Random Oddities

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, May 4, 2011 0 comments
Why aren't Electricians delighted or defused, Musicians denoted or detonated, Models deposed, Tree Surgeons debarked, Dry Cleaners depressed or decreased?

Why aren't Playwrights deactivated, Secretaries defiled, Tanners debated, Sleepers debunked, Hypocrites decanted, Con men deployed, Debt Collectors debilitated, Logicians deposited, Florists deflowered?

Or Bankers decapitated, Security Agents deciphered, Jockeys derided, Park Attendants deranged, Writers described, Kings desired, The Falsely Modest decoyed, Plumbers deducted, Geologists defaulted, or Magistrates defined?

And shouldn't Concreters be deformed, Examiners degraded, Butchers delivered, Statisticians demeaned, Dental Technicians debited, Surveyors declined, Priests demoralised, Photographers depicted, Estimators devalued...

Last of all, Why aren't more politicians devoted?

-Author Unknown-

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