Jokes for Cat Lovers
* What do cats eat for breakfast?
Mice Crispies
* Why do cats like to hear other cats make noise?
It's meow-sic to their ears!
* Why do cats eat fur balls?
Because they love a good gag!
* Why does everyone love cats?
They're purr-fect!
* What do you call a cat who eats lemons?
A sourpuss!
* What do you call it when a cat bites?
* What's every cat's favorite song?
Three Blind Mice!
* What do you call it when a cat stops?
A paws!
* What's a cat's second favorite food?
* What do you call a cat who's joined the Red Cross?
A first-aid kit!
* What do you call a cat when he first wakes up with the alarm clock?
* Where do cats write down notes?
Scratch Paper!
* What kind of cats lay around the house?
* How do cats buy things?
From a cat-alogue!
Here are some funnies for bird lovers...
* What's got wings, feathers, and fangs?
Count Duckula
* What does an eagle like to write with?
A bald-point pen.
* Where does a peacock go when it loses its tail?
A re-tail store!
* What books did the owl like?
* What do you get when you cross a parrot and a shark ?
A bird that talks your ear off
* How do lovebirds dance?
Chick to chick.
* What do you give a sick bird?
* Why do birds fly south for the winter?
Because it's too far to walk!
* If a rooster lays an egg on the middle of a slanted roof, on which side will it fall?
Neither side. Roosters don't lay eggs!
* What figure is like a lost parrot?
A polygon
* Which animal grows down ?
A duck.
* What does a duck like to eat with soup?
* Why do seagulls live near the sea?
Because if they lived near the bay, they would be called bagels.
* Why does a flamingo stand on one leg?
Because if he lifted that leg off the ground he would fall down.
* Did you hear the story about the peacock ?
No? but I heard it's a beautiful tale (tail)!
* What do you get if you cross a chicken with a cow ?
Roost beef!
* What bird is always sad?
The blue jay.
Cat-from-Sydney OMG!!! Where did you get that video from? Very confident mouse, that one. purrrr....meow!