History Examination Paper For ALL Malaysians :-)

Posted by Unknown On Saturday, December 4, 2010 7 comments
I received this from a friend Kak F. via email just now and nearly choked from laughing so much. Thanks Kak F. for sharing this post. I translated it myself. Apologies for any errors in my BM. I am posting this for humor BUT I do hope that one day, our education standards will not deteriorate to such a level!!!

This post is specially dedicated to Dr. Michael Chick, the sifu of Malaysian history!

Instructions: Do not smile or laugh when you are answering these questions or it will be disqualified from this examination.
Dilarang senyum atau ketawa semasa menjawab, kalau tidak anda akan digagalkan dalam Ujian ini.

1. Siapakah yang pernah menjadi pemerintah Sarawak?
Which of the following was the first Rajah of Sarawak?

a. Brooke Shields
b. James Beruk
c. James Bond
d. Sapok Biki
e. James Brooke

2. Siapakah yang membuka Melaka?
Who founded Malacca?

a. Param
b. Parameswari
c. Paramugari Terlampau
d. Parameswara
e. Parang Kontot

3. Pada tahun 1771, seorang penjelajah Inggeris telah tiba di sebuah kawasan yang dikenali sebagai New Hebrides, siapakah dia?
In 1771, an English explorer found a place known as New Hebrides. Who was he?

a. Kapten Hook
b. Kapten Crook
c. Kapten Cook
d. Kapten Cool
e. Kapten Boleh

4. Siapakah yang membuka Pulau Pinang
Who founded Penang?

a. Torch Light
b. Traffic Light
c. Francisca Peters
d. Light and Easy
e. Francis Light

5. Salah seorang pahlawan melayu terbilang...
One of the following is a famous Malay warrior...

a. Tuk Janggut
b. Tuk Misai
c. Tuk Sideburn
d. Tuk Misai A Galak
e. Tuk Bulu Hidung

6. Pahlawan Melayu di Pahang..
A Malay warrior in Pahang...

a. Mat Kilau
b. Mat Silau
c. M Daud Kilau
d. Mat Sentul
e. Mat Rempit

7. Siapakah Residen Inggeris di Negeri Perak yang dibunuh oleh Datuk Maharajalela?
Who was the Resident of Perak who was assassinated by Datuk Maharajalela?

a. Jawa Jerongos
b. J.W.W Birch
c. Jay Jay
d. J.W.Marriot
e. Jawa Rangers

8. Negara manakah yang menjajah Tanah Melayu selepas Portugis?
After the Portuguese colonisation of Malacca, which nation ruled Malacca?

a. Ayam Belanda
b. Bela Anda
c. Blender
d. Belanda
e. Blunder

9. Apakah antara hantaran yang diminta Puteri Gunung Ledang kepada Sultan Melaka?
What request did Puteri Gunung Ledang put forward to the Sultan of Melaka?

a. 7 dulang hati nyamuk
b. 7 dulang tongkeng ayam
c. 7 dulang tahi hidung
d. 7 dulang tahi lalat
e. 7 dulang gigi arnab

10. Siapakah puteri Pahang yang mencintai Hang Tuah?
Who is the Pahang princess who loved Hang Tuah?
a. Tun Mahathir
b. Tan Tin Tun
c. Tun Tak Tahu Eja
d. Tun Teja
e. Arnold Susahanakeja

11. Siapakah puteri Negeri China yang berkahwin dengan Sultan Melaka?
Which Chinese Princess married the Sultan of Malacca?

a. Puteri Hang Li Po
b. Puteri Kepala Hotak Hang!
c. Puteri Opah Hang!
d. Puteri Hang Go Poh
e. Puteri Hang Cing

12. Ikan apakah yang melanggar Singapura?
Which fish attacked Singapore?
a. Ikan Bilis
b. Ikan Masin
c. Ikan Kembung Masak Asam
d. Ikan kekek mak iloi-iloi
e. Ikan Todak

13. Siapakah Ketua Kominis Malaya?
Who was the Head of the Malayan Communist Party?
a. CIM* Bank
b. Chin Peng
c. Soh Chin Aun
d. Chim Pan Zee
e. Chin Chau



Please leave a comment to share your thoughts or historical facts. :-)

Do check out : History Class - Only In Malaysia if you have the time. Thanks!

7 comments to History Examination Paper For ALL Malaysians :-)

  1. says:

    Anonymous Siapakah Ketua Kominis Malaya?

    - CIM* Bank

  1. says:

    Anonymous Hahahahahahahaha....more questions please!

  1. says:

    Anonymous Real Stupid UMNO/BN Moron and kissing Arsehole damn SNAFU clown who are plunderers, robbers and women kidnappers. Ask what not in UMNO/BN Moron are all there for you to know.

  1. says:

    Anonymous ROTFLMAO wonderfully hilarious. kudos to you !!!

  1. says:

    Anonymous After 'taking' this test, suddenly I was thinking, under what reason the Singaporean were called 'kiasu' or that one CinaApekMualaf called the Nons 'Ultrakiasu'.
    In fact the one who calls others 'kiasu' are themselves 'kiasu'. See how they twist and turn the hisory in order to be 'ketuanan'. Does not that clearly show their 'kiasuism'? How idiot are they?

  1. says:

    Samy Bulu Q :Siapakah puteri Pahang yang mencintai Hang Tuah?
    A : A - Tun Mahathir

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear commenters

    Many thanks for your witty responses. I hope you can spread the word and be part of the change to ensure that our education standards do not deteriorate to such a level.

    Take care and thanks for sharing the laughter and humor with me.


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