Lessons from Little Corgi

Posted by Unknown On Friday, November 5, 2010 5 comments
Here's a post which was originally a response to my post HERE. Written by Little Corgi, this delightfully entertaining post has symbolic lessons that can enrich our lives. Thank you Little corgi, for injecting your canine wisdom and perspective with us humans....What a woofderful writer you are!! Take care, dear readers and have a fantastic weekend. Cheers!

Did you say look out for something “special” on my lunch hour? Well, this was my “special”…

As I was blissfully devouring my lunch today, I noticed a train of little ants marching nearby by. As I watched them from the corner of my eyes, they looked like they’re heading for my lunch! Grrrrr…

I stopped to investigate their intentions. As I crouched quietly on the floor contemplating how to deal with this train of marauding ants, the little gangsters appeared to have made up their mind about my chow. They are coming for a FREE LUNCH!!! Woof! Woof! I snare at them. “Hello!! If you think I’m sharing my lunch with you, let me tell you mister, I haven’t eaten since breakfast and this meal is meant for one which is ME!” I warned them. But they ignored me like I didn’t exist and continued with their onslaught. Let me see…they are about twenty of them marching in single file. I could hit them with my paws. Heck, I could bury them with doggie poop!

As I continued to strategize how to wipe out this little platoon, they had already assembled at the base of my bowl. But before I could blink my eyes, they have already begun their assault. “Spread out!” seemed to be what their leader told them and the obedient bastards quickly reassembled into small teams. One team to three o’clock, another team to nine, and the leader took the twelve o’clock route. The vertical assault was all over in two seconds.

I stood up on all fours wondering what to do. Damn! I should have taken them out earlier. It’s too late now. Oh well, what the heck. Let them enjoy the feast. After all, they’re not King Kong.
The little soldiers are now surveying the food pit from the rim of the bowl. “If it’s a lost cousin you’re looking for, he ain’t in there, mate”, I woofed at them. Again they ignored me. “Okay, take what you want and get the hell out of here!”, I woofed again. THIS, they obviously understood, and they began piling up the loot. Talk about muscles! These little pests must have been pumping iron since they were born!

Five seconds into our relationship, and it was time to say goodbye. As I watch them leaving in a single file, I could almost hear them sing, “The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah!”
“So long buddies”, I woofed after them.

Well, that was my “special” moment. And I kind of cherish it as I blissfully returned to my chow.

5 comments to Lessons from Little Corgi

  1. says:

    lupie Well, little Corgi ... I say, it is very nice of you to share your chow!!!

  1. says:

    lupie Hi there!

    Thanks for visiting our blog.

    So sorry to hear that your niece is having a trying time with lupus. Be there for her, lupies get very cranky at times but honestly, blame it on "frustration, despair, pain" rolled into one!

    Please send our loves and purrs to her.
    We wish her speedy recovery.

  1. says:

    HotDogg One day, when I have little ones of my own, I'll teach them the spirit of give and take and as they cuddle around me, I'll tell them the story of the little ants that came to share my food.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Lupie

    Welcome!!! Great to see you here! Thanks for your encouraging comment for Little Corgi. Hope you are well and healthy, Lupie.

    Thanks also for my niece who is down with a serious case of lupus. She is bedridden, cannot talk and has to be fed via a hole in her throat. Sadly, her head is very big now due to overdose of steroids and her body is covered with bed sores. Lupus treatment in Penang is most depressing. Also, her father passed away last month so it has been a terrible time for her family. I will certainly pass her your get well wishes.

    I hope you are well on the road to recovery too!

    Take care and will talk to you soon!

    Have a great weekend!


  1. says:

    HotDogg Good Lord! Has to be fed via a hole in her throat!!!
    I didn't know SLE is such a horrible disease! I'm so sorry to read of your niece's condition.

    Hi Lupie! I've been to your blog moments ago.

    Take care and be strong.

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