Find That Beautiful Something!

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, November 3, 2010 3 comments
This morning, I received an email from a regular blog reader and commenter which really touched my heart and inspired me to live life to the fullest. This sincere reader, commenter who has become a very dear cyber friend (even though we have never met before), in response to my concerns about my forgetfulness and ageing, reminded me that I have much to live for with inspiring examples. Thank you so much!! Growing older is not easy, especially for women (and I have heard for men too!) for we have to come to grips with many issues in life such as health, security and many other concerns. I am dedicating this post to that reader and all other readers and friends for all the goodness and wisdom you have breathed into my life. Have a nice day and cherish life! Find that beautiful something/someone.


I had a very special teacher in high school many years ago whose husband died suddenly of a heart attack. About a week after his death, she shared some of her insights with a classroom of students. The class was nearly over, and as the late afternoon sunlight came streaming in through the classroom windows, she moved a few things aside on the edge of her desk and sat down there. With a gentle look of reflection on her face, she paused and said, "Before class is over, I would like to share with all of you a thought that is unrelated to class, but which I feel is very important."

"Each of us is put here on earth to learn, share, love, appreciate and give of ourselves. None of us knows when this fantastic experience will end. It can be taken away at any moment. Perhaps this is God's way of telling us that we must make the most out of every single day." Her eyes beginning to water, she went on, "So I would like you all to make me a promise. From now on, on your way to school, or on your way home, find something beautiful to notice. It doesn't have to be something you see - it could be a scent - perhaps of freshly baked bread wafting out of someone's house, or it could be the sound of the breeze slightly rustling the leaves in the trees, or the way the morning light catches one autumn leaf as it falls gently to the ground."

"Please look for these things, and cherish them. For, although it may sound trite to some, these things are the 'stuff' of life. The little things we are put here on earth to enjoy. The things we often take for granted. We must make it important to notice them, for at any can all be taken away."

The class was completely quiet. We all picked up our books and filed out of the room silently. That afternoon, I noticed more things on my way home from school than I had that whole semester. Every once in a while, I think of that teacher and remember what an impression she made on all of us, and I try to appreciate all of those things that sometimes we all overlook.

Take notice of something special you see on your lunch hour today. Go barefoot. Or walk on the beach at sunset. Stop off on the way home tonight to get a double-dip ice cream cone.
For as we get older, it is not the things we did that we often regret, but the things we didn't do.

-Author Unknown-

3 comments to Find That Beautiful Something!

  1. says:

    HotDogg Did you say look out for something “special” on my lunch hour? Well, this was my “special”…

    As I was blissfully devouring my lunch today, I noticed a train of little ants marching nearby by. As I watched them from the corner of my eyes, they looked like they’re heading for my lunch! Grrrrr…

    I stopped to investigate their intentions. As I crouched quietly on the floor contemplating how to deal with this train of marauding ants, the little gangsters appeared to have made up their mind about my chow. They are coming for a FREE LUNCH!!! Woof! Woof! I snare at them. “Hello!! If you think I’m sharing my lunch with you, let me tell you mister, I haven’t eaten since breakfast and this meal is meant for one which is ME!” I warned them. But they ignored me like I didn’t exist and continued with their onslaught. Let me see…they are about twenty of them marching in single file. I could hit them with my paws. Heck, I could bury them with doggie poop!

    As I continued to strategize how to wipe out this little platoon, they had already assembled at the base of my bowl. But before I could blink my eyes, they have already begun their assault. “Spread out!” seemed to be what their leader told them and the obedient bastards quickly reassembled into small teams. One team to three o’clock, another team to nine, and the leader took the twelve o’clock route. The vertical assault was all over in two seconds.

    I stood up on all fours wondering what to do. Damn! I should have taken them out earlier. It’s too late now. Oh well, what the heck. Let them enjoy the feast. After all, they’re not King Kong.
    The little soldiers are now surveying the food pit from the rim of the bowl. “If it’s a lost cousin you’re looking for, he ain’t in there, mate”, I woofed at them. Again they ignored me. “Okay, take what you want and get the hell out of here!”, I woofed again. THIS, they obviously understood, and they began piling up the loot. Talk about muscles! These little pests must have been pumping iron since they were born!

    Five seconds into our relationship, and it was time to say goodbye. As I watch them leaving in a single file, I could almost hear them sing, “The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah!”
    “So long buddies”, I woofed after them.

    Well, that was my “special” moment. And I kind of cherish it as I blissfully returned to my chow.

  1. says:

    Anonymous I fully attest to that. My version is this : Life is not measured by the number of years lived, but by the number of days we are faithful to our God.

    Live life to the fullest daily by taking time to smell the roses, hear the singing of birds, flow of water in streams and enjoy the company of people. Be thankful of the things you have and the family around you.

    Love them while you still can not cry when they are no longer around. And thank God for the things given, for the things He is doing and everything He is going to do. Be blessed to be a blessing to others.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Little Corgi

    Awesome!! Thanks so much for such a fantastic response. I am totally amazed and could imagine the whole scenario vividly and savor the lessons therein.

    May I recommend Paul Auster's 'Timbuktu' for your consideration? I am sure you will enjoy it.

    I hope you don't mind if I repost this without waiting for your permission...I am sure you will agree...and if you don't, I will compensate with a container of multi-flavored doggy snacks LOL!!

    Take care and thanks for sharing!!!

    Have a wooferful day!!


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