The latest report from CBC News headlined Japan's PM warns of dangerous radiation levels AT THIS LINK said:
Dangerous levels of radiation leaking from a crippled nuclear plant forced Japan to order 140,000 people to seal themselves indoors Tuesday after an explosion and a fire dramatically escalated the crisis spawned by a deadly earthquake and tsunami.
In a nationally televised statement, Prime Minister Naoto Kan said radiation has spread from the four stricken reactors of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant along Japan's northeastern coast.
The region was shattered by Friday's 9.0-magnitude earthquake and the ensuing tsunami that is believed to have killed more than 10,000 people, plunged millions into misery and pummelled the world's third-largest economy.
Japanese officials told the International Atomic Energy Agency that the reactor fire was in a storage pond and that "radioactivity is being released directly into the atmosphere." Long after the fire was extinguished, a Japanese official said the pool, where used nuclear fuel is kept cool, might be boiling.
"We cannot deny the possibility of water boiling" in the pool, said Hidehiko Nishiyama, an official with the Economy Ministry, which oversees nuclear safety.
That reactor, Unit 4, had been shut down before the quake for maintenance.
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New York Times carried a report HERE about how Japan’s nuclear crisis verged toward catastrophe on Tuesday after an explosion damaged the vessel containing the nuclear core at one reactor and a fire at another spewed large amounts of radioactive material into the air, according to the statements of Japanese government and industry officials.
“We are on the brink. We are now facing the worst-case scenario,” said Hiroaki Koide, a senior reactor engineering specialist at the Research Reactor Institute of Kyoto University. “We can assume that the containment vessel at Reactor No. 2 is already breached. If there is heavy melting inside the reactor, large amounts of radiation will most definitely be released.”
Computerworld said that Foreigners in Japan rely on Twitter for breaking news.
BBC News reported HERE on Radiation Fears after the blast.
See pics of nuclear victims HERE!
May God deliver us from these terrifying times of trouble!!! May help come to those victims in Japan and may solutions be found soon!!!
In the mean time, do read this article on How to minimize exposure to radioactive substances from NHK News :
Here are some points to be careful of in radiation leaks.
Radioactive substances emitted from nuclear power plants contain iodine and rare gases.
In order to prevent exposure indoors, windows and doors should be closed and air conditioners and other forms of ventilation turned off.
When outdoors, people are advised to wear masks or cover their mouths and noses with wet towels or handkerchiefs to prevent inhalation of radioactive substances.
Skin should be exposed as little as possible.
Measures should also be taken to prevent internal exposure through inhalation and consumption of food.
If radio active substances accumulate, the human body could be affected over the long term.
Upon returning home from outdoors, people should change their clothes and wash their hands and faces.
They should also avoid drinking well water and eating food that has been left outdoors.
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