How Do Men Think?

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, January 31, 2012 2 comments
Thanks to Angela who sent me this article. I have no idea about the source/author but I am sharing this with the hope that readers can share their responses. No offense intended to anyone regardless of gender. Take care and please leave a comment to share your views. Have a nice day!


NOTE: Anybody who has said women are complicated has obviously never dated a guy! Finding out how men think is a key to keeping him happy. Are you ready to really understand him?

What is he thinking?

Men can be the most confusing creatures. Just when you think you have them figured out, they throw you a curve ball! Do any of these scenarios seem familiar?

He seems to be headed into a serious relationship with you and then the next day he wants to take things slow.

He swears he is in love with you but he can't stop checking out other women.

He wants to play the field even though he says you are the best thing that ever happened to him.

He refuses to talk about things but when you make a decision without him, he gets mad!

Things get hot and heavy and you wind up in bed...but after a few weeks he drops you cold-turkey and you never hear from him again.

Let's be honest, ladies: sometimes, men can seem like real jerks. They do things that seem to make no sense. They can seem like a 12-year-old trapped in a man's body.

But by understanding the way men think, we can "get" them in a way we haven't before.

Make no mistake: There are some men who ARE jerks. Those are the men that should be left in the dust! But if you have found a good man who just needs a little more understanding, you're in luck!

These tips and ideas can help you understand how men think.


This is always going to happen. Men will always notice women.

It doesn't matter what they have at home. You could be a supermodel! You could be the richest woman in the country! You could be the perfect woman!

Men will still notice someone else.

You can get upset. You can cry about it. You can scream at him for being insensitive.

He will still do it.

He will apologize and beg for forgiveness. He can tell you it was not a big deal.

But he will still do it.

Here's why: Men are hard-wired to see women in a sexual sense. It's not something they consciously do. It is so deeply ingrained in them over centuries that they can't overcome it, even if they tried.

They will notice legs. Cleavage gets their attention. A tiny waist can turn their head.

But it does NOT mean they don't want you! Men do these things without thinking. The vast majority of the time, he really, honestly, truly does NOT realize he's doing it!

How can you battle this?

Play up your sexiness! Show more cleavage. Wear high heels to show off your gorgeous legs. Find out what he likes and play it up to the hilt!

It won't stop him from looking at other women. Nothing can do that.

But it will give him plenty of incentive to notice you, too. It will spice things up, and everybody loves a little spice!


How many times has this happened to you:

You drop hints about that great new restaurant. He never takes you there.

You mention that you would love to get flowers at work. They never show up.

You ask him to go to a play with you. On the night of the play, he "forgot" he was busy and never shows up.

You ask him to take out the trash and two days later, it is still sitting there.

ARGH! It's so annoying!

You know what I'm talking about. You've been there!

Men have a tendency to let things go in one ear and out the other. They don't sweat the small stuff. What might seem like a big deal to you doesn't seem like a deal at all to them.

It isn't that he's not listening. He is! He just doesn't immediately realize what is important and what is not.

And let's face it: men rarely pick up on subtle hints. They often need to be hit upside the head with a clue-by-four in order to get the picture!

You can remedy this in two ways:

First, stay subtle, but mention it often. You want flowers? Mention it every few days. Make the idea stick in his head and see what happens.

Second, you can be blunt. Tell him you want flowers. Ask him if he might send you a bouquet one day. The clearer you are, the more it will stick!


This is a very big point about how men think. They need to be in control of their life and the world around them. They get nervous, anxious and resentful if they are not in control of those things.

The fastest way to turn a man off is to tell him what to do!

He wants to talk to you. He wants to know what is on your mind. But he doesn't want to have to do something just because you feel a certain way.

Men want to be in control of their own lives. It is the alpha male in them. They are masters of their domain and kings of their castle!

Tell him what to do and you will push him away.

Take those three little words, for example: "I love you."

A man might want to say that to you. He might feel those emotions. But if you are waiting and hoping for it and making it clear that you need the next step, he might back off and not say it - even if he feels it!


Men do this because they don't want to feel controlled. Being controlled means giving up a part of themselves. So they avoid it at all costs.

But I know what you're thinking:

"If I don't TELL him what I want or need, he won't get it! He doesn't get subtle!"

That's where a delicate dance comes in. You have to balance what YOU need with the control HE needs to have. It's not an easy situation to be in!

This is where you choose your battles. If it matters to you, tell him. If it doesn't matter to you, let it go.

It's easier said than done. But it can be done! It takes time and effort, and it starts with figuring out how his mind works. Knowing how men think can go a long way toward getting what you want!


Here is the biggest piece of advice I can give you:

He will never think the same way you do. Start by understanding how he thinks, and then you can find a way to meet in the middle.

Are you ready to understand him in a way you never have before?

Are you tired of dealing with the questions and complications that make you wonder if you know him at all?

Don't despair! You can figure out how he thinks. Start thinking.

2 comments to How Do Men Think?

  1. says:

    walla Fed on the same diet as Emily Bronte or Barbara Cartland, women approach relationships like negotiating to seal an ironclad contract with exclusivity and comprehensive coverage. Third party insurance is seldom allowed.

    Still unable to shake off their nomadic roots traceable to Genghiz Khan himself, men on the other hand approach relationships with view to finding loopholes in them. Such as force majeure clauses, for instance volcanic eruptions of krakatoan proportions.

    Thus it is completely understandable why when men have money they will become naughty and why when women become naughty, they will have men.

    After all, it is only when you have money that you can have the wherewithal to dedicate yourself to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

    That would also explain why men seldom make the same mistake twice. Usually it's three times or more.

    But then one can't blame them too much. They have noticed that the Songs of Solomon are all about romantic love. To wit, with the initials SOS.

    Lastly to stem rheumatism, women take barley boiled with red beans. Men just need to slough some part of their skin.


  1. says:

    Unknown *clapping* What a brilliant response, Walla! Most succinctly, you have summed u[ the ley issues in this topic with much elegance, wit and insight! Thank you!!!! Now please excuse me for its time for my barley with red beans! ;-)

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