generation a minority. Look at Italy, look at Spain and France. Their white descendants are shrinking in numbers and is substituted by others who migrate from around the world. Soon the countries will be governed by a majority from another country. Wait for another 2 to 3 decades and you'll see.

  1. says:

    Wan Sharif Some by choice..some by no choice of their own..
    but I love that cartoon..
    Why do I have to get married?
    I did not do anything wrong!!
    ..yeah so true some marriage is a kind of punishment..Lol

  1. says:

    JustTruth My daughter doesnt want children (too painful) so there is NO need to get married. No need for husband too - there is always social work!

    My humble reply to anon - i think the question is Quality vs Quantity. Its what Chinese families here in Msia contend with when starting a family. Can we provide the financial + emotional support to each child equally?

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon # 1

    Very true. Many countries, even Japan, is facing a dwindling population and the dependency ratio will be a burden for taxpayers when the ageing population grows and grows...

    Take care and thanks for sharing. Do keep in touch and have a great week ahead!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Saudara Wan Sharif

    :-) I spent a lot of time looking out for an illustration for this post and honestly, I love the cartoon too hehe!!

    For some, indeed marriage is like a life sentence LOL!!

    Take care and thanks for enjoying the humor here. Have a great week ahead!

    Do keep in touch. It is always a joy to hear from you.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Just Truth

    Having babies is no longer a painful affair. I delayed having kids for 7 years because of fear too and I live to regret it cos I wish I had had 4 kids!

    Still, singlehood can be very satisfying too. I have many single friends who live very fulfilled lives doing lots of charity work and they have many pets too!

    Also, it is very expensive to have kids these days - not just the hospital bill but also education, insurance etc..

    Life is tough and parenting is not for cowards. Thanks for sharing, Just Truth. Appreciate your sincere input and observations. Have a great week and do keep in touch!


  1. says:

    Anonymous Why Aren't You Married???

    That's a million dollar question to some people. To my ex-boss who finally got married rather late in life, he used to tell us that if one can make many happy in life where get married and make only one happy ?

    Well, it is better to be sane daily with the person you love than to chase after so many pretty damsel with lust and sin. One is enough for a lifetime as one too many with bring unimaginable trouble.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Actually, I don't think there is anything wrong with singlehood.

    I heard about a desperate bachelor who decided to marry after knowing her for a few weeks. She is 60 pounds heavier than him, weighing at 100 kg. and who is taller than him too.

    Well, being single should not spur one to rash decisions. It takes time to build and nurture a relationship...marry at haste, repent at leisure. I wish them happiness.

    At the same time, I know of many single women who are having very fulfilled lives doing lots of charity work and also developing their career.

    Take care and thanks for sharing.


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