Gender - Women Understanding Women

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, May 19, 2011 2 comments
A man was walking on the beach and found a lamp.

After a few quick rubs, the genie pops out and says that he will grant the man one wish.

The man thinks for a moment, then replies "Well, I've always wanted to go to Hawaii, but I'm terrified of flying, and I get violently seasick if I even think about getting on a boat, so I want a bridge built that will let me drive my car to the islands.

The genie's eyes widen in amazement. "But, jeez! Do you have any clue how hard that would be? Why, the water's miles deep out there! Imagine the size I'd have to make the pilings! Not to mention all the typhoons that rip through the Pacific. Nope, can't do it. Sorry, but you'll have to pick something else."

So the man shrugs and says, "Well, OK. How about this? I've been married four times, and divorced four times. I just can't figure women out. I want to be able to understand women. What makes 'em tick, what makes 'em happy, what they fear."

The genie nods and thinks for a moment before he responds: "So, should that bridge be two lanes or four?"

Thanks to TO who sent me this joke. Take care and have a great day!

2 comments to Gender - Women Understanding Women

  1. says:

    Jimmy Liew LOL

  1. says:

    Unknown Good morning, Jimmy! LOL

    I thought this post would be a good follow-up post for the one I put up yesterday morning on the Ultimate Guide to Understanding Women. :-)

    Take care and do keep in touch. Have a great day!


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