Malaysia, Where Are We Heading?

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, October 28, 2010 2 comments
By now, those who are connected are well aware of reports such as in The Star which revealed that Malaysia's Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2010 is slightly lower than last year, ranking it 56 out of 178 countries. The report said that the difference in the Transparency International (TI) 2010 CPI score for Malaysia between last year's 4.5 and this year's 4.4 was insignificant and not tantamount to a decline, said its president Datuk Paul Low.

Yesterday, FMT quoted Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nazri Abdul Aziz who said that the government can do nothing to mend public perception of its poor handling of the PKFZ and VK Lingam scandals. “Too bad for Malaysia, lah,” he said in response to criticisms by Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M).

In its latest report, the anti-corruption watchdog said the government had not properly tackled the PKFZ fiasco and the Attorney-General seemed reluctant to handle the case of lawyer VK Lingam, against whom a royal tribunal recommended legal action after it had investigated allegations that he tried to influence the appointment of judges.

According to the latest report by The Malaysian Insider HERE, Idris Jala insists that the government is still on track in in tackling corruption despite Malaysia continuing to score poorly on Transparency International’s (TI) annual Corruption Perception Index (CPI) this year.

The report said Idris, the CEO of the Najib administration’s Performance Management and Delivery Unit (Pemandu), downplayed the graft watchdog’s findings, claiming that Malaysia’s CPI score “essentially” remained the same this year and did not reflect the government’s progress in combating corruption.

Wow!! I am speechless!!

A few questions to raise:

1. What did Nazri mean when he said "the government can do nothing to mend public perception of its poor handling of the PKFZ and VK Lingam scandals?"

Can't the government step up its investigations for the two famous cases?

Does it mean that public perception of such cases does not matter??

2. What is the yardstick that Idris is using when he said "the government is still on track in in tackling corruption"?

On track in what ways? On whose track? BN's track?

How can one fall in the index and yet still say one is on track unless some are planning to FAIL???

3. Deputy Foreign Minister Senator A. Kohilan Pillay said recently that 304,358 Malaysians had migrated from March 2008 till August 2009 compared with 139,696 Malaysians in 2007.

Now that works out to 833 people who left the country everyday. It is almost TRIPLE the amount of Burmese refugees who leave at the rate of 300 per day!!!

With a 27 million population, we have the rate of SIX TIMES the rate of Burmese who left that period because Burma has double the population of Malaysia.

Now if things are ok in our country, would so many leave???

Yesterday evening, I was chatting with Dr. Michael Chick, anthropologist and movie producer, in when he drew my attention to a report in The Guardian. In response, I said that it has already appeared in the MSM and online portals.

This is the exchange that we had in google talk which just about highlights the seriousness of the situation in a very comical manner!

Michael: Have you read ?

me: The news came out this morning in local online portals.

9:58 AM
Michael: Malaysia is worse than Thailand leh ..How embarrassing!!!!!!

me: I know

Michael: Malu lah

me: Tes indeed

Michael: We are at the same level as Namibia !!! Wa liao !!!!

10:00 AM
me: *eyes rolling* Have you seen Nazri's response?

Michael: S*** !!! We even lost to South Africa !!!

me: Check out FMT

Michael: link please. We also lost to Mauritius and Seychelles !!kakakakakakakakakaka

10:01 AM

10:02 AM
Michael: What?????

me: I wanted to write on it this evening

Michael: Why not just say "God will punish if the parties are guilty as charged"?

me: But was too enraged and disappointed...

10:03 AM
Michael: MY GOD !!! We also lost to Uruguay and Chile !!! We even lost to Puerto Ricco !!!!

We had better hide our faces in the Jamban !!!

me: hahahaha
10:04 AM

me: I should write using your words

Michael: Can! I approve!

me: Thank u


Michael: Sh**leh. We even lost to Botswana !!!

me: LOL

10:05 AM
Michael: My goodness !!!

me: What happened?

10:06 AM
Michael: Lithuania, Czec Republic,and Poland have also bungkused us!!


Even Hungary succeeded in bungkusing us!!! This is simply so pathetic !!!

10:07 AM
Yes, you may use my quotes too

me: :-)

Michael: :)

That is the seriousness of the situation!!! So where is Malaysia heading???

What do you think? Would you agree with Idris or Nazri? Please leave a comment to share your thoughts. Thanks!!

2 comments to Malaysia, Where Are We Heading?

  1. says:

    Anonymous Malaysia, where are we heading?
    For starters, the number of Malaysians leaving the country for good says a lot about where we are heading. And those who have left or intend to leave are not exactly idiots. Everyone knows who these people are and why they are leaving. Except BN of course.
    Anyways, Malaysia can have different meanings to different people. For example, for those who intend to leave, this is probably what “Malaysia” means to them…
    M -Many
    A -Are
    L -Leaving
    A -And
    Y -You
    S -Should
    I -Intend
    A -Also

    Then, for those who intend to stay on, this is what “Malaysia” probably means to them…

    M -Many
    A -Are
    L -Loyal
    A -Achievers
    Y -Youthful
    S -Smart
    I -Industrious
    A -Adaptable

    Well, you have two choices - you can either choose the first Malaysia or the second Malaysia. But at the next GE, you will have only ONE choice. You must vote for Pakatan Rakyat!!!! Because that’s where we should be heading.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear StraightTalking

    You are a Master of Acronyms...Brilliant!! I am so amazed at your verbal agility!! Thanks for making the message simple and yet powerful. You are indeed a blessing. Take care and as always, please keep in touch and God bless!


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