Delusionmyopia Grandiosema

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, October 26, 2010 0 comments
Many moons ago, in a faraway tropical land of Melodrama Comedia, a certain section of the population had long been stricken with a deadly disease called delusionmyopia grandiosema.

The symptoms of the disease were strange and would surface whenever groups of people gathered for feel good sessions hosted by the status quo. They revelled in dreams and fantasies that made only themselves happy while the common folk went about their daily routine wondering when the madness would end.

Occasionally, their grandiose dreams led them to achieve unbelievable records such:

  • the world's biggest pizza
  • tallest pencil
  • most trees planted in one minute
  • longest bean art
  • longest coin line
  • longest flag hung on the longest wall
  • biggest this and that
  • tallest this and that
The village folk wandered lost and aimless as many seemed to be caught up in breaking one record after another for the most unusual acts, the latest being constructing a record-breaking tower of many storeys which the people did not need.

Sometimes, some quarters would come up with bizarre statements that would agitate the common folk, some of whom were unhappy whilst others went along with the flow.

One morning, laughter and gaiety filled the land. Common folks of all ages could be seen holding their stomachs, some rolling on the grass. In fact, one middle-aged man nearly choked on his dentures. Serious!!

The illiterate ones in Melodrama Comedia were utterly out of the loop for they could not read the posters that the town crier had put up on many sturdy oak trees.



"What is so funny?" they asked their learned friends who kept giggling, some with tears rolling down their eyes.

"Do you not know, have you not heard?" asked an old lady, "Our beloved nation Melodrama Comedia has now set its dreams of producing a Nobel Prize winner in the near future!!"

No one could believe that Delusionmyopia Grandiosema had hit the land so badly. Is there no cure for this deadly disease? What then would be the way out for the long suffering forgotten common folk? Are they expected to partake of this tragic comedic proclamation? Only God knows what lies ahead!

Have a pleasant evening! Take care and if you are in a creative mood, please feel free to continue this tale. :-)

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